
本人黃明志在此針對在2010年8月26日所上載到Youtube網站的 “黃明志-吶!!!”短片.作出以下申明.
1. 本人創作此歌曲 “黃明志-吶!!!”的目的, 是因看到報導, 有兩位不同學校的校長, 連續發表種族言論, 而且內容實在太過份, 不但汙辱了馬來西亞非土著, 也煽動了種族之間的感情. 此作品, 是透過對這位校長的批判, 來凸顯馬來西亞的種族問題. 其作品主要的目的, 就是反對 “種族歧視”.
2. 在兩個禮拜內, 大馬各地連續發生了三宗校園種族歧視事件. 讓人感到痛心的是, 發表種族言論的, 都是老師和校長.
3. 我國首相納吉, 在報章上提出了 “反種族歧視”的言論. 這也是本人創作此作品的目的. 堅決反對種族歧視. 觀點不謀而合.
4. 本人在歌曲中夾雜粗口和不雅手勢, 是為了引起注意, 並希望能間接引起相關單位對此事件的重視.
5. 針對巫女青團團長發表要控告本人的言論. 本人深表痛心. 因為本人是在針對少數的種族歧視份子提出反擊. 然而犯錯的校長沒有得到嚴懲, 相關單位非但沒有做出交代. 反而幫助 “種族論校長” 來攻擊本人. 讓本人感到錯愕. 難道巫女青團支持種族歧視?
6. 種族歧視的問題, 不應逃避它, 而是去面對它. 解決它. 本人有許多馬來族的好朋友, 他們都跟我一樣, 認為三大種族應該不分彼此.
7. 馬來西亞歷史教科書和教育課程上, 應該提到非土著對馬來西亞的貢獻. 這樣才能讓莘莘學子們知道. 這是一片屬於三大種族共同擁有,和共同發展的國家.
8. 馬來西亞是一座五彩繽紛的天堂. 本人認為馬來西亞非土著, 應該為自己能在這裡生活, 感到榮幸. 因為這是我們的福氣. 但我也希望, 馬來西亞也能為非土著對這片土地百年來的貢獻所感到榮幸. 因為這也是馬來西亞的福氣.
9. 此影片將在發表申明稿後被移除.
10. 最後, 我重申, 我愛馬來西亞. 我反對種族歧視. 希望三大民族能不分你我, 這樣才能共存, 共榮, 共享.
Kuala Lumpur 28 August 2010 - My name is Wee Meng Chee. I am a Malaysian who grew up harmoniously with friends from all all walks of life and different races. From my young age, I was taught under our national education system to always have an open mind so that some day I can in turn, contribute my intellectual thoughts back to my beloved country.
Over the past few weeks, servants of the government under the education system have committed certain acts which disrupted the racial sentiments in the country and like many of my fellow Malaysians, I felt saddened and at times angered by these black sheep who do not respect that Malaysia is a multi-racial country with freedom of religion.
I strongly believe that this country was built by all races including Malays, Chinese, Indians and other minorities. Hence, my main objective for uploading the new video titled ‘Nah’ was to condemn such acts and to stand up against racism. This video was about defending the constitution of the country because just like me, most Malaysians want nothing but peace and racial harmony.
I have used obscene language blatantly as a form of communication in some of my videos but that does not mean I am not educated nor that I have committed a serious crime. Vulgarity content was chosen only with the objective of bringing forward my point of view (and the view of many people) with more impact. Therefore, I believe it is more critical to highlight the subject matter instead of focusing on the choice of words.
Based on the report I have read by Utusan Malaysia, I am truly saddened and disbelief that I am now being accused of causing racial tension in my beloved country by a small group of politicians representing the government when all I was doing in my own way, was to defend the true constitution of the country and condemn those who do not respect our Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s hard work of building a 1Malaysia country. To show my support for our Prime Minister for enforcing ‘Zero tolerance over racist remarks’, I have also taken out the said video from my youtube account since I have already highlighted my stand over the issue, which is to STOP RACISM in this country.
