The slogan is not created for all the malaysian..its just an advertisement to the foreigners on how good is our country. know what I mean rite?
Medical & Psychologically By far the most disturbing side effect during the first month of phentermine was the feeling that my throat was swelling closed. I was worried about it being an allergic reaction, but the problem never got bad enough that I needed to get emergency help. It turns out that this feeling is very common that first month, and that it isn't actually the entire throat swelling but the uvula (the little dangling thing). Lose weight quickly: It is widely used by customers who lose 10-20 pounds per month. Losing weight fast is great, but don't forget to eat enough. Eating enough is the key to permanent weight loss. Imagine the level of confidence and self worth that your kids will have if they regularly weight lift, exercise, and eat healthy.
BBC News!!! Cool!!!
劲~ \>_</
'I'm malay, I was born to be malay', 什么狗屁话!印尼的人也是malay!去和他们一起住呀!马来西亚政府真是很好,他们很慷慨,每年都定时定候,出口人才给全世界,最了不起的是,一分钱也不受!棒!我觉得马来西亚政府应该被提名诺贝尔奖,‘慷慨奖’。
XDD it's just a dream!
The slogan is not created for all the malaysian..its just an advertisement to the foreigners on how good is our country. know what I mean rite?
Eric Toh 016 3707650
true~~~終於有國家(除了本國)質疑這個slogan了...= =說是對外國設的廣告...其實有沒有種族歧視也不會影響旅遊業的啦~~~根本不用假假拿出來擺丟臉...= =
'I'm 地球王子, I was born to be 地球王子'
BUMIPUTERA 地球王子万岁,哈哈哈!
It is conflicting!!!! The reporter thinks is conflicting...
1 malaysia..just a dream..
I saw 513 footage in the video clip, any idea where to see more? Or Malaysia has blocked?
Medical & Psychologically By far the most disturbing side effect during the first month of phentermine was the feeling that my throat was swelling closed. I was worried about it being an allergic reaction, but the problem never got bad enough that I needed to get emergency help. It turns out that this feeling is very common that first month, and that it isn't actually the entire throat swelling but the uvula (the little dangling thing). Lose weight quickly: It is widely used by customers who lose 10-20 pounds per month. Losing weight fast is great, but don't forget to eat enough. Eating enough is the key to permanent weight loss. Imagine the level of confidence and self worth that your kids will have if they regularly weight lift, exercise, and eat healthy.
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