Hello, Semua Orang Melayu sila tengok sini



Sebab-sebab menegaskan tentang kesilapan berita :

Pada 7 Aug 2007, saya mendapat tahu dari beberapa pihat tentang surat khabar Melayu – Metro dan berita dari televisyen melaporakan hasil ciptaan lagu saya baru-baru ini yang telah melanggar undang undang di Malaysia. Tetapi selepas saya membaca berita-berita yang berkenaan, saya mendapati bahawa berita yang dilaporkan oleh surat khabar Metro mempunyai kesilapan yang serious. Pihak pemberita menggunakan cara yang agak subjektif untuk melaporkan berita ini dan menyebabkan masyarakat salah faham tentang hasil karyaan yang telah saya ciptakan.

Pertama, pihak metro mengatakan hasil ciptaan lagu saya adalah menghina negara, bangsa, agama dan kerajaan tanpa memahami maksud tersirat lirik tersebut.

Kedua, pihak metro tidak menterjemahkan lirik cina ke melayu agar pihak ramai boleh memahami lirik tersebut dan menilai maksud yang disampaikan ataupun adakah lirik saya ini adalah menghina negara, bangsa, agama ataupun kerajaan. Disebabkan ini ialah lagu cina, masyarakat melayu tidak dapat memahami maksud yang hendak disampaikan dan mereka hanya boleh mengetahui maksud lirik ini melalui pihak media.Saya berasa pihak media tidak patut disebabkan hasil jualan dan melaporkan perkara yang tidak benar dengan tidak profesion.

Di sini, saya ingin menerangkan beberapa keraguan dalam isu ini

1. Sebab apa saya mencipta lagu ini pada awalnya
Saya meminat memain muzik. Kali ini, saya akan menggunakan lagu Negaraku sempena hari Kemerdekaan yang akan datang. Saya tidak berniat untuk menghina negara tercinta – Malaysia. Terdapat banyak cara untuk mencipta sebuah lagu dan salah satu cara ialah ‘sampling’ yang akan menjadikan sebuah lagu jadi effect lain. Dalam kes ini, saya telah memilih lagu Negaraku. Apa yang saya hendak FOKUS disini ialah lagu Negaraku adalah sebuah lagu yang perlu dihormati. Dengan itu, apabila saya mencipta lagu ini saya TIDAK ubah melodi dan lirik lagu Negaraku tetapi saya mengunakan melodi dan lirik asalnya. Namun begitu, saya juga megubahkan cara untuk mempersembahkan lagu ini kepada cara R&B. Sebelum ini, terdapat ramai orang mengubah cara nyanyian lagu Negaraku di pelbagai persembahan terbuka termasuk sambutan sempena Hari Kemerdekaan. Berdasarkan dari segi muzik, sekiranya lagu ciptaan tetap mengamalkan maksud asalnya, saya berasa tidak ada apa-apa yang tidak kena. Tetapi kalau hasil cipta saya betul-betul melanggar undang-undang, saya berasa amat kesal!

2. Menegaskan kebenaran
Lagu ini cuma menglibatkan lirik Negaraku di bahagian korus manakala di bahagian verse saya telah menggunakan kemahiran rap. Lirik dalam bahagian rap yang saya mempersembahkan kebanyakan adalah berdasarkan dari apa yang pernah saya atau kawan alami. Apa yang saya hendak fokus disini ialah saya menggunakan cara huraian untuk menyampaikan maksud lagu tersebut dan bukannya mengkritik. Tujuannya adalah untuk membiarkan pendengar menilaikan betul salahnya. Contohnya, dalam lirik saya ada mengatakan orang cina sukar mendapat tawaran dari universiti tempatan tetapi saya tidak mengesahkan bahawa itu adalah satu perkara yang baik atau tidak. Saya cuma menghuraikan perkara tersebut dan membiarkan pendengar yang menentu perkara tersebuat adakah betul atau salah.

3. TIDAK menghina agama
Sekali lagi saya menerangkan bahawa saya tidak mengkritik apa-apa sahaja termasuk agama.Salah satu dari bahagian lirik saya ada mengatakan yang sebahagian orang islam melafazkan Al-Quran out of tune, ada pula yang pecah nada, dan ada yang macam kokokan ayam.Lirik-lirik yang saya huraikan diatas, saya ada menyatakan SEBAHAGIAN dari mereka yang melafazkan Al-Quran dan bukannya semua orang. Saya sebagai seorang ahli muzik senang bagi saya membezakan penyanyi yang out of tune ataupun pecah nada. Sekali lagi saya menerangkan yang saya TIDAK mengkritik sebarang tentang agama tetapi saya cuma menyuarakan kemahiran mereka di bahagian nyanyi seperti apabila kami dengar kawan-kawan kita nyanyi tidak bagus dan menyuarakan pendapat sahaja. Saya harap masyarakat tidak terlalu sensitive terhadap isu ini dan sememangnya saya sendiri amat hormat setiap agama kerana agam tidak boleh dilanggar.

4. Ganguan yang dialami kerana kesalahan yang dibuat dari pihak media
Disebabkan kesalahan pihak media melaporkan berita ini, ia menyebabkan orang ramai tidak boleh menilaikan betul salah terhadap isi kandungan lyric lagu ini dan ia juga mengancam keselamatan keluarga saya. Saya menerima comment-comment dari blog dan youtube yang mengatakan mereka hendak membakar rumah dan membunuh saya. Di sini, saya ingin mengharapkan orang baik di luar sana agar menterjemahkan lirik cina ini kepada melayu supaya orang ramai boleh memahami isi tersirat yang ingin saya sampaikan dan biar orang ramai tahu yang saya sebenarnya tidak berniat jahat dalam ciptaan lagu ini. Sebenarnya saya sendiri mempunyai ramai kawan melayu sejak kecil, saya tidak ingin disebakan kesilapan laporan berita ini dan menghilang sahabat-sahabat karib saya.

5. Sekiranya lagu ini tidak mengapi-apikan masyarakat
Selain dari mereport perkara yang tidak adil bagi saya, pihak media yang berkenaan juga mengatakan lagu ciptaan saya mengapi-apikan masyarakat. Bagi saya, tidak mudah sesebuah lagu tidak mengapi-apikan masyarakat apatah lagi menyebabkan peperangan atau salah faham yang akan berlaku? Saya percaya bahawa rakyat Malaysia mempunyai kemampuan untuk bernilai sesuatu perkara sama ada betul atau salah. Sebenarnya orang ramai faham dengan lirik dalam lagu ini, mereka akan tahu lagu ini semata-mata hanyalah untuk hiburan. Disebaliknya, pihak media yang melaporkan perkara ini dengan tidak profesion dan subjektif adalah tujuan utama yang menyebabkan perkara ini berlaku! Ini adalah satu perkara yang serious dan saya berharap pihak media boleh memperbetulkan berita yang tidak berkenaan itu dan menjaminkan saya dan keluarga saya selamat.

6. Lirik lagu patut diterjemahkan
Saya bersungguh-sungguh mengharapkan sesiapa yang boleh menterjemahkan lirik lagu ini dari bahasa cina ke bahasa melayu agar orang melayu berhak mengetahui apa maksud lirik dalam lagu ini. Dengan ini, mereka juga boleh menilai adakah saya sedang menghina negara, rakyat, agama ataupun kerajaan. Dengan ini juga ia boleh memberi saya, masyarakat melayu, masyarakat cina mahupun rakyat malaysia satu pesanan yang adil.

Bahasa Cina --中文版本


本人於2007年8月7日, 從各界獲知, 馬來西亞的馬來文報(metro)和電視新聞都有報導關於本人的創作和觸法等等問題. 但經過本人查閱後, 驚覺某馬來文報(metro) 的報導出現嚴重錯誤. 錯誤在於該報採用主觀和極度負面手法去報導此事. 無疑造成了馬來社會的誤解. 第一點, 該報主觀判定本人創作是在 "侮辱" 或 "褻瀆" 國家, 民族, 宗教和政府. 第二點, 該報沒有將歌詞翻譯成馬來文, 以讓馬來讀者自行判斷. 因為歌曲本身是華語, 所以馬來人無從了解內容本身, 而只能透過媒體的報導去了解.本人覺得媒體不應為了銷售量或收視率而作出不專業的報導.