Many accusations have been made upon me since 2007, and this time I like to defend for myself as nobody seems to be defending for me in the political arena. My name has been used on many incidents by politicians over the years, this time I am not going to let empty accusations with no basis being laid upon me again. I am only an individual with no political agenda or motives, who wishes to voice out his opinion against racism in this country.
Therefore I like to challenge Puteri Umno Chief for an open debate, I like to find out from her, why is she attacking the victim (the Malaysian public) when the real perpetrators of this very issue has yet to be punished? If the Chief thinks that I have no respect and sense of responsibility for my own country, please accept my invitation to have an open public debate on this issue. Help us Malaysians define, how to become a good patriotic citizen of Malaysia, educate us please.
Lastly, I love my country and I wish Malaysia a very Happy 53rd National Day !!
1 – 200 of 465 Newer› Newest»沙发。。。。。。支持你!!
+u namewee !
i fully support u....
+u +u.....
I support you seriously. You have sounded out something that most of us not dare to do.
校长可以语出惊人,你就不可以‘歌出轰人’吗?1 malaysia, NAH!!we support u!!
yesss namewee!
you are the best (:
支持你的说法 =]
Tahniah Namewee, anda berada di jalan yang betul. Kita kena buang budaya perkauman dari dalam masyarakat kita.
Harap kerajaan yang "bijak" sekali tahu beza apa itu "salah"... cakap macam ni buat macam tu memang la style kerajaan bawah Najib...
thanks namewee...
yeah...namewee i support u....the fucking malay who racism..they say us is not local...if we are not local can help them build up 'their' country....they should say thanks to us....petronas,MAS airline,SIMEDEBY...all manage by "local malay" at the end wat the company happen?how about maxis n astro?is under an Indian boss....then at the end wat happen?ask "local malay" dun want use it lah....StupID "local malay"...nah Nah...NAH....my name is alvin chuah kao chuen...come catch me lah...stupid "local malay"....bogok.....
good good !
We are in a peaceful country for 50 over years and why izzit now only have such kind of discrimination? That is due to particular person. If ever 15 mei history repeat him/her will be the one who started this war. I wish no war, at the end of it everyone gets hurt.
Namewee did the right thing to stated out the prob before particular person or group would bring disaster to Malaysia.
支持你4 ever
You're our HERO,we will support you no matter how the other look at us.
You poor out our feeling,we all LOVE YOU NAMEWEE !!!
我喜歡這句:共存, 共榮, 共享。
support u!!!
My heart really feel pain when this kind of case happen on our HERO NAMEWEE...
Wish This Case Will Be Know By The Whole World And Let The Other Who Not Related With Us Make Comment On It...
GOD will curse who had did something bad !!! WATCH OUT !!!
I support you! Bravo!
SUpport bro~
wat u say is true....i agree yr way ....but i believe they dun dare go for the debate ....
说什么1 Malaysia~?根本就是个屁~!
如果真是1 Malaysia,那巫女青团团长就不会这么做了!
SuPport u!
seriously, why everytime getting troubles only u say u 'love' malaysia? say u are a patriotic? ur words are not match ur actions!!! what i read in this written is u trying to make it sound reasonable, but u nah nah nah?? sometimes, i think u deserve it...
namawee, we will owes support u from the back!!! gogogogo~~~!!!
u are not only troubles ur self but oso ur parents, who pleased government to give u a chance...somehow, im not saying wat u say all these while are wrong, but try not do something againts laws....if not i dunno u go lock up again, dunno ur face will become like how...i think u need to develop ur EQ.
而且他的那个page-->Namewee Kurang Ajar dan Perlu di Lucutkan Kerakyatan
那个page的admin 所写的discription也发表了对黄明志的人身攻击!
你是针对宗族问题,我支持你。。但是你不能拍这样的Video啊!! Nak。。fuXk u...
做到拍到【香蕉】、【中指】 你是个读书人啊!!真的败坏【小孩】啊!
希望你坐牢出来。。从新format..把好的software install 进你的system吧!
we are [1 MALAYSIA].....
I am chinese, i also gt many friend that are MAlay, i hear malay song also...Y? the some people are racism and cannot tolerate with other race??? and LOOK DOWN on other race..IN MOral book also got nilai such as, " TOLERANSI", "HORMAT- MENGHORMATI" .....aiks~ actually we all can live in peace and harmony just got some or few people that are racism and this make this all complicated......
