黃明志申明稿 Namewee Media Release

本人黃明志在此針對在2010年8月26日所上載到Youtube網站的 “黃明志-吶!!!”短片.作出以下申明.

1. 本人創作此歌曲 “黃明志-吶!!!”的目的, 是因看到報導, 有兩位不同學校的校長, 連續發表種族言論, 而且內容實在太過份, 不但汙辱了馬來西亞非土著, 也煽動了種族之間的感情. 此作品, 是透過對這位校長的批判, 來凸顯馬來西亞的種族問題. 其作品主要的目的, 就是反對 “種族歧視”.

2. 在兩個禮拜內, 大馬各地連續發生了三宗校園種族歧視事件. 讓人感到痛心的是, 發表種族言論的, 都是老師和校長.

3. 我國首相納吉, 在報章上提出了 “反種族歧視”的言論. 這也是本人創作此作品的目的. 堅決反對種族歧視. 觀點不謀而合.

4. 本人在歌曲中夾雜粗口和不雅手勢, 是為了引起注意, 並希望能間接引起相關單位對此事件的重視.

5. 針對巫女青團團長發表要控告本人的言論. 本人深表痛心. 因為本人是在針對少數的種族歧視份子提出反擊. 然而犯錯的校長沒有得到嚴懲, 相關單位非但沒有做出交代. 反而幫助 “種族論校長” 來攻擊本人. 讓本人感到錯愕. 難道巫女青團支持種族歧視?

6. 種族歧視的問題, 不應逃避它, 而是去面對它. 解決它. 本人有許多馬來族的好朋友, 他們都跟我一樣, 認為三大種族應該不分彼此.

7. 馬來西亞歷史教科書和教育課程上, 應該提到非土著對馬來西亞的貢獻. 這樣才能讓莘莘學子們知道. 這是一片屬於三大種族共同擁有,和共同發展的國家.

8. 馬來西亞是一座五彩繽紛的天堂. 本人認為馬來西亞非土著, 應該為自己能在這裡生活, 感到榮幸. 因為這是我們的福氣. 但我也希望, 馬來西亞也能為非土著對這片土地百年來的貢獻所感到榮幸. 因為這也是馬來西亞的福氣.

9. 此影片將在發表申明稿後被移除.

10. 最後, 我重申, 我愛馬來西亞. 我反對種族歧視. 希望三大民族能不分你我, 這樣才能共存, 共榮, 共享.

Kuala Lumpur 28 August 2010 - My name is Wee Meng Chee. I am a Malaysian who grew up harmoniously with friends from all all walks of life and different races. From my young age, I was taught under our national education system to always have an open mind so that some day I can in turn, contribute my intellectual thoughts back to my beloved country.

Over the past few weeks, servants of the government under the education system have committed certain acts which disrupted the racial sentiments in the country and like many of my fellow Malaysians, I felt saddened and at times angered by these black sheep who do not respect that Malaysia is a multi-racial country with freedom of religion.

I strongly believe that this country was built by all races including Malays, Chinese, Indians and other minorities. Hence, my main objective for uploading the new video titled ‘Nah’ was to condemn such acts and to stand up against racism. This video was about defending the constitution of the country because just like me, most Malaysians want nothing but peace and racial harmony.

I have used obscene language blatantly as a form of communication in some of my videos but that does not mean I am not educated nor that I have committed a serious crime. Vulgarity content was chosen only with the objective of bringing forward my point of view (and the view of many people) with more impact. Therefore, I believe it is more critical to highlight the subject matter instead of focusing on the choice of words.

Based on the report I have read by Utusan Malaysia, I am truly saddened and disbelief that I am now being accused of causing racial tension in my beloved country by a small group of politicians representing the government when all I was doing in my own way, was to defend the true constitution of the country and condemn those who do not respect our Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s hard work of building a 1Malaysia country. To show my support for our Prime Minister for enforcing ‘Zero tolerance over racist remarks’, I have also taken out the said video from my youtube account since I have already highlighted my stand over the issue, which is to STOP RACISM in this country.