1. 歌曲創作初衷:
本人興趣做音樂, 使用國歌只是配合國慶日即將到來, 所做出的創作. 並無惡意. 創作歌曲方式很多, 其中一種叫做"取樣式"(sampling). 讓歌曲形成某種 "拼貼效果" . 本人創作時臨機一動取樣了國歌,但重點是, 國歌必須尊重, 所以創作的時候, 國歌本身的旋律和歌詞部分, 本人並沒有改過. 而是完完整整的取樣而已. 本人另外還做了"曲風"的變動,把原本古典式的唱法, 改編成了節奏藍調 (R&B) 式的唱法, 並重新編曲. 之前也有不少人曾在很多公開場改編國歌曲風,包括國慶典禮上都有不同的詮釋方式. 從音樂的角度上只要不扭曲國歌本意的話, 個人覺得並無不妥之處. 但如果此做法真的觸犯了國歌法令的話, 本人深感抱歉!

本歌曲取樣國歌為副歌部分, 而主歌部分則是本人的原創饒舌(rap). 饒舌的歌詞主要在陳述本人在馬來西亞看到聽到的所見所聞. 重點是, 本人歌曲每一句都是以"陳述式" 的方式來表達, 並無任何 "批判性"的句子. 目的是想讓聽眾自己判斷是非. 比如歌詞中有提到關於華人很難進入國立大學就讀,本人並沒有批評此事是好是壞,只是在陳述事情而已,好壞在人們心中自有定奪!

再次聲明, 本人沒有批評任何事物, 包括宗教部分. 歌詞中有一段提到, 有些回教誦經者會唱到走音, 有些則會唱到破音, 有些聲音像公雞.在以上每一句歌詞中, 都有寫到 "有些". 本人是音樂人, 可以輕易聽出有無走音或破音, 這些都是事實 (至少在我家附近的誦經者有些可能年紀問題, 會造成聲音無法控制而破音) . 重點是, 本人沒有批評宗教, 只是指出演唱上技巧不足的問題, 針對的是某些人的唱歌技巧部分, 並沒有牽涉到宗教. 就好像聽到朋友唱歌不好聽, 幽他一默而已. 請大眾勿過度敏感. 本人非常尊重每個宗教信仰. 因為宗教絕對是不容侵犯的.

因為部分媒體主觀的報導, 造成馬來讀者無法自行判斷歌曲內容, 已威脅到了本人和家人的人身安全, 本人從部落格和youtube留言版上也看到, 有人揚言要放火燒屋和殺害本人.此聲明稿希望有善心人士能幫忙將歌曲翻譯成馬來文, 以讓更多人了解本人創作並無惡意.因為本人也有很多青梅竹馬的馬來族好友,本人不希望因為錯誤報導而失去這些好友.

5. 歌曲無法煽動族群:
該媒體除了對本人提出一系列不公平的報導以外, 還指控本人的創作有 "煽動族群"之意. 本人認為, 一首歌無法煽動族群, 更無法造成戰爭. 因為本人相信馬來西亞人民是具有判斷能力的, 而並非如此的無知. 若他們了解歌詞內容後,會知道歌曲純粹娛樂, 意圖簡單. 反而某些媒體的不專業和主觀的報導, 才是煽動族群的罪魁禍首!此事可大可小. 希望該媒體能作出澄清, 以確保本人和家人的安全.

本人強烈建議, 熱心人士可以幫忙翻譯歌詞內容, 中翻巫. 因為馬來族群有 "知"的權利.這樣也能讓馬來社會自行判斷本人的創作是否在"侮辱"國家, 民族, 宗教和政府. 這樣不但對本人, 也對馬來社會, 華人社會和馬來西亞的每一個人民公平.



我爱我的国家 有国才有家
Aku cinta Negara aku ada Negara baru ada keluarga
有家才有我 站在这边跟你
Ada keluarga baru ada aku berdiri disini
大声唱歌 你麦惊
Nyanyi dengan engkau engkau jangan takut
Walaupun aku selalu cakap kasar
我的歌 就像榴莲一样
Lagu aku sama macam durian
硬硬尖尖 只是
Keras dan tajam tetapi
看你敢不敢打开 看看里面的真相
Tengok engkau berani buka ke tidak tengok apa yang ada di dalam
它可以很臭 也可以很香
Dia boleh dikatakan busuk dia juga boleh dikatakan wangi
cuma tengok engkau ada macam mana punya hidung

我们的警察 叫做MATA
Polis kita panggil ‘mata’ (dlm bhs hokkien)
Ini kerana mata mereka sangat tajam
新年一到 他们就很努力
Apabila raya mereka akan jadi rajin
Pen di tangan tetapi jarang bagi saman
因为他们口很渴 需要喝茶
Ini keran mereka dahaga mereka mahu minum teh
还有KOPI O 要不要加糖
Ataupun kopi O nak tambah gula ke tidak
如果加糖 他嘴巴会甜甜跟你微笑
Kalau tambah gula mulut mereka akan senyum dengan engkau
Apabila engkau nak pergi
Dia akan ucap TATA (maksudnye bye)

NegarakuTanah tumpahnya darahkuRakyat hidupBersatu dan maju

这种现象 不需要改善
Gejala ini tidak perlu memperbaikikan
也不用加强 警民合作
Juga tidak perlu memperkuatkan , kerjasama antara pihak polis dan rakyat
Secawan kopi hubungan boleh kekal
Aku memang suka
Sekurang-kurangnya balik rumah tidak akan dapat saman
Ayah mesti geram
我一定欠干 没有车给我驾
Aku mesti kena marah tidak ada kereta untuk aku
怎么办 这次西北够力
Macam mana kali ini memang teruk
没有车 我要怎样出去玩
Tak de kereta macam mana aku nak keluar main
没有车 我要怎样打野战
Tak de kereta macam mana aku nak XXX
没有车 我要怎样看阿瓜
Tak de kereta macam mana aku nak tengok ah kua
这个国家 我很喜欢
Negara ini aku memang suka
早上五点pukul 5 pagi
还有morning call会叫我起床
Ada morning call akan suruh aku bangun
Kadang-kadang beberapa ‘buah’ nyanyi sama-sama
macam tengah duet lagu cinta
Suara tinggi rendah macam tengah nyanyi R&B
Walaupun kadang kala sebahagian daripada mereka out of tune
Walaupun kadang kala sebahagian daripada mereka pecah suara
有些声音像公鸡 可是比公鸡早起床
Ada juga suara yang macam kokokan ayam tetapi dia bangun lagi awal dari ayam
Macam ini baru kite tahu mase untuk bersiap ke sekolah dan kerja

不要怪 政府只会照顾土族
Jangan salahkan kerajaan hanya akan jaga rakyat tertentu
不要怪 我们没有受到公平照顾
Jangan salahkan kami tidak dapat jagaan yang adil
Macam ini baru boleh menunjukkan yang orang cina tidak takut menderita
Macam ini baru boleh melatih kita mencari jalan keluar apabila menghadapi kesusahan
不要邹德他们的标准 很奇怪
Jangan mengatakan standard ini sangat pelik
因为这样反而表现我们 很厉害
Kerana dengan ini baru menunjukkan kami sangat teror
没有被宠坏的小孩 才不会依赖
Anak-anak yang tidak dimanja baru akan menjadi tabah
不然你看有人到现在 还没有断奶
ada orang sampai sekarang masih belum berhenti minum susu

Rahmat bahagiaTuhan kurniakanRaja kitaSelamat bertakhtaRahmat bahagiaTuhan kurniakanRaja kitaSelamat bertakhta