1 MALAYSIA? when we actually can really achieve it...???? Till now we still hvnt success.....haiz~felt sad bt it true.....
U are our hero~ You had help us spoke out what we don dare to say....i really felt proud that there are someone like you so brave, fight for chinese and help us against the racism.....
DON WORRY....we will support YOU when YOU DEBATE,,,,
I SUPPORT U !!!!!!
Great!! NameWee
我认同你的想法 我们的理念都一样 要是马来西亚没有你这一种比较思想比较爱国的人民 永远没有人会替人民站出来说心声 谢谢你 让人民的心里还有一丝的曙光照亮着
I as a chinese Msian support u!but this problem would never ever able to solve...
sure support u namewee......
the debate is better than nah..nah..nah.. debate can look we're educate and knowledge...
加油! 请继续创作!
we all support u~~
actually what namewee say is correct...we should do our best to develope our country in the sight of the world...me who now working oversea, heard lots of criticsm about our country..this makes me very upset...actually our country have a lots of i can say genius...but they prefer to work oversea...just because the offer of salary in other country is much more better than our own hometown...i hope our government can give chance and appreciate these talented citizen...lets fair to all citizen!!!i really know that Malaysia can be much more a developed country than our neighbour country...we have everything in here...lots of sources in Malaysia...instead of racism, how about we work together to push our country to the sight of this world!!!
mr huang...we all support u.支持你。。·-·
support you,挺你
加油…… support you....
what can i say? continue ur showing! 顶你一辈子!
为什么Namewee唱出了很多人的心声,只是批评那个Siti Inshah罢了,为什么要受到制裁阿?我真的很不满意,什么1 Malaysia,骗人的吧?
bumi putera才是土著,他们也是外来的叻。。。没有我们有马来西亚咩。。
we support you^^
Namewee..u r always our supoerhero..love the way you expressed our grievance in an damm creative song..thumbs up and keep with your good deed..support you @ 101%..
Bring her to the debate..she only know to talk cock indeed.. `NAH` to her..
Support..We will all watch how Malaysian government handle this matter, if they punish you, they lose my vote on the coming election.
RESPECT NAMEWEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go..go..go...NAMAWEE...Dont worry bro,you are our HERO, we will support and visit you once you in Kemunting.
KDN sir,please I.S.A this guy.He deserved to be put away.
Dont worry bro,you will have ample of time to write lyrics and songs also while you in there.
And you know what,my men will take care of you there also...DONT WORRY.
NameWee, i fully support you !!!!!!keep g0 ahead to make Malaysia a better place
如果华人回中国,马>> 一定变穷, 就像非洲一样,
MCa 都没反应,DNP 也是一样啊!
Namewee, I support you!
if racism happends in one country, what is that mean? and what is the wrong respond to this as a leader of the country? If there is really no such thing happend in this country, which the citizens are treated fairly no matter who u are , what color your are, what language u speak...But, no. the truth is, you might heard the leader said"yeah, we heard about the racism, but they're probably not true."
This is just blisteringly stupid. The point of this was to be even-handed…But one thing that make me really confuse here…is..what kind of weird notion of equivalency says that responding to urged the government to take stern action against Wee Meng Cheng are equally offensive? It's as if punching a mugger means that you are just as violent as the mugger is. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I have a lot more respect for Mr. wee and other loud-and-proud racists who publicly own their views.
i knw u have many supporter, confirm 100% they will shot me then butI still have to say.
u said that its due to u feel they are discriminate then u compose this song but pls refer back to the previous song 'U are one of them'.
Sorry I know my eng is not good but just my pc can t type chinese so i've no choice. We have a 'Ming Ju' bring this meaning: whenever u want to comment someone mistake please think bout urself first" I think you know which one i say since u study chinese private school and further in Taiwan. Please you are very discriminate in term of keep compose a song shoot others pls compose a song shoot urself is Discriminate too.