Many accusations have been made upon me since 2007, and this time I like to defend for myself as nobody seems to be defending for me in the political arena. My name has been used on many incidents by politicians over the years, this time I am not going to let empty accusations with no basis being laid upon me again. I am only an individual with no political agenda or motives, who wishes to voice out his opinion against racism in this country.

Therefore I like to challenge Puteri Umno Chief for an open debate, I like to find out from her, why is she attacking the victim (the Malaysian public) when the real perpetrators of this very issue has yet to be punished? If the Chief thinks that I have no respect and sense of responsibility for my own country, please accept my invitation to have an open public debate on this issue. Help us Malaysians define, how to become a good patriotic citizen of Malaysia, educate us please.

Lastly, I love my country and I wish Malaysia a very Happy 53rd National Day !!



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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


yanshuang said...

支持你 反种族歧视!加油!

Anonymous said...

ada siapa2x yg sedar tak sekarang ni banyak chinese yg meniaga pakaian muslim..

diorg ni kalau blh mmg nak kontrol market/ekonomi malaysia...

aku sendiri masuk kedai yg jual tudung, jubah, ketayap..
owner? chinese...
pekerja? melayu...
yg masuk kedai tu n membeli? melayu...

sbb tu diorg kata diorg yg kayakan malaysia...tp diorg lupa sape yg kayakan diorg...

Anonymous said...


倪blh最大肌力按下两个手指,如果我控制市场/经济的COM ...


sbb土压两个手指按下两个手指说...普瑞尔永贵 kayakan的COM两个手指按下两个手指kayakan松散的自我肯定压...

Anonymous said...

siapa2x我知道那裡是不是現在很多的中國永貴鎳 meniaga穆斯林服裝 ..

倪blh最大肌力按下兩個手指,如果我控制市場 /經濟的COM ...

主人嗎?中國 ...
員工?馬來 ...
N的我在商店買?馬來 ...

sbb土壓兩個手指按下兩個手指說 ...普瑞爾永貴 kayakan的COM按下兩個手指按下兩個手指kayakan鬆散的自我肯定...

eamon low said...


Anonymous said...

虽然不赞成歌词里的粗口,但佩服你的勇气!!! 伪君子每天都强调说要和睦相处,但却每次伤害我们.我们只能忍受吗? 加油加油

Carmen2910 said...


Anonymous said...

I suggest you to start writing and speaking in English or Malay so every Malaysian can read first hand on your thoughts. You may not realised all the writings and speaking in chinese will only make you look like a Chinese warrior then a Malaysian hero. Be a Malaysian hero, write and speak a language that every Malaysia can read first hand. If you love Malaysia just as much as you claim, I have a good feeling you will do it. Would't you?

Anonymous said...

Already boycott all their suppliers, shops, and services five years ago. "Nah Fuck the Chinese Shops".

♥ 。米сΗO 。 ♥ said...

对!没有错! 你是最棒的!我AGREE你!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

we said we're against racism, but are we having racism in our mind too? we should learn to respect one another. arguments don't make Malaysia better

Barbie @ eSter said...

整个事件犹如歧视"反对歧视" ... 加油!

jayhu said...

supporting 1malaysia huh? u can start by posting in english.and you have a long way to go.

Anonymous said...

由 Aps Διαλογισμός 于 2010年2月24日20:19 发布
-by Jiddu Krishnamurti



教会以某种方式定义它,社会又以另一种方式定义它,各式各样的偏差与曲解存在着。爱慕某人、和某人睡在一起、感情交流、男女交往 ──那就是我们说的爱吗?那只是规范、模范,它已经变得如此的个人化、肉慾、受限制,所以宗教宣称爱不只是如此而已。在他们称为人类的爱之中,他们只看到了享乐、竞争、嫉妒、佔有慾、控制慾以及干涉别人的思想,而因为这种複杂性,他们说一定有另外一种神圣的、美丽的、不受影响的、不受腐化的爱。