Pekerja dalam kerajaan lagi teror
Apa yang mereka buat boleh slow slow
就算排队的人等到要骂 臭lelai
Walaupun orang yang beratur marah
Mood mereka tetap rase bebas dan seronok
Kadang-kalag kuih pun mereka ambil keluar
Dia makan nyonya kuih dia
Dan engkau sambung beratur
Walaupun engkau nak marah pun tak pe
Kerana guard kat tepi pun tengah bermimpi
Dia takkan layan engkau
他们把头包起来 慢慢走慢慢过马路
Mereka yang memakai tudung perlahan-lahan melintas jalan
Engkau yang memandu kenalah berhati-hati
最终要活得开心 最重要活得舒服
Asalkan hidup dengan gembira asalkan hidup dengan selesa
Jangan macam orang cina
整天忙忙碌碌 西北辛苦
Tiap-tiap hari sibuk sangat susah
Semangat ini mesti kita kena kagumi
Kerana ini adalah sikap hidup mereka
(态度 态度)
Sikap sikap

Aku bercakap baik-baik dalam lagu ini
Aku percaya orang yang tak suka dengan aku mesti sangat suka
世界很和平 很有希望
Dunia aman baru ada harapan
没有人受伤 也没有很乱
Tidak ada orang cedera dan tidak tak tersusun
你很高贵 你很高雅
Engkau suci engkau sopan
大便很香 不会骂粗话
Najis wangi tak tahu cakap kasar
你们最high class 每天耍浪漫
Engkau sangat high class tiap-tiap hari main romantic
Dengar guang liang pin kuan (penyanyi malaysia)
Tetapi mereka sudah pergi taiwan
Pelajar Sekolah Cina
Nak masuk local U sangat susah
Dalam kes ini, kita tidak patut geram
Ini cuma satu rancangan yang mulia dari kerajaan
他要我们到处跑 出国自己找希望
Dia nak kami pergi merata-rata tempat pergi oversea mencari impian
Lepas itu balik negara membalas jasa
这个计划真的是 好到没有话讲
Rancangan ini memang bagus memang bagus
Di seluruh dunia mesti nampak malaysia punya rakyat
好像逃难一样 西北爽
Macam melarikan dari bencana memang best
2007 马来西亚搞观光
2007 ialah tahun pelancongan malaysia
Budaya cina semua mengambil keluar untuk publisiti
Pelajar sekolah cina Memang tak dilayan oleh kerajaan
文凭丢去longkang 像我一样
Sijil boleh buang ke longkang macam saya
Lepas tamat persekolahan terus pergi Taiwan
学了东西 准备回去报答国家
Belajar di sana bersedia balik negara untuk membalas jasa
Aku berdiri di tepi Taipei memain guitar
可是我的嘴巴 还是一样唱
Tetapi Mulut aku tetap menyanyi

Rahmat bahagiaTuhan kurniakanRaja kitaSelamat bertakhta


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

May god bless you. Hope u r okay!
明志 rocks!

Anonymous said...

好抓不抓 抓明志干吗? 去搞好社会问题先吧

Anonymous said...


mr-penman said...

Good job! May this will help you clear some minds.

Keep up, buddy!


Anonymous said...


Umm.., Negarakuku.., 变Negara kukuh 如何?


Anonymous said...


一切都会淡去 忘记

Best Regards

Anonymous said...

Kalau BN tangkap namewee, kita bagi undi DAP barutau!!

Anonymous said...

YOU ARe the man what can i say more ...we all proud of u yo!!!! rock it !

Anonymous said...

nice man....yeah, explain to them in b.melayu, let them understand...or they will always say we insult them in Mandarin...i think this issue will go over in time... just remember one thing, the ELECTION IS NEAR..they wont dare take action de...now giving publicity because want to please those people who report...MCA cannot afford to lost our vote de~~~take care man~~~stay cool, chill out~~~and make more nice songz about Malaysia!

Anonymous said...

明志, 沒關係.

全部人都知道事實是什麼, 只有那些


Anonymous said...

read tis...


Anonymous said...

read tis


Anonymous said...

hey namewee..they give u a new look~~~


Anonymous said...

wow...yahoo also covered ur story...cool...


Anonymous said...

hey....even the wikipedia covered you!!


Anonymous said...

they sat want hire lawyer help u wor...


Anonymous said...

lets saves namewee, an advice to remodify the Negarukuku, instead, what about "Mamula Moon" in English?

Sure nobody complain, as the composer and musician oredi went to heaven..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

这里有个大马"剑人"的照片, 快来看!!!


Anonymous said...

wish u all the best . we love u

Anonymous said...

If goverment really catch meng chee, more chinese and india will more dislike Malaysia gov, indirectly news will spread around the world and then Malay's reputation will being dropped by it!

To all Malay, I know some of u are good, but too bad that we really can't stand with Gov policy sometimes, I feel helpless!

William said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Meng Chee,

I know this sounds crazy but please get your family out of Malaysia. I hope they can stay in Singapore for a while.

I am so sorry for what happens to your family. Given the current circumstance, the best solution is to leave the country to ensure their safety.

Singapore friends, where are you?

You are very brave!

Anonymous said...

Meng Chee,

I know this sounds crazy but please get your family out of Malaysia. I hope they can stay in Singapore for a while.

I am so sorry for what happens to your family. Given the current circumstance, the best solution is to leave the country to ensure their safety.

Singapore friends, where are you?

You are very brave!

chengsun said...


Anonymous said...

事情發展到這個地步,相信並不是你自己所想像的. 了解你現在的心情,雖然人在國外,但心里會擔憂家人的安全,所以非要做出道歉不可. 其實,你的做法相當正確,沒有指名道歉只詳細解釋歌詞的內容,讓不懂中文的朋友能真正明白你的歌詞.倘若你道歉,就會炒作更多的話題,也承認自己的犯錯,向強權低頭.實際上,你並沒有犯罪,就像你說的沒有一個點,沒有法律根據你有錯.就算政府正式起訴你,也還有行動黨的卡巴星給你免費法律支援.最重要,要強調自己才是這件事情上的受害者.所以,你要加油,你的勇氣與堅持會給你帶來更多的歡呼聲.

至於馬來報的誤導,他們是有意的,製造白色恐怖的氣氛,挑起種族情緒,讓馬來同胞誤解,讓他們討厭華人,製造爆亂,然後把禍加於你.其實,大部分馬來報章都是巫統所擁有,說明些就是政府在搞種族爆亂,這是他們的強項,引得馬來人的喝采,他們就是這樣上位的,而你也成為犧牲者之一. 這次你做出這樣的澄清報導,METRO是不會放過你的,他們會繼續炒作,要你做出更多的道歉...你要站穩住腳阿.
METRO起火後,絕不會滅火的,這種把戲,你要認清. 我們沒有要做怕事的人,你也不是.

Anonymous said...

Namewee supporters should file a police report against "metro" newspaper incorrectly report the matter. It is the only way to have them do it "carefully" next time... Please help.....

Anonymous said...

The song tells no lies but truth and facts. Why are these UMNO bargers reacting so frantically? They can't stand truth???

Bila mau merdeka???


Looks at these commment from a forummer from the link: http://forum.namewee.com/viewtopic.php?t=39

I dun really agree on what u said.actually you're deeply misunderstand what he's trying to say.he never ever said muslim not good,he also din insult muslim.i'll suggest u do some mind setting 1st before u listnen to this song.

a.try to pull urself out from islam,muslim if u r.
b.treat urself as a third party,look at the explaination below with normal heart.

song's explaination:
-1st he said our police call mata,he indirectly say that our police always take rasuah,especially is traffic police,well,this is the truth,undeniable truth,but,did namewee complain anything about this?no,he jus say it out.

-2nd he talks about muslims will pray at early morning,some time few mosque pray together,is that truth?i think u know more than me.some of the prayer's sound really off keys seriously,again,u know more than me if u r muslim.am i rite?so again,did namewee said bad things or put self opinion on muslim?no,he jus sing out the situation which u n me also know it well.

-3rd he touch about goverment always take k about bumiputra,i think as long as u r malaysian (a mature normal malaysian) u also will agree about that rite? quote for uni,bumi buy wat also cheaper,interest rate cheaper,now even primary chinese school also need to buy books from bumi supplier (if u dunno, pls go to read news paper), and alot alot of example.but did namewee said goverment not good?scold goverment or bumiputra?no, he din, he jus praises on chinese can take challenge,hardworking.