Support, u r our voice !! I love Malaysia also!!
namewee 我‘十朴’你哦``
We will always support you!!! Let the world see what is justice!!!
i fully support u.... add oils...
u are right... no matter how we all will forever support u... gambate namewee.... add oils add oils.....
u are our hero.... love u....
一个巫女青團團長發表要控告你,那所有的华人一起控告她和校长,马华 ,你在哪里呢?支持你!!
lots of people support you here.
u are talented, bro.
If speak out is wrong, what is right? to be scolded by someone without any opinion? this is what he wants?or maybe yes, this is what he wants...
曾經我很欣賞你的表達方式, 很敢很嗆很辣! 不過你到底想幹嘛, 當歌手還是純粹賣你個人風格的作品? 你的作品都是年輕人覺得很屌. 難道你一輩子都想屌人嗎? 那個說錯話,那個做錯事,你屌人的作品馬上就出現了. 你的作品被國內媒體網路歪曲報導不斷轉載, 很容易讓種族關係緊張你懂嗎? 校長甚至國真黨員說錯話那就交給民臉黨員去解決. 你大多數的作品中也包含很多侮辱畫面不是嗎? 你要表達不滿, 你可以從政, 把你的能力發揮出來. 請不要在網路"散播"侮辱性作品, 轉載轉載轉載, 我已經在馬來媒體看到你的作品. 學弟, pls help urself, 不要把事情弄得更糟糕, 很容易擦槍走火的. Thx
(如果覺得這篇留言不適合, 請刪除)
If you are Malay.
You are ok to do such racism activities.
But once if you are chinese / indian,
Sorry.. go back your originality place.
"Cina Balik China"
Who used to say this?
I bet you all already find out long long time ago.
没用的啦...satu malaysia喊给lampa爽罢了!!anti-racist kena tangkap!!! 可是那个发表种族歧视言论的校长只是调职!!!而且教育局说这是严惩了!!!调职也叫严惩!!!脑残吗???马来人racist = no worry!! 华人nid go to police station n have a coffee althought u r anti-racist!! Satu malaysia!! Dua policy!!! tiga kaum!!! wawasan2020???发春梦会比较容易
"1 Malaysia"? 1 MALAYSIA should NOT have any racism rite?
表达不满有很多方法,这种意识不良的表达方式已经开始在新一代间流行。你黄明志的大胆表现,独特惊人的表达方式已经得到英雄式的崇拜。 身为一个母亲,我不想也不愿意看到自己的孩子受到你的影响,你可以以更文明的语言来表达不满。
你要多多注意你的言行举止,这里不是台湾, 这里是多元种族的国家, 你的作品可能会导致种族关系紧张, 难道你发表前没有想到后果吗
反对党为了救你而被迫"支持"你。。。你发布的肮脏东西,是人看了都觉得映射味道很重。坦白讲如果ISA抓你那是应该的。。。不要让林冠英因为救你免受牢狱之灾而被巫统抓到痛脚,以为火箭党人都支持像你这样发表歧视看法的人,让下一次的大选输掉现有的选区。反对党没有赢更多选票,反而把现有选区的选票都输掉了。华人的声音就变少了。这次反对党能够大胜利,那是因为赢到很多新一代的马来选票,不是因为华人选票变多!!!! ok!!!! 华人一定支持华人!!! 同时也支持理性的马来人!!! 你是华人未来希望的毒瘤,拼命发布歧视影片!!! 警告你!
支持我的看法,请加1 +1
Namewee, can i ask..are you mixed blood baby of Malays/Bumi with chinese? or you're adopted baby? None of your part look like CINA le,,hahaha...