现在我要如何找出这个我称为爱的东西呢──不是如何对别人表现出爱,而是它本身的意义是什麽?我会先排除教会、社会、父母与朋友、每个人、每本书谈到的爱,因为我想要自己找出它是什麽。在这裡的是一个很大的问题,而它牵涉到全人类,世上已经有无数种定义它的方式,而我也依据这一刻的喜好而陷入了某种模范 ──为了要了解爱,我难道不应该先让我脱离自己的喜好与偏见吗?我是迷惑的、被慾望撕裂的,所以我对自己说:「先清理你自己的迷惑。也许你能够透过爱不是什麽,来找到爱是什麽。」政府说:「为了爱你的国家,要去杀戮。」那是爱吗?





. said...

由 Aps Διαλογισμός 于 2010年2月24日20:19 发布
-by Jiddu Krishnamurti


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


CK Tham said...

I don't see any offence committed by you; infact you have done a great job, congratulations! We need more proactive citizens like you to bring about more young people to be aware of UMNOputras doings. Our nation need CHANGE now; it cannot be govt by BN anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

to all chinese!!!!!
read this!!!


Anonymous said...

You are amazing..!

May be "Reformasi" are waiting for our future..!

ibnu marzuki al firdaus said...


ini beruk suruh u kena tangkap sebab takut kalah pilihanraya umum ke 13, mah...

gara2 negarakuku, 4 negeri telah jatuh ke pakatan...

UN bukan nak sanction ekonomi pun jika lu dihukum gantung sampai mati (jika adalah) sebab PBB pun bersekongkol as long UMNO ikut telunjuk mereka dalam anti islam nabi...

Anonymous said...

2010-09-06 19:20










Anonymous said...

2010-09-06 19:20










Anonymous said...

Make RAP video in Malay... let those who people with language handicap understand we fight for malaysia!! not racism..

Anonymous said...

the government have to FACE the problem but not attacking those who point out the problem!!!

what a rubbish country

Cinnamon said...

Although we could use with less vulgarities in this largely conservative society, Malaysia, I want to thank you for standing up and voicing the truth. Not many of us are as courageous nor as influential as you to bring such point across.
Please don't be disillusioned because there are people like us out there supporting you and hoping for the best for our country :) Jia yous!

waiCw said...

YO ! namewee 10port you ^^

Anonymous said...

Just to share some info on the middle finger history.

>> http://www.ooze.com/finger/html/history.html

Anonymous said...

racism is going on here? http://forum.lowyat.net/topic/1550429

Anonymous said...

racism has been unstoppable? http://forum.lowyat.net/topic/1550429

Anonymous said...

media release part 2 - http://bit.ly/9OsCej

Anonymous said...

it seems like u have lotsa supporter but have you ever thought what you are doing will just make it worse? and it's like provoking? you can't solve the problems by just writing a song like that. this is totally WRONG!!We can't deny the truth that we are pendatang. but this headmaster things should let the jawatan berkuasa settle it.

Anonymous said...


ibnu marzuki al firdaus said...


Anonymous said...

Malays are very nice people. Only UMNO is stirring the shit in Malaysia. Please don't mix up Malays and UMNO, they are different people. MCA also do not represent all chinese. Please be clarified.

ibnu marzuki al firdaus said...


Empat juga disembelih
Oleh Mohd Jamilul Anbia Md Denin, Ibrahim Isa, Hayati Ibrahim, Mohd Harzrul Aminuddin, Shamsul Munir Safini, Muhammad Apendy Issahak, Sarah Zulkifly, Suraya Roslan dan Raja Noraina Raja Rahim

E-mel Artikel Cetak Artikel Tanda Artikel Besarkan Saiz Teks Kecilkan Saiz Teks Komen Artikel