-4th he sing out the service attitude in some so called govourment department.wow, this is just one of the situation that even pak lah also agrees on it (if dunno pls go to read news paper).again, did he scold those worker?no,he din,he just open out his opinion,sing out the situation on Malaysia.is he wrong?

5th now is chinese secondary.from we have our 1st chinese secondary until now,did goverment ever pay attention on it?did goverment really seriously look at the cert?our chinese secondary's cert is jus like a useless paper for malaysia goverment.so we force to leave malaysia to other country for further study.malaysia lost a lot of talents because of this.goverment always said malaysia's chinese dun love their country,leave malaysia,but did goverment ever think that,not we wanna leave malaysia but malaysia abandon them,throw them away.again,namewee also din talk bad about goverment,never complains goverment treat him or all chinese unfair,even he goes to taiwan also bring along our flag.

6th this year is visit malaysia year.finally govermnet think that chinese traditional activities is one of the strongest selling point,so higly promote it.when we can been used for earning money,then take care of us,when not then throw us away.but again,namewee never ever counter back about this.

conclusion, this song all talk about the situations in malaysia,never include any self opinion inside.i really dun understand y goverment wanna sue him.unless goverment scared what happen in malaysia been known by other country,so wan him died to keep his mounth shut.



WELL,i hope u edi truly understand what namewee sings and i dunno what have been posted in malay newspaper as i never read malay newspaper.

further more,kindly do not said

" Let say I created a song and I make it funny with your so called "god", with long beard, red eyes, pot-belly"

it shows that u r very childish and immature~

sudah 50,bila anda baru boleh jadi dewasa adik

Anonymous said...


Looking at the way that you sing the NegaraKu, full of passion and full of emotion, you are patriotic.

Comparing to the many politicians in Malaysia, many of them do NOT even know the wordings and meaning of our NegaraKu, let alone sing it out loud, you are patriotic.

Knowing that you did not change a single word of the lyric of the NegaraKu, you are patriotic.

Telling the whole world honestly and truthfully certain aspects and reality of life in Malaysia, you are patriotic.

Telling the whole wide world that there are imperfections in Malaysia and there are rooms for all of us to improve, you are patriotic.

50 years on, Merdeka is near, did you ask yourself what had you done to make Malaysia a better place ? Namewee did, as he is patriotic.

Anonymous said...

Please file a police report to hunt those claim want to hurt Namewee and his family. It is a serious matter, we need to keep uncivilized people out of our society.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Praise and mocking aside, Ming Chee needs help. His family needs help. We can laud or impugn him all day long but right now we need to do something.

Any ideas?

hideaky said...

明志, 这次你做的很棒的声明和反击!!





Anonymous said...

ok... i`m a malay, once i watched the vclip, should be la angry when a mosque appear before ayam jantan.

But, as a reasonable person, of course I`m eager to understand the true meaning of your song before I shot your head.

Then, I`m feel you are correct bro! You`ve opened PM's eyes when he is sleeping. Chinese or else, are also human being who has feeling to be voice out. We malay, also voiced through speeches and opposition party, but you gives a new idea on how to XXXXX those suckers in UMNO!!! haha...

hideaky said...

明志!if you can read my message,
there was a talk about you and the government'action, something related to laws on 12 August 2007, 8TV 9am "Hey Morning" .
If you want it, please ask someone in malaysia who managed to record the TV event.
It helps you!

I could not managed to record it due to no hardisk space.


Anonymous said...

Tak de kereta macam mana aku nak XXX

I suggest to change to this.

Tak de kereta macam mana aku nak berfoya-foya.

Anonymous said...

Hi 明志,

I read about the newspaper asking you to apologize. I think this is the old tricks which the authorities always use. Legally, and technically, they have no evidence to sue you. Using internet clip to sue you has never happen.

But, if you apologize, then they will use the apologize statement to sue you.

Remember what happened to "suqiu" (诉求) a few years back? Out of fear, the group of people "appologized", and guess what happen? The story never ends there. UMNO, MCA and the ruling party had never take a look at the 诉求, but what it happens is they exploit the issue, and use this issue in every election to frighten the Malaysian (be it Malays, Chinese, Indians or others).

Once you appologize, you are going to lose everything. Your family is going to get sued (the appologize statement will become the evidence that you did something wrong). The will use this as evidence to threaten and to sue you, and so on.

If you don't appologize, worse come to worse, you can just deny anything, saying that your account being hacked, saying that this is some conspiracy, bla bla bla. You can just do whatever our Deputy Prime Minister did on the Mongolian girl murder, just deny everything, and there will be no evidence.

Remember, in internet, everything is deemed to be virtual. Hence, the clip in internet can never be used as evidence in court. But if you apologize, your apologize statement will be exploited by all the ruling parties, to go against you. Don't get fooled by them.

If there is someone going to setup a foundation to collect funds for you to hire a lawyer to protect you, I think all the people can donate some money to help you with that.

Anonymous said...

i support u..
i think what you mentioned in the song is truth which all malaysian ( especially chinese ) noticed it.
JUST you have the guts to sing it out. i salute u, man!
ha... i think most chinese DO love malaysia-and also hoping that we got a better treatment from government( the qoute issue )
i think we (chinese ) can take it.. but not too ridiculous lo..
we have some rights also.. saing that we are family we are one malaysian.. but..truth not..
no worries la.. i think u r juz saying ur heart out which u wanted a better environment( hoping our country a better one.

Anonymous said...

I read about newspaper saying that MCA will "helped" you to settle this problem.

What the MCA folks says is they wish to "大事化小,小事化无”

I think the whole things starts from MCA, when the MCA trying to bring this matter to newspaper, and try to sho this to their UMNO counterparts, and try to be provocative (to show that MCA is the hero).

MCA is the one starting the problem, and after creating this problem, they want to "help" you to solve this problem. This is the typical MCA style.

MCA creates all the problem (eg, bureacreacy, unefficient government procedures, discrimication in people's rights in education, so on), and after creating this problem, they will come out and trying to solve the problems.

Now you know why how come Malaysia still remains as a third world country even after 50 years of independence.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

See lah, Malaysia policeman likes to spend times on unnecessary things. 明志, you are our hero (Malyasian Chinese) We support you!

Ebi said...


*Dia boleh dikatakan busuk dia juga boleh dikatakan wangi
= Baunya boleh jadi busuk baunya boleh jadi wangi

*Gejala ini tidak perlu memperbaikikan
= gejala ini tidak perlu diperbaiki

*Tak de kereta macam mana aku nak XXX
= tak de kereta macam mana aku nak cari mak we

*ah kua = mak ngah

*Ada juga suara yang macam kokokan ayam tetapi dia bangun lagi awal dari ayam
=Ada juga suara seperti ayam berkokok tetapi dia bangun lebih awal daripada ayam

*Jangan salahkan kerajaan hanya akan jaga rakyat tertentu
=Jangan salahkan kerajaan kerana menjaga bumiputera

Anonymous said...

Anonymous..you are right !!

hideaki ..i totally agree what you said..

明志 梃你 !!!

Anonymous said...

明志, 你很勇敢, 你是我们华人的希望,以后不要回来, 这里没希望了(这里是他们的地方),不管我们有多末的爱国(他们还是把我们当成是外来人),以后我也要把我的小孩送到外国去,不让他们留在这里受苦。。。。。你是我们的骄傲,有空去麻坡找你喝茶

Anonymous said...

Boikot Metro!

Anonymous said...

This is just a strategy by UMNO to distract our attention for the their wrongdoings.

Below are some important news suppressed by the government:

Rulers reject PM’s choice for top judge

Raja Nazrin, who has given strong signal to Pak Lah to step down as PM:

Abdullah patut dipanggil menghadap Agong

Anonymous said...

Kepada bloggers semua, tolong sebarkan ucapan raja nazrin ke seluruh negara melalui blogger anda, beri penjelasan agar semua rakyat tahu apa sebenarnya yang tersirat dari ucapan raja nazrin itu, supaya rakyat yang menghormati raja membuat pilihan barisan pemimpin negara sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh raja nazrin. sudah tentu raja nazrin berasa amat tidak senang dengan keadaan dalam negara yang amat tidak terurus ini.


