有很多人問我, 目前作品裡面, 你最滿意哪一首?
我通常會說 "不能比較的, 因為每一首歌要表達的不同,
更何況, 風格也不同...要怎樣比呢?"
我肯定會說是那首 2008年的<<不罵粗話>>
這首歌<<不罵粗話>>, 我當時只花了不到半個小時就寫完了.
我只用了一個晚上, 寫歌,編曲然後剪輯了upload在youtube
為什麼速度會那麼快呢? 因為我被"激"到了
兩年前, 上傳了一個關於華教問題的 <<丘老師ABC時間>>.
我用了比較 "惡搞"的手法. 也有參雜了一些粗話在裡面.
但後來卻遭到了許多 "專業"時評人的批評...
(奇怪, 音樂不是應該交給樂評人嗎? 時評人懂音樂喔?)
無論在報紙上, 網路上, 都會看到很多抨擊我的言論.
我是個支持言論自由的人. 所以不會對批評感到不開心.
我只是覺得失望, 因為在那個時候,
華教有很多問題都搬上了新聞的版面. 包括我的影片...
老實說, 我粗俗, 我下流, 我無恥, 甚至我被車撞死了...
這些問題很重要嗎? 我只是一個人, 一條命...沒什麼大不了的.
他們聽到粗口, 就什麼都不對了!
罵粗口是錯的! 所以無論講的再好! 也是錯的!
讓我忍不住寫了這首 <<不罵粗話>>
目的是要讓大家知道... 看事情要從不同角度.
看似錯的東西不一定就是錯的, 好像對的東西也可能是錯的離譜的!
因為對與錯之間只是因為每個人被社會的 "假價值觀"所影響.
我說 "價值觀"是假的, 是因為他一直都在隨著時間, 風潮而改變...
與其去判斷對錯真假, 不如用自己聰明的獨立思考方式去判斷事情.
雖然一直都很多人罵我 "粗口成髒"
他一開口就說... "明志!你的<<不罵粗話>>寫的真好!!!"
OH YEAH! 謝謝你梁導演!!!
兩年後的今天, 我製作了一個MV,
我希望能透過這首歌曲, 傳達一個想法...
就是, 想東西要獨立自主, 多角度, 多層面,
少聽說, 少刻板, 終於自我!
現在就讓大家來聽聽看這首 舊歌+新MV的 <<不罵粗話>>吧!
連接LINK : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PayT9kLvjE
Perkasa panggil Namewee BABI,
Pasal Perkasa takut makan BABI,
Perkasa juga takut MATI,
Pasal Namewee lebih BERANI,
Bakar poster buat APA?
Kepala kosong macam KELAPA,
Kalau Perkasa betul ada BOLA,
Jom mari kita lawan LAH!!!
Cina tak kisah orang panggil BABI,
Pasal Cina syiok makan BABI,
Bukan macam Perkasa asyik tahu bakar itu dan INI,
Nampak Babi Perkasa terus SEMBUNYI.
Perkasa pakai songkok TINGGI-TINGGI,
Macam badut di sarkas buat PRESTASI,
Marilah lawan kalau BERANI,
Jangan asyik tahu cakap TAHI.
Malaysia memang negara AMAN,
Perkasa yang buat negara TENGGELAM,
Asyik buat kecoh dan bising macam AYAM,
Mari kita halau ayam-ayam masuk REBAN.
Lompat si katak LOMPAT,
Macam katak berkaki EMPAT,
Nampak Cina katak nak REMBAT,
Bila di cabar katak sembunyi macam LALAT.
Namewee wira bangsa CINA,
Nyanyi Rap bagai tak takut APA-APA,
Perkasa marah tapi takut nak buat APA???,
Sahaja tahu nangis dan MARAH.
Kalau berani apa lagi mahu TUNGGU???,
Nak tunggu oren tukar jadi UNGGU???,
Tak berani tolonglah MENGAKU,
Jangan tipu berani nak lawan KUNG FU.
Takda Perkasa Malaysia pasti MAJU,
Maju pasal semua bangsa BERSEKUTU,
Perkasa adalah parasit macam KUTU,
Perkasa pengecut takda bola dan BULU.
Hokkien marah Perkasa HO LAN KAN,
Cantonese marah Perkasa HAM KA CHAN,
Saya marah Perkasa TIU NIA LAN,
Tak syiok marilah BERLAWAN.
Harap minta PM hapus PERKASA,
Tolong hantar mereka pergi ANGKASA,
Perkasa tahu buat kacau SAHAJA,
Aiyoh!! mereka lebih busuk daripada BAJA.
*** Hi NAMEWEE!!! You may call me TOKY & I can be contacted at toky74@hotmail.com
I hope my above POEM will give you some ideas towards creating something CREATIVE for your upcoming song against those FUCKED-UP Perkasa BABI.
All the best!!! You are surely CREATIVE & TALENTED!!!
Best regards,
No matter what you did, some people will agree with you and praise you; some will against you and curse you.
Like the story a father and son go thru a journey with a donkey,
1.Father let's his son sit on the donkey, people complain why this son not filial let his father walking and the son rest on the donkey?
2.Father sit on the donkey, people complain why father sit on the donkey, never bother his son?
3. Father and son sit on the donkey at the same time, people complain why this father and son so cruel to the donkey?
4. Father, son and the donkey walking, people gossip why this father and son so stupid owned the donkey and never let's the donkey work for them?
and etc...
If you think you are right, go ahead! YOU KNOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING! GODS is EYEING EVERYONE!
I agree with what Anonymous said.
There will be people who agree and like you and there will be people who disagree and hate you.
To tell you the truth, I do not think you are a Hero or a politician or what-so-ever speaker for the Malaysian Chinese.
You are just a normal human who is talented in composing, remixing and arranging a song plus you do sing pretty well. Too, you are a citizen of Malaysia that knows too well what is happening in Malaysia. Hell, I am impressed that you are brave to speak what is on your mind and bare the circumstances. I will totally wet my pants if I were in your shoes.
Just stay who you are.
Media are just being media.
Jackasses are just being jackasses.
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