BANTING: Pendedahan terbaru berhubung kes pembunuhan kejam jutawan kosmetik terkenal, Sosilawati Lawiya, 47, lebih menyentap perasaan apabila hasil siasatan tidak menolak kemungkinan mangsa bersama tiga lelaki lain disembelih menggunakan senjata tajam.
CARI...anggota pasukan penyelam polis mencari bukti di Sungai Kanchong Laut, semalam.
CARI...anggota pasukan penyelam polis mencari bukti di Sungai Kanchong Laut, semalam.
Sumber yang rapat dengan siasatan kes terbabit berkata, berdasarkan siasatan dilakukan, mangsa dikelar di leher sebelum dibakar oleh kumpulan penjenayah terbabit hingga menjadi debu.

“Hasil maklumat dikumpul setakat ini, polis mendapati pembunuhan itu adalah tindakan jenayah sadis yang dirancang dengan begitu rapi. Lebih mengerikan apabila semua mangsa seolah-olah dilayan seperti binatang tanpa perikemanusiaan.

“Polis turut percaya, abu dan sisa tulang semua mangsa yang dibakar terbabit bukan hanya dibuang di dalam Sungai Panchau, malah turut dibuang ke dalam beberapa parit kecil berhampiran yang arusnya mengalir ke laut,” katanya.

Dalam sidang akhbar kelmarin, Sosilawati bersama tiga mangsa lain disahkan dibunuh kejam di ladang persendirian milik suspek utama yang terletak di Sungai Gadung, Tanjung Sepat.

“Bagaimanapun, polis berjaya mengesan suspek utama bergelar Datuk berusia 41 terbabit dan adiknya berusia 38 tahun sebelum kedua-dua mereka ditahan di rumah mereka yang terletak di Taman Cempaka, kira-kira jam 5 petang Sabtu lalu.
Click Here

“Setakat ini, polis menemui pisau yang digunakan untuk tujuan pembunuhan terbabit selepas melakukan pemeriksaan rapi di kawasan sungai dan parit berhampiran tapak ladang berkenaan malam Ahad lalu,” kata sumber itu.

Berdasarkan maklumat dikumpul, pisau terbabit dibuang ke dalam sungai bersama abu mayat mangsa bagi menghilangkan bukti jenayah kejam dilakukan.

“Pisau milik kumpulan pembunuh itu ditemui selepas salah seorang suspek yang ditahan memberikan maklumat kepada polis. Setakat ini, polis percaya, pisau itu digunakan untuk membunuh semua mangsa berkenaan” katanya.

Menurutnya, dalam operasi kelmarin, polis Unit Forensik Bukit Aman, Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur melakukan siasatan rapi terhadap lokasi kejadian manakala anggota polis dari Jabatan Kimia Bukit Aman melakukan pemeriksaan di kawasan Sungai Panchau di sini.

Difahamkan polis turut menemui sisa pembakaran antaranya tulang dan tisu tubuh yang boleh dikaitkan dengan identiti mangsa yang hilang.

Sementara itu, pasukan penyelam polis meneruskan usaha menyelam di dasar Sungai Kanchong Laut, Kampung Endah bagi mencari objek yang boleh dikaitkan dengan kes pembunuhan berkenaan, semalam.

Dalam sidang akhbar kelmarin, Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Bukit Aman, Datuk Seri Bakri Zinin memberitahu empat mangsa berkenaan dipercayai diseksa, dibelasah, selain ditikam menggunakan senjata tajam oleh sekumpulan penjenayah hingga mati berlumuran darah.

Penjenayah yang seolah-olah tidak mempunyai belas kasihan mencurahkan petrol sebelum membakar mayat mangsa sehingga menjadi abu bertujuan menghilangkan bukti jenayah.

Penjenayah kemudian mengutip cebisan dan abu mayat semua mangsa yang dimasukkan ke dalam guni atau bekas tertentu sebelum dibuang ke Sungai Panchau, di sini, kira-kira dua kilometer dari lokasi mangsa dibunuh.

Susulan kes itu, polis memberkas lapan suspek termasuk dua wanita antara Jumaat hingga Ahad lalu membabitkan suspek berusia 19 hingga 45 tahun.

Nicholas said...

Namewee - My name is Nicholas. Im a producer at Astro Supersport. I would like to invite you on our football chat show to talk about Malaysian football.

Please drop me a reply at nicholas_john@astro.com.my

Anonymous said...

support effort has been going on here : http://forum.lowyat.net/topic/1550429

Anonymous said...


pearl said...

@ sang guna,
yeah, we are 1Malaysia, why don't you go and learn some mandarin then?

@ puhlease,
for always following the thread and blogs here i think you are one of Namewee's biggest fans...

Namewee, jia you!! salute you for being as open and as true to yourself...all the politicians now, UMNO, MCA alike, live in hypocrisy that make most of us irk and wanna vomit...

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Seng Nicholas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seng Nicholas said...

I support what "angel" had said. Namewee, if you are a true M'sian as you claimed, you shouldn't have used vulgarities in your productions. When I watched your NegaraKu video posted on YouTube, I went, "OMG! that's so wrong of you, Namewee..."

It is clear that your intention is to fight racism/discrimination or whatever you want to name it that creates inequalities in our country. When you want to condemn those racists in your songs/blogs, it is not wrong to specifically mention their names if you have strong evidence (such as the Siti Inshah case, a good one).

On the other hand, when you only say Malay/Muslim, then that's wrong. It simply means that you are referring to all the Malays and of course this will create confusion among the Malays (but you said that you were intent on eliminating confusion, funny). Don't tell me that the Chinese and Indians do not create havoc in this country as well? If you wish to fight racism further and educate the community as a whole to achieve unity, then make sure that your ways are acceptable in the eyes of the law and morality.

And Alvin Chuah Kao Chuen, you have spoken like a pure mindless, uneducated person. Remember, Tunku Abdul Rahman, the one that brought Malaysia to its independence, was a Malay. However, people seem to forget that without the help of a Chinese (Tun Tan Cheng Lock) and an Indian (Tun V. T. Sambanthan), Tunku Abdul Rahman wouldn't be able to achieve the Malayan independence alone. Regardless of who found Malaya, it was agreed upon by the entire nation in 1957 that Malaya is to be governed by the Malays and it is a Muslim country.

So Alvin, why are you so angry? I know why. Inequality. I am angry about this, too. But what can you and I do about it? We can only blame ourselves, of course, for not working hard enough to be one of the rich men. Does the Malay government state that the Chinese and Indians cannot be among the rich? Are we prohibited from having this ambition? Think again, stupid. If these are true, then why are there so many successful Chinese and Indians businessmen in Malaysia? In addition, even the Chinese and Indians get scholarships from the government. Talk about inequalities! NONSENSE! You can't even spell Sime Darby correctly! You should only be angry about those culprits that condemn about Malaysian Chinese and Indians e.g. kita tidak perlukan orang Cina dan India di negara ini. Now that's something worth to be angry about.

As for those Malays, Chinese and Indians that practice racism/corruption, I hate them, too! But can I stop them from behaving like that? Can YOU do it? Malaysia is a developing country, not a developed country, remember that. And in the process, a lot of "commotion" will occur because things are not steady yet. The only thing we can do is to educate people. Regardless of race however, Malaysians tend to have the "masuk kiri keluar kanan" attitude when it comes to good advices. So typical!

If you really want to fight racism, do it the correct way, and you'll have my support all the way, and I assure you that the government too will provide all the support you need. Who knows whether Vision 2020 and the 1 Malaysia are achievable in the near future, especially when mindless citizens (both politicians and the society) that talk nonsense and create accusations towards each other still exist!

Namewee (or whatever your real name is), you think that you are going up with most of your songs and videos? You are obviously going down because your ways are wrong. Don't think that you can be a hero all by yourself, even our "Father of Malaysia" needed help for crying out loud!

Seng Nicholas said...

*...Chinese and Indian businessmen...*
Sorry for the typo.

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