Anonymous said...

UMNO now has a powerful enemy from the Royal family, don't play play ah!! More headaches for them...lol...

Let the show begin!!

(Citizens + Agong) vs (evil UMNO)

Anonymous said...

Corruption and incompetence is everywhere in Malaysia. Look all around you, even an ordinary man down the street is doing a lousy job in his daily work one way or the other. Everybody is doing a 'cincai' job.

As for UMNO, what are you going to do now? You are becoming very unpopular nowadays. You have become quite irrelevant to the Malaysian Malays in general. Don't blame the bloggers, don't blame the opposition parties.. Do blame yourselves!

Anonymous said...

Even Raja Nazrin has given up hope on this corrupt hypocrite, why should you still support this sleeping king?

So let's hope and pray that Pak Lah be sacked by Agong and replace him with a clean leader that truly loves the people, rather than creating wealth for him and his cronies.

Anonymous said...

This coming Merdeka has indeed nothing much to celebrate, for we have such a useless PM who failed miserably to perform many important tasks. In fact the worst PM in Malaysia's history. I honestly think that a street hawker can manage the country much better than him. And yet, the majority are still happy with his performance, are they blind or idiots?

A wise man would have given up hope on this old man who has been brainwashed by a young evil.

Anonymous said...

negaraku was also modified from other song...


Anonymous said...

From Malaysia Today

09/08: Raja Nazrin beri isyarat jelas supaya PM berundur

Jampi wrote:
"As a matter of fact, 95% of the pakcik's and makcik's and the ordinary kampong and man-in-the-street do not read M-T or Malaysiakini."

So, come election week, we shall compile M-T into a book...
+ BM and Chinese version of course...

with front page titled: "SUE ME if anything written inside this book was a lie." (SAMAN SAYA jika apa yang tertulis dalam buku ini hanya auta)
09/08 23:09:38


Namewee, do you see the words ?
"SUE ME if anything written inside this book was a lie." (SAMAN SAYA jika apa yang tertulis dalam buku ini hanya auta) "

Anonymous said...

你, 明志, 劲!
其实唱得.. 不错..
让政府知道我们对政府的意见.. 而可以改善..
Haiz, 这样的政府.. 悲, 悲..

可爱的女孩很好听, 不过短了点..

努力, 证明我们华人不怕吃苦..
希望你可以继续作出更好的歌.. =]



Anonymous said...

Thank you and kudos for yr bravery for speaking up whatever that is in the hearts of most malaysian chinese..Being an oversea non-bumiputra student, we felt your opinions truly..

To make people look up, you created the waves.. I hope whatever you did will make the government realise the unfair treatment towards the minority races in Malaysia..

Whatever happens, remember there are people behind you! Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Berita Harian/Metro are racist newspaper in Malaysia, I do not know why Malaysia government allows them to write whtever they like and still no action taken.

Berita Harian/Metro yang mengapi-apikan masyarakat Melayu. Not your song.

+ l a a . l a a + said...


Anonymous said...

I know you're innocent. BUT, some of your supporters who are over-reacted have taken this opportunity to make a joke of Malays and Islam in this blog !!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Every single evil encroaches around even the brightest part of our nation is because not even a single brave n good man acts.

lies are always beautiful and truths are always revolting, and mediocre always listen to the first.

Malaysia, do we wanna move on or still hide behind flamboyant lies which created by ourselves?

lets hope our government are wise.

Thanks Namewee, you had had created something that given our people a chance to reevaluate ourselves and possibly innovate ourselves to achieve a goal by our beloved ex prime minister ---> 2020

Anonymous said...

to: kapal singh , lim guan yin and all dap members

there are several kesalahan yang against the law made by pihak media metro.

1st, they try to menimbulkan rusuhan kaum dengan menggunakan cara yang agak subjektif untuk melaporkan berita , ini akan menyebabkan orang melayu benci akan orang cina dan seterusnya berlakunya perpecahan kaum

2nd, pihak media metro juga cuba mengancam keselamatan rakyat malaysia dan menghalang keharmonian antara cina dengan melayu.

3rd, pihak medi metro cuba mengelirukan orang melayu dengan melaporkan berita yang tidak tepat.
kesalahan melaporkan berita yang salah adalah sangat serius dan perlu banned by pihak berkuasa.#

Anonymous said...

明志 ! jy jy .. u r better than those MCA/MIC folks!! DAP welcome you!

Anonymous said...

The newspapers did those on purpose just to get you into trouble. I've been reading those particular newspapers with my friend and we both agree they've just simply exaggerate things just to get more people to go against you.

Good luck to you and hope this will calm down soon and that some people will start thinking rationally instead of acting like a whole bunch of orang utan.

Good luck again, and thank you for the song. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Negara ini aku memang suka
早上五点pukul 5 pagi
还有morning call会叫我起床
Ada morning call akan suruh aku bangun
Kadang-kadang beberapa ‘buah’ nyanyi sama-sama
macam tengah duet lagu cinta
Suara tinggi rendah macam tengah nyanyi R&B
Walaupun kadang kala sebahagian daripada mereka out of tune
Walaupun kadang kala sebahagian daripada mereka pecah suara..

ini bukan hina agama ke apa?

鱼虾蟹 said...




Anonymous said...

He is not talking bad about anything but only government of Malaysia. If we are mature enough, we should not look at the minor thing that the government trying to divert your attentions. Because when they did something wrong, they only will feel the heat.

I like Islam because they practice love and peace, maaf bermaafan...

The real Muslim will not fight with others because Islam is a peaceful religion.

And one more thing I need to add, do not always relate Islam to Melayu, there are a lot of Muslim from other races outside in this world.

I am chinese, I made friends with Malay and Indian. I don't like the government but I love my country.


Anonymous said...

While I must commend you for singing about things most people would not be brave enough to sing about or say, I have to say your piece on not insulting religion and leaving the reader/listener to decide whether the Chinese not having an easy time getting into public university is good or bad is a real insult to anyone's intelligence.
The entire tone of the song is truly sarcastic and while I will never say, just from reading the lyrics, that you are insulting the country, I will say that the sarcasm is meant to insult some people in this country. Why sing about the azan waking you up at 5am and how some of them can't sing in tune? Some people would say this is a "backhanded slap" while the Malays (and I am not one, nor am I even a Muslim) would say "ada udang di sebalik batu". Is there a reason for you to sing about this if not a "backhanded insult"? Your explanation that you were just commenting on how some of them sing out of tune just does not fly.
Also, why bring up Chinese not getting into university easily if you say you leave it to people to judge? It is obvious you think it is not good, or you would not sing about it.
I have to say, I like your song. It is brave, if not too smart at having hidden meanings. But don't insult my intelligence by saying the lyrics was not meant as an insult. There is the direct insult and the indirect, hidden meaning behind-the-scene (so to speak) insult.

Anonymous said...


go c this...hey...what malaysia can be proud of? foot ball?plz lah...

mademoiselle said...

a very good post.

i love my country and all my malay + chinese + indian friends in malaysia. negarakuku is just a song. i hope malaysia will always be peaceful and harmony.

Anonymous said...

I think the PM and the DPM is fighting against each other fiercely. So, in order to cover up their fightings, they will normally victimize some other non-related folks.

For example, Operasi Lalang is just a result to shift people's focus from the fighting between Ku Li and Dr M.

Now, namewee is another result to shift people's focus on the governments' mishaps

Anonymous said...

没带IC,要关六个月,我们捉了一个掠夺犯(前几个月有登在中国报),3个星期就放出来. 不必大惊诧,因为这就是MALAYSIA BOLEH! 今天的东方日报的斗条-"改编国歌事件,小题大作.部长何必需开声追击",里面就说明"一些高官的封建批评可反映到他们有怎样的民主心理素质...." 同伴们!大选要来了,张开你们的双眼,打开你们的耳朵,看那些政客在做戏,听那些高官在吹牛. 我们就不要选他!

Anonymous said...

Being a Malaysian, we need to know how to "sian" others especially those the malay n govt officials in order to survive.

As usual, all those fanatic/extreme muslims will always retaliate with their weapon may it be the keris or thru rising party representatives. That was how things started to get ugly in middle east. " Fight" rather than "Seeking understanding"

No matter what, Friend, hokkien proverb says, " water subside, fishes can be seen clearly"



Anonymous said...

非常失望MCA将要求MCA领袖寻找黄明志家人,解释后果及严重性,以便能谨慎处理,尽可能将之"大事变小,小事变无". 请大家看看这就是我们的华人政治人物! 根本不是在解决问题!而是将问题变小变无! 同胞们!你们还要这种华人领袖人物吗? 还是做一个"沉默不语"的"好"公民吗?!

Anonymous said...

畢竟在我的解讀裡面, 我真的覺得你有暗喻到了宗教還有公務人員的態度...
但是你必須考慮到現在馬來西亞還是屬於一個言論封閉的國家, 它並不像台灣一樣可以公開罵總統!!
無論如何, 現在這件事情已經發生了,還成為了國際新聞
May God Bless U~~~

Anonymous said...

Nagaraku is an illusion and Nagarakuku is the reality. Only people living in self denial cannot agree.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

good job bro !
i think u need to attend
a TALK SHOW to explain all of this.
change negarakuku to negara kukuh is a good idea
like what of the "anonymous" said juz now.

Adventurer said...

I view your video 3 times, the first time i heard from newspaper, the second time showing to my wife and third time view it again after some threatened to sue you.

I think you are just singing out facts. It is a FACTS. (I am a malaysian born and stayed in Selangor, UK graduate, my wife UM graduate). Both of us totally agree the facts contained in your lyrics. If you are local graduate, I guess your lyrics would even worse than that! (The durian is much more smelly)

My view is further strengtened when the many ministers merely saying you of non-patriotic etc. without really pointing out which part you are wrong. Well, because they are not able to point out.

I guess the part that might hurt the very weak heart is on attitude of civil servants, thats why they want to nail you on that.

Anonymous said...

I view your video 3 times, the first time i heard from newspaper, the second time showing to my wife and third time view it again after some threatened to sue you.

I think you are just singing out facts. It is a FACTS. (I am a malaysian born and stayed in Selangor, UK graduate, my wife local UM graduate). Both of us totally agree the facts contained in your lyrics. If you are local graduate, I guess your lyrics would even worse than that! (The durian is much more smelly)

My view is further strengtened when the many ministers merely saying you of non-patriotic etc. and making generalization statements without really pointing out which part you are wrong. Well, because they are not able to point out.

I guess the part that might hurt the very weak heart is on attitude of civil servants, thats why they want to nail you on that.

Anonymous said...

The part on religion:
When someone who is non-believer and being force to LISTEN to it every early morning. Different people would of course interprete it differently.

NamWee interprete as music to his ear is much better than some time ago that appear in local malaysia newspaper (star) that described it as disturbance and noises.

Anonymous said...

Namewee, you are GOD to me now!
I worship you!!! SERIOUSLY!

no matter what the media said, I am here to support you!!!

Anonymous said...

Kalau satu lagu boleh menyebabkan rusuhan kaum, panggil Badawi nyanyi satu untuk sultan-sultan kita, mungkin baginda akan ampunkan kebiadapan Badawi... ha..ha... so funny

Anonymous said...

anda memang ada buah!!
Metro SUCK!!

Anonymous said...

Hi 明志, 我很欣赏你的创作才华。我也知道马来西亚有很多存在的问题。我相信每个社会都有它存在的问题吧,我也相信没有一个国家会欢迎国歌被编改!那就好像如果有人改编一首歌来风刺或破口大骂你的家人或你疼爱的人,你的反引是什麽?你会同意吗?对我来说,这国家须要国人的合作,才有改便吧。不是在风刺或破口大骂我们的国家才会进步!


Anonymous said...

berani buat berani tanggung la namewee.. apapun masa mula-mula u publish this song i dah report polis... so jangan takut.. u sudah ada bodyguard maaaa...

lain kali kalau mau bikin apa pun pakai otak lorrr... jangan taruk dekat lutut u punya otak.. sekarang baru u tau langit itu tinggi ka rendah...

kalau u nak tau ramai rakyat Malaysia Melayu Islam tak boleh terima u punya lirik kata azan subuh (morning call) tu macam ayam jantan berkokok.... u ingat boleh main-main itu macam ka... jangan lupa pakai otak lor...

namewee... u pandai-pandai jaga diri.. takut u tak sempat sampai Muar saja nanti lor....

sheng said...


Anonymous said...

Adalah masa bagi kita semua orang Malaysia insaf bahawa negara ini adalah milik kita semua, bukan saja oleh kaum-kaum tertentu. Oleh itu, politik dan polisi negara sememangnya tidak patut berdasarkan kaum. Agama sememangnya tidak patut masuk campur pasal politik kerana Agama adalah berkenaan peribadi individu sendiri. Sebaliknya, kita mesti berdasarkan 'kebolehan' dalam pentadbiran negara, barulah negara kita boleh maju dengan erti yang sebenarnya.

Anonymous said...

Nice smack in the face for the Malays.

So he gave you a response in BM, and even the translation for the bloody song, what can you do know, Malay?
I say, get a life.

Anonymous said...

Can any personal from BN stand out and denial that the negaraku is not a copy and edit from the original Mamula Moon?


Anonymous said...

Negara ini aku memang suka
早上五点pukul 5 pagi
还有morning call会叫我起床
Ada morning call akan suruh aku bangun
Kadang-kadang beberapa ‘buah’ nyanyi sama-sama
macam tengah duet lagu cinta
Suara tinggi rendah macam tengah nyanyi R&B
Walaupun kadang kala sebahagian daripada mereka out of tune
Walaupun kadang kala sebahagian daripada mereka pecah suara..

ini bukan hina agama ke apa?

jika itu hina macam mana pula dengan menteri yg kata pembakang MACAM MONYET??? menteri tu menegaskan yg dia kata MACAM MONYET BUKAN MONYET.mingtze juga guna MACAM...jika ini pun salah MENTERI TU PUN MESTI DIPECAT ATAU LETAK JAWATAN

Anonymous said...

Your song has raised to international awareness level. I suggest you add English version on your explanation that help English reader to understand your song and your situation.
Malaysia Government act is under radar. Whatever they do against you will be noticed in international organization

马铃薯比基尼妹妹 said...


Anonymous said...

Kee, it is nothing wrong in Malay. It is Malaysia Government. Especially those who use this as an excuse to gain political purpose. Even though, the top ranking officers are Malay, you should not accuse the race because one of them is bad.

Anonymous said...

Sabar aje le....semua bangsa sebenarnya sama. Ada yang baik dan ada yang tidak. Begitu juga hidup ini dan apa sahaja perkara dalam hidup ini. Ada yang baik dan ada yang tidak. Cuma engkau kena lah sensitif sikit. Orang Islam tak suka kalau ajaran agamanya di perleceh. Yang engkau kutuk pasal azan tu buat apa? Apa perasaan engkau kalau ada orang kutuk ajaran agama engkau? Pasal yang lain-lain tu, ada juga facts tapi ada juga cuma opinion. Politician malaysia will look this matter in different perceptions. Sedia maklum kan....

士心 said...


怕有什么可耻,就像你走在街上遇到个疯汉拿着枪指着你,你能不怕吗?怕了就代表儒弱?可耻?哈哈,不见得吧? 怕是正常的,有多少人在这种情况下能不怕?怕也不可耻,可耻的是哪班吓怕你的疯汉们!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

so funny of what being reported at UTUSAN sayin Malaysia will not surprise if malaysia team can reach quarter final....what a joke...don't you know Bayern Munich only win with 1 goal is because they do not want to embarrassed the host...retarded mind...MALAYSIA FOOTBALL TEAM WILL NEVER REACH TO THE TOP OF THE WORLD ~~~NEVER~~~ NOTHIN IS BOLEH EVEN THE NATIONAL ANTHEM AND THE NATIONAL FLOWER ADAPT FROM HAWAII

Anonymous said...


ahyonglah said...