我们一定要力挺黃明志。支持黃明志。黃明志 一定要坚持下去。
事情闹大就有好戏看罗那个校长被换了为了息华人的怒http://www.kwongwah.com.my/news/2010/08/24/111.html不抓namewee难息马来人的怒。。。能不能保明志?还是还没想到要不要保他之前他已经被内安法保走了。。。保的住马里人抗议保不住华人示威,种族关系开始破裂。納吉:零度容忍‧嚴辦種族主義言論 http://www.sinchew.com.my/node/173477?tid=1 种族关系拉锯战开打罗!没见识过5xx事件的人,明志开了第一炮show给你看 YEAH! 支持你!!
fuck off babi gemok
U choose to sound out in a different way which is your way to express, don`t you ever think about your family at this? Do you think they proud of you? Ya right , the concept is but the way is wrong.You are using the most 'asli' way which i would like to describe you as a monkey see monkey do idea~ Dont be same with all the people who telling chinese to go back china , or india like dog. This is the people who want to make big story. So why you want to copy what is the monkey is doing ? Let it be, sometimes the less you do the helpest hand you are. Its enough, get your movie done. Show us the real you. I think what im saying you get it understand,unless the english script above is not written by you. I support you to use your talent , but not to fuck people . Take care of your imej, people just laughing at you, not supporting you, think back what people do for you when ISA is going to issue to you, do they give you a hand? IN certain country people might sentence you to death for betraying your country. Think twice , this is not very 'yeng'. You just havent taste the most bitter fruit you plan yourself. Peace V. If you still continue like this, sometime bad will happen, trust me, if you c this , in the future 15 years you will remember this word
上次在台湾轰动到全世界都知道也抓不到你他很没面子这次你在马来西亚他的地盘又发威了~!不过这次换了个首相。。。首相我错了吗?那个校长叫Cina balik China.我不满,就写歌刁回他们.Nak!!!!不信你看看我下面的短片没有种族歧视的内容
首相我错了吗?Fuck NAH Sucks Banana错了吗? 短片内容有不雅画面吗? 有歧视画面吗?
明志没有错,不然我也不会问首相我错了吗?Fuck NAH Sucks Banana 的种族暴乱,过去发生不代表现在也会发生,那是历史罢了。林北只要继续专心写歌,其他不管!!!!!!!!
keep your middle finger up, keep making that "NAH" sound, i'll support you!
kepada yang sokong namewee, sila selamatkan dia daripada dipenjara!
1. http://www.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y=2010&dt=0830&pub=Utusan_Malaysia&sec=Muka_Hadapan&pg=mh_01.htm
2. http://www.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y=2010&dt=0830&pub=Utusan_Malaysia&sec=Muka_Hadapan&pg=mh_02.htm
3. http://www.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y=2010&dt=0830&pub=Utusan_Malaysia&sec=Muka_Hadapan&pg=mh_03.htm - stay kat KL pulak?
sebab jasanya menangkan PR dengan negarakuku dulu...
我无意拿明福事件来跟明志事件来比较。那是对明福的不敬!!明志一直在踩政府的底线,以个人的快乐写歌以为这样很爽!!同时他不知道他在玩弄种族关系的底线(2300万人的底线)!!他利用他人的无知建立自己的知名度越写才能越红越能赚到广告费代言费之类的收入。大家可以去问他现在的收入都从哪里来?同时把2300万人推向危险的边缘。他在鼓动群众!!万一政府开始行动,一定有华人会支持他会救他!!很多华人出面支持他,友族同胞怎么想!!原来华人support这个人support他的作品内容!!到时候会发生什么事?我讲的错了吗? 还是明志表达的方式错了? 你自己来判断!!
sama2 selamatkan namewee...
... macam kempen di atas ini!?
jom petisyen bak selamatkan mat sabah dari hukuman mati di singapore hingga nazri pulak menyokong?!
if namewee is prosecuted, then we all non-bumis should be all going to the police station lodging police report against that two principals and that ibrahim for sedition. I don't believe they will dare suppress so many police reports.
namewee, support you! Again we should lodge a report to the United Nations for this issue and let them know how fake and hypocrite is Barisan Nasional!
bye.. bye... ur going down..
you should learn history...
if namewee's action is seditious,then what about the two principals and that ibrahim,some more they suppose to be role models.why the pm took so long to comment on principals when he can tell indonesia to do something about their people who burnt malaysia flag to avoid making malaysian impatient. is this one bias malaysia!? MERDEKA!
Muzik NameWee memang sedap didengar. Kalau boleh tukarlah lirik dan gubahkan lagu ini jadi lagu 1Malaysia. Mestilah disambut ramai...termasuk PM dan menteri pernerangan. Tambah Minyak, NamWee !
Aku setuju! muzik namewee 'Nah' memang ada rasa malaysia.
难道他们就可以逍遥法外!换校就没问题了吗?!! 而把事实表达出来的你却要受罪??!!
这就是所谓的 1Malaysia ??!!
berita tv9 tadi menteri pertahan minta pdrm tangkap dalang di belakang namewee & ketua umno cheras pulak suruh pihak berkuasa lebih tegas?
alah, era gaya Dr M dah kembali bukan lembut cam pak lah dulu...
wa sangsi dengan UN. mungkin sekongkol dengan BN sebab tiada sekatan ekonomi pun, kan?
sendiri mau ingatlah, kawan2ku semua.
明志, 我们全力支持你!!!
(as malays hiding artist i m supporting u, but actually your words about 'fuck' can touch Malaysian Heart. )
ada satu cina
orang kata gila
namanya namawee
suka makan babi
dia kata sedap
bukan aku cakap
suka nyanyi nyanyi
ikut suka hati
kes dia satu negarakuku
dia buat pula, cerita kawanku
ada satu lagu
lagu juga baru
rasisma Malaysia
dia punya lagu... yeah..
ini bukan amerika
ini Malaysia
bukan boleh buat
apa u punya suka...
sini ada undang undang mah..
tiada siapa
cakap u pendatang
tiada siapa
cakap u mesti puasa
merdeka sudah
apa yang jadi
apa yang u tau
u ada di sana
u ada di situ-ka?
u pernah jadika
budak sekolah
sudah cakap sekali
dia buat lagi
cakap dua kali
buat buat lagi
siti inshah bukan marah
cuma kasi ingat saja
u marah KPM
lama sudah u aim
.... na na na na na....
kalau u sangat hebat
kenapa tak jadi
amerika presiden
u suda belajar
dekat taiwan sana
kenapa u
tak mau terus duduk sana
kalau tak suka
undang2 negara
u boleh pilih
mana negara yang u mau....
na na na na...
kerja jadi cikgu
memang sangat susah
kalau u mau
jadi cikgula..
kasi jara u punya
tengok apa macam
u kasi pandai mereka..
na na na na na....
##== Namawee plz compose this song n upload into youtube...**
anonimos penakut...
wa pong leh nyanyi gak
ntv7 berita 1 pm tadi jugak cerita pasal kumpulan di belakang namewee.
apa lagi, meh ler tangkap kami 1 malaysia yang sokong dia...
Bodoh betul kau ni, mcm mana org tak kata kau rasis.
kau ckp kau org malaysia, blog kau takde satu pun tulis melayu kau pun patut tau bahasa melayu adalah bahasa rasmi malaysia.
Bila kau tulis melayu dapat le dgn jelas semua org malaysia baca.
dgn tulisan cina nampak seolah2 yg mcm kau ni cuma memperjuangkan bangsa cina aje.
kau tak percaya kau cuba ubah tulis blog dlm bahasa melayu tapi itu pun klu kau boleh berbahasa melayu dgn baik.
Already very dissapointed with BN, look at the different treatment for "GURU BESAR" and NAMEWEE, double standard.
Next election sure vote for a new government, need a change.
Namewee, 赞同你的看法。
你是华人之光, 加油
run while you can... hahahah...
mana lu mau lari...sendiri bikin fakap sendiri tanggung maa
support u namewee !
i support u ! not many ppl dare to express their opinion like u !!!
OMG .. 我来迟了~
4. 本人在歌曲中夾雜粗口和不雅手勢, 是為了引起注意, 並希望能間接引起相關單位對此事件的重視.
我不讚同, 前幾天菲律賓的搶手不也是為了要引起眾人注意, 而選擇了最不好的方式表達, 結果以悲劇收場.
What can we do when chinese get bully, even though u want to express your feeling your opinion also wrong. We are live in our country.NOT THEIR COUNTRY.
not MALAYsia, is Malaysia.
good luck to u=)
you see this group ... almost 4k people join ..
@Sang Guna : you said bahasa melaysia ?
we educated with english melay and chinese ...y dont you go learn some basic chinese . before you come here ?
namewee, I support you forever!
This country already sick! Not environment sick, is the GOVERNMENT sick!!!
You are curing them!
What false are you did??!!!
明 志 大 哥 。
我 们 永 远 支 持 你 的 看 法 !
我 们 永 远 支 持 你 !
加 油 , 黄 明 志 , 你 行 的 !!!
抓 KIK!!!!! 哈 哈 哈 。
i'm gonna vomit with your hypocrisy. hope u face some jail time. have fun launching album from ur cell!!
Anonymous, go learn some basic english first, please. How old are you? 9? You just failed standard 3 grammar.
support u!!!namewee
Yeap, down at the corner there(beside the asian)is the brain size of most of the people here. Starting with the person who run this stupid blog.
I just saw your whole blog and i was thinking..'OMG, why is this loser famous?' Went on to see your facebook account, was even more shocked cause there was 200000 over degenerates liking your profile. Uhh, wow.
Namewee you the man~!!!
although there r some flies try to spoil ur fans page
believes me ur fan is all over the world~!!!! pround to b Malaysian~!!! tats the way aha aha .. I like it aha aha ~~~
kesian ada org kata melayu datang dari indon.. kamu tak paham geografi atau tak paham rantau ini milik melayu and rantau cina di tanah besar cina. di mana melayu tinggal sama ada di indonesia(geografi modennya),malaysia(geografi modenya). adalah rantau melayu. orang melayu di sini kuasa politik mereka di sini. dan org cina juga ada kuasa politik mereka di cina. jadi tak ada perkataan yg mengatakan org melayu datang dari indon. kalau kamu mengatakan cikgu itu perkauman? pernah kamu fikir hati cikgu itu bila kuasa politik melayu di ganggu oleh golongan kamu yg kononnya memperjuangkan keadilan seperti namewee?. kamu harus faham di sebabkan segelintir orang cina yg mahukan lebih kuasa politik jadi ada melayu yg mula marah dan mula mengingatkan kamu bertapa org melayu dah pun memberikan kamu tempat yg baik untuk kamu tinggal.. adakah kamu faham hati org melayu bila org yg di berikan rumah tinggal tiba datang menghina panggilan masjid sebagai salakkan anjing?. jadi siapa yg berkaum?. saya cuma mengingatkan kamu demi kemakmuran malaysia jgn sesekali kamu mencerca.. menghina org melayu. sedangkan org inggeris sendiri tak maukan kamu di negara mereka... TQ. Maaf jika ada yg tersinggu.. tapi Kami org melayu ada adap bila berbicara, bila marah ada cara untuk sampaikan.. bukan dengan membuat lagu caci maki.... kepada namewee belajar lah adab kita org malaysia ada adab. TQ namewee
You are the BEST NAMEWEE!! Lan Jiao Perkasa, I don't even put you in my eyes! PUI PUI PUI!!
kesian la org di atas ini.. no wonder economic & education in Malaysia jatuh ke dalam long kang pada masa ini.. Bagusnya perintah Org Melayu ni~ Bijak sangat~ Vietnam pun stronger than Malaysia now... Bravo Tanah Melayu! Bravo org Melayu! Terima kasih kerana membiarkan orang cina tinggal di dalam long kang. Kita nak lari, tapi kalau tak ada orang cina, Malaysia longkang pun tak dapat jadi pun. Tanah ni bukan satu negara lagi, hanya zoo saja. Kerana manusia semua lari, tinggal haiwan yang tak ada otak ni... Kesian Malaysia! Bravo lah Tanah Air!!
kalau kamu mengatakan org melayu perkauman. rasanya org cina mana yg fasih berbahasa melayu?. kalau org cina cakap inggeris aku rasa lebih tare dari ckp melayu kan?. jadi cermin diri sebelum ckp org perkauman. and kalau betua namewee ni tak berkaum aku nak mintak dia dia buat semua lagu dlm bahasa malaysia. kalau dia nak 1 malaysia kan? negara malaysia maju bukan kerana cukai semata2 dari semua kaum. tetapi kekayaan dari semua segi iaitu kekayaan sumber alam dan juga pengurusan yg baik. kalau kamu kata Vietnam ekonomi dia kuat.. try lah pergi sana tengok..kat mana maju nya negara dia jika di bandingkan malaysia..
org cina tak pernah tinggal dlm longkakng yang tinggal dlm longkang ada lah mereka yg ada masalah dlm diri sendiri.. mereka yg memilih memusnahkan masa depan.. mereka kalau mereka belajar dengan tekun pasti mereka seperti cina yg lain yg kaya dan raya.
kalau kamu nak lari pergi mana pun ikut suka lah.. kita yg ada dlm negara ini kita jaga... tak ada pernah pun nak suruh duduk dlm longkang... abis kuat malaysia ada rumah pprt..kalau tak ada rumah p lah mintak...kami jadi rakyat malaysia sahaja yg sayangkan satu sama lain tidak suka cari maki sama lain... dan suke menjaga hati org lain ..
tengok apa jadi bila bg kuasa berckp.cka sampai tak ada berlapit. saya faham org cina ckp memang kasar sama2 keluarg pun ckp kasar tapi di malaysia ni ada adab berckp... jgn ckp kasar.. sbb org melayu tak suka org ckp kasar.. di china banyak internet di blok oleh negara china kerana kerajaan mereka faham dengan perangai org cina. mereka kalau mengentam memang mcm namewee. ckp tak ada lapit. Di Malam kemerdekaan Ni Di minta Namewee sabar2 lah bila nak mengentam kalau dah terkenal sangat jgn lupa diri. jgn sombong pada guru.. ingat kerana guru kita semua jadi insan berguna.
And ingat.. kejayaan and kejayaan malaysia bukan dari cukai yg kerajaan kutip dari tax pada kamu sahaja kekayaan malaysia adalah dari hasil bumi dan kemakmuran yg panjang.. jgn lah perasan dengan kutipan tax tu boleh menjana pendapatan negara sampai menjadi kaya. ingat malaysia ada kekayaan nya sendiri. pelabuhan, sumber alam dan pengurusan yg baik sumbangan terbanyak kepada ekonomi negara. terutama sekali perlabuhan yg medatangkan keuntungkan berbillion. sebelum org cina ada pun melaka and siam juga kaya di sebabkan cukai pelabuhan di semenanjung malaysia ini. TQ
Memang betul, Siti lah guru yang paling berguna~ Bravo Siti!
Saya cakap B. Melayu ni kerana saya hormat mu. Saya takut kamu tak tahu Inggeris. Kalau saya nak cakap Inggeris, memanglah kamu tak akan reply di sini.
Yaya. Orang Melayu memang suka menjaga hati orang lain. Pemimpin Perkasa dan guru besar semua memangnya menjaga hati. Mereka sebagai contoh baik kepada pelajar! BRAVO lah guru besar ni! Mereka memang baik ni kerana menjaga hati pelajar pelajar yang kesian!
Saya tak suka bercakap kasar juga. Saya suka perkataan BRAVO saja. Bravo = kasar? Saya boleh faham you can't understand English. Belajar tekun tekun ya!
I as chinese feel SHAME on you, Namewee. For those who "memijak-mijakkan" our own country, I would like to ask you going back to China too. Or else Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, America, England... Where ever you like, as you never like Malaysia when you never appreciate what do we get. If you do not satisfy with the policies, choose better way to solute but not by insulting other races and religions. We all human born with brains, use it wise.
"I as chinese feel SHAME on you, Namewee. For those who "memijak-mijakkan" our own country, I would like to ask you going back to China too. Or else Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, America, England... Where ever you like, as you never like Malaysia when you never appreciate what do we get. If you do not satisfy with the policies, choose better way to solute but not by insulting other races and religions. We all human born with brains, use it wise." saya setuju tengok betapa ada cina yg cintakan malaysia.. I love U.
1BiasMalaysia! NAH ! NAH ! NAH!
Memang menjadi lumrah manusia bila dah berjaya and senang. mula lupa diri dan berasa ego dan sombong..
Hmmm...sedapnya irama lagu 'Nah'
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