嗨! 明志, 我老爸是你老爸的老友, 虽然我不认识你, 可是我很欣赏你的创做,很平民化, 道出了许多人的心声,听后只有一个字..爽...! 希望你能吉人天相, 加油...... 我们麻坡人全都支持你!!!

Anonymous said...

if any opinion is compelled to silence, that opinion may, for aught we can certainly know, be true. To deny this is to assume our own infallibility." John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (1859).

Anonymous said...

"If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell, Preface to Animal Farm (1946)

Anonymous said...

Every country has its good and bad. If the 'bad' has proven to much for an individual, strive harder to leave the said country for one (another country) that he/she deemed as a place with better prospect for not only our personal growth, but for our offsprings as well. That was what many of our forefathers have done and thought when they left their home countries for Malaysia.

It's not whether we are willing to help the growth of this country, but if this country is willing to grow with us. Afterall, we have given years and still left with being a third world country. So, something must has gone wrong. And something is just not able to change in a span of one's lifetime.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

After this event, it may become a turning point for the government's method of controlling this country..

Anonymous said...

I think you should consult a lawyer (卡巴星) to see what you need to do in order to protect yourself - include those incorrectly news reported in metro. It is very important step.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First of all, I feel sorry to hear that you & your family were being threatened.

Secondly, you have did the right thing for this blog entry, you've clerified the whole thing with the public.

Thirdly, there's quote saying "If we did nothing wrong, we won't be frighten when someone knocked on our doors at middle of the night!" Hence, if you didn't do anything wrong, it's not necessary for you to apologize.

As for those media firms out there, please clerify everything thoroughly before reporting to the whole world, this is to avoid any unncessary misunderstandings!

Peace on earth!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Awak tulis manyak,
tapi orang melayu tak faham la
mereke tahu tidur,curi,malas saja

Anonymous said...

dude, you just said what the silent majority in malaysia want to say but have no ball to do so.. at least you have the gut. all the best dude. harian metro, is super duper crappy tabloid paper and yet the circulation is among the highest in malaysia. because why? malaysians love craps... i doubt any of the those that critisize/bash/shoot over the song you wrote really understand what you wrote... but idiots make up the biggest population in malaysia.. so what you expect?

Unknown said...

Awak tulis manyak,
tapi orang melayu tak faham la
mereke tahu tidur,curi,malas saja

Anonymous said...


NameWEE, stand for it.
Be strong.... remenber we all CHINESE in whole world will support you. Anything happen on you, we will sure that those G PIGGYS won't get a good sleep over the night......

You just point the truth out and you DIDNT make up ur own story.

Why those PIGGY want to shoot ur ass up?

This is totally unlogically...on their actions.

boycott the METRO, which is managed by a gang of pigs....

they nvr use their brain to understand your song before post up their news and now troubles came...
guess what they did?

I let them won too many times...
Is the time to counter back, we chinese get bullied by THEM all the time while they DONT even dare to admit.

Is it really MALAYSIA LOVE ALL THE CITIZENS or only the SELECTED only ?

Think AGAIN !!!

And NameWEE don't come back within this few yrs... stay at Taiwan if can... get a PR over there... and just forget about this LAME Country ever...

Runeer said...




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i sokong u ler!!!!!~~~ XDXD
u roxx man!!~~
geng!!~~ ^^ =]
gambatte ba..
anywayz gud luck lo..
hope u can continue on ur dreams =]
but then..
if u realli kena tangkap then i realli think malaysia cannot liao ler..
realli its like..
y dun u think bout the reason u make the song?!?!?! instead of catching u for the stupid reason of menghina the nasional anthem
malaysia mmg CACAT

hideaky said...

来看看马拉西亚高等教育部(高教部) 副部长 Dato Ong Tee Kiat 拿督翁诗杰的如何理性看待明志事件!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

actually i read sum of the ppl's comment
i realli hate malays!!
hate muslims!!!~~~
even chinese who is muslims
their stupid to believe in muslim
STUPID!!!! ince go in u'll nvr come out!! does a gud agama force u for believing it forever?!?!
how stupid!!
i love buddism
they'll nvr force u
its the most peaceful agama
kononnya muslim the bez
kononnya it practice to lov the country n wat so eva
try to look around lar..
those who havin war?
wat agama they;re havin?
mostly muslim n christian
they're very close minded
if they realli r gud..
why can't they juz forgiv those who dun understand instead of boming other ppl n like sue ppl..
so wat? its juz their thinkin
b open minded lar PLEASE!!
i agree wif the singaporeans!!!!
i'm currently studying the sej of malaysia n i noe y singapore did not join us..
its the stupid thinking of our prime minister..
i agree wif singapore tat the malays shd not hav the "special place"
if they hav tat..y shd we discuss bout peace in malaysia?!?!
go "ya si" la!!!
the country malaysia din even treat the citizens equally n how shd we respect our country
go die la!!
namewee...go taiwan n nvr come baq
malaysia won't do u any gud..
go n nvr come baq
taiwan is better
same kaum they'll take care of u

akishou said...

我剛剛到一個馬來豬的部落看, 整個就是生氣!! 於是我給了那個blog"豬" 一個留言.
我真的不認為明志錯了, 如果要說有錯, 那大家都有錯! 政府有錯, 我們有錯, 大家都有錯!! 我真搞不懂那些豬的想法.
他們愛國? 阿諛奉獻, 我看不到他們那裡愛國了. 愛就是縱容嗎? 妾婦之道, 沒有半點大丈夫所為.
他們說明志沒有尊重國家, 那他們有尊重嗎? 對人他們在fuck fuck fuck不停, 對國家還會尊重嗎? 明志的歌, 我個人這樣覺得, 雖然歌詞粗俗, 但是沒有髒話. 她們罵人髒話連篇, 有文明人的樣子嗎? 沒有. 有尊重人的樣子嗎? 沒有. 有身為馬來西亞人的自覺嗎? 沒有!!
他們憑什麼罵明志? 明志老實的陳述馬來西亞的現象,事實. 叫我跟別人說, 我的國家很和平很美好,沒有貪污沒有犯罪案, 我才沒有這種勇氣騙人!! 我和明志一樣人在台灣, 我看見台灣的社會才有所謂的安定, 很少犯罪案. 看吧! 台灣比我們遲獨立(清末以後)
但是發展比我們快, 社會比我們安定. 多成功!! 馬來西亞? 算了吧. 2020年快到了, 我看不出有什麼成績. 我在這裡, 真的. 我老實說一句話. 台灣國中生, 國3 可以到馬來西亞當老師教高2生普通數學-.-

Anonymous said...

you are the best namewee, no matter what happens next, you have shown the world all the facts about our country.

so free to sue and catch namewee??? better ask them figure out how to stop the now so popular snatch thieves, rapists, robbers, accidents, blackmail, corruption, that's what they should do to help save Malaysia..

sadly, most people out there are still sleeping and want to have a piece of namewee's ass.

namewee is some one who knows what he is doing and he is doing it for everyone. stupid press mis-interprate his song...

eh... namewee, so many people talking about sueing you, how about sueing Harian Metro??

maiko said...

malays are too coward to admit their failures, they need all the help from the government and tax payers money to survive, to further study, to do business, to do everything, to go university through back door, even buy shares, house, everything, need help from others...

but sadly, they are pampered till become numb already, they feel like it is RIGHT to give them all of this. If some body wants to talk about their "special unfair" rights, they will say you are trying to sabotage our peaceful country.

namewee.... u know we are ALL behind you!

Anonymous said...

马华.. wou wou wou....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


August 12, 2007 9:17 PM

they only represent chinese when election come, after election they represent UMNO

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


August 12, 2007 9:17 PM

hello, MCA only represent chinese during election, after election we represent UMNO. u still asking this question???? never read newspaper??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I know what to do in coming election, my choice will be opposition party.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To the anonymous,
Buddhism din teach you to hate others.
I bet you are still young, dunno understand much about Buddhism.

Islam, Christian & Buddhism, it is just way to facilitate us to connect with GOD.

Nothing to do race & religion, it is just people's selfishness and so called GREAT POLITICIAN, play around with it!! Wake up Malaysian!

Anonymous said...

请那些政府官员有的时间去看一看,到今天为止,志明说的是不是都是真的? 还有,政治部怎么可以叫志明的爸爸去问话? 这不是在恐吓人民吗? 为什么就没有任何一个华人部长有种站出来讲话呢? 可想而知, 我们那些口口声声说代表华人的领袖人物是...(大家心领神会啦!). 所以, 我们应该是时候对这些人物说"不!"了! 大选来临时, 不给他们选票! 看他们还能代表500万华人吗?! 同胞门! 清醒吧! 只有自己才能救自己! 我们才是政府的头家! 是我们每年缴纳税务, 他们才有薪金可拿. 为何我们要受到恐吓!? 为何我们要受到不合理的对待!? 请大家告诉大家! 是时候站出来了!

Anonymous said...


atlee said...

Translation :
Namewee's clarification
Reason : False coverage of the media
On 7th of Aug 2007,i have found out that metro, a malay language newspaper had reported the whole incident on Negarakuku wrongly after a close scrutiny was done on various coverage in tv-news and newspaper. They have a very narrow perspective in presenting this piece of news. This has caused much misunderstandings on my creation.
Firstly, "Metro" allegedly criticize my song as degrading our nation, religion & culture without fully understanding the deeper meaning of the lyrics.
Secondly, the fact that metro didn't translate the mandarin lyrics of Negarakuku into Malay language has caused a great problem.This is because most of the Malay people cannot comprehend the hidden messages in my song by themselves.worse still, they turn to the coverage done by those irresponsible media.I seriously disagree with the unprofessional way of the media in reporting this incident.

atlee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

MCA afraid to help NAMEWEE because they scared MCA cant longer survive and no salary for this month...COWARD ACT OF MCA REALLY DISGRACE US CHINESE....

U M N O~~~~

Anonymous said...

Namewee should be given a Datuk title for he help thousands of people from Sabah to Perlis and Malaysian all over the world to refresh a song long forgotten, now many people can remember how to sing the Negaraku of 31st Aug. A job well done and deserve a Datukship.

Anonymous said...

to welovemalaysia,

you also pandai-pandai jaga sendiri loh. nanti we all chinese shot you ah. bleh. jaga lah. sini all chinese. pakai otak lah lu. idiotic malays.

namewee sudah pakai otak. if he never pakai otak, how to sing?

and for your information, HE'S JUST TELLING THE TRUTH. what's the fuss? just admit it that malays are lazy. malays know only how to use the goverment's money.

malays were given special treatment. and yeah, malays are lazy. malays are protected. so what? we chinese know how to cari rezeki sendiri.

sometimes i was wondering, how will malays in malaysians survive without goverment's support?

get a life, you fucking malays.

by, min.

sue me lah idiot. =___=

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

明志, don't feel afraid.
We all chinese in Malaysia will support you always. If neccessary, I am willing go to Muar to join the demonstration.
BTW, I am from Penang.

Anonymous said...

C'mon everyone!! malay or chinese.. you are still malaysian.. the one who are d biggest criminal is d present government.. they the one who create conflicts between all races in malaysia with unacceptable policy.. think yourself, why this song is created at the 1st place? it is becoz of the bad doings of malaysia government.. corruption, inefficiency, racist pollicy.. please open ur eyes my fellow friends in malaysia..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


天使 said...








Anonymous said...

i support you! u rocks. u r not violating undang-undang as far as the lyrics are concenrned. take care

Anonymous said...

Umno is trying to shift the attention of the Malay community, from the government failure and corruption matters in the song to the religion matter, they are using the media, Metro to influence the Malay to hate the singer, by pointing out the Azan, distort it and stir the community, but why they didn't admit other contents in that song?

How to achieve 2020 with this kind of mentality? even waste so much of taxpayer's money to build tallest building and tour to space also useless.

I feel very hopeless of my lovely country. We need reformasi.

Anonymous said...

結果, 明志仍然抵擋不住強權壓力, 道歉了

Anonymous said...

good job ....haha..
wish u hav a nice day ...

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


They (umno) are just trying to shift malays attention to hate. They are manipulating malays to have their support. So no matter how/what you said also no use. They are the biggest racist in Malaysia.

Take care.

We Love Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

请问 Negarakuku 的 kuku 是懒叫国家的意思?

别人早上念经是宗教仪式。你说人家年经走音,好像唱情歌,R&B 就是对别人的宗教不尊。

包头翻译成 memakai tudung 也好像不妥。人家 memakai tudung 是别人的自由。从你的歌曲,你好像对此很看不顺眼。

政府只会照顾土族翻译成 kerajaan hanya akan jaga rakyat tertentu 也不妥。土族是指什么人。新经济政策是通过国会通过的法律。新经济政策在条例上不是一个 discrimatory policy 而是一个 preferencial policy.当初这个政策是通过议会民主通过的。当时的国会都有华人和印度人的代表。

交通警察抓你是因为你犯了交通规则。给kopi 钱你自己本身也有错。你可以拒绝给 kopi 钱。

你进入独中时难道不知道独中生毕业了要进local大学西北难吗?独中采用的并不是国家的 national curriculum,而是采用台湾的课程。你说政府的一个伟大的计划就是有什么他要独中生到处跑,出国自己找希望有什么证据。其实,政府并不鸟你们这些独中生而已。


Anonymous said...

Since they like your song so much, why not use your talent to compose a new song to help malaysian know more about Malaysia Constitutional?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Oh boy! Malaysian government should first sue you for copyright infringement in using tourist promotion video clip indiscriminately.

Anonymous said...

Be peace

the malay translation is up


Noto said...

Malaysia's government is really just like a kid or rather teenager... they feel so 'unsafe'.. they get so scared when someone saw they're watching porn in their own room.... just 1 song n they wanna make it on every lil' single newspaper u can find in malaysia.. hey... thanks for advertising ming zhi~ u bunch of baboons~

continue to support!!!

Anonymous said...

I read alot on this Negarakuku issue on many blogs and news. I don't know whether some of you realise this, but i do... When I read.. I noticed that when the comments came from the mouth of malay and muslim, it's all "fuck", "bunuh", "u won't reach muar", "burn your house", bla bla.. I as a third party singaporean, feel somehow it's quite uncivilised. Malays out there, please potrait yourself nicely, don embarass your race and country. The more you make noise, the more uncivilised outsiders will feel you r. Why not just said, "I don't like your song, but I do hope it brings some benefit to our government"? In the other hand, I see ppl who support Namewee are all polite chinese with mature mindset. I don mean to raise any racist problem, just a view.

Yeah, i know about azan, i thought it's true it's very loud and disturbing ppl's good sleep? Even some malays also cannot stand. Malays out there, how would u feel if every morning u hear those church playing holly songs loudly? will u still say about respect? or "fuck fuck fuck"?

It's very interesting indeed that how childish this malaysian government handled this case. If I will to handle this case, I will just said, "namewee is still a little kid, what for we(government) want to do anything bad to him? but my advise to him is sometimes be smarter on things you do and in the other hand we (government) will investigate on the content you sang." won't this sound more matured? than sue him sue him, cannot accept cannot accept.

Spend more time to catch those rapist and robber at JB pls, so that I dare to step into malaysia.. Now I don't dare.. Sigh, energy are wasted in wrong aspect.

Anonymous said...



eefui said...

Reply this message:

"chinese people oso stupid.. when somebody died.. they pay somebody to cry.. they oso cheating their god.. and they oso burn the fake money, fake car , and fake food...

are chinese people realise about this? "

I am chinese,but i totally agree what u say. Becos this is fact.

Anonymous said...

The mistake of the video :-

1. Insulting the country by calling the national anthem "Negarakuku". We all know what the term "kuku" implies even if the creator do not have to ball to admit it.

2. Touching on the issues like azan and tudung wearing is akin to stirring religious sensitivies.

3. Referring to a particular race's attitude in life and saying another race has yet to stop breast feeding touches on racial controversy.

4. Blaming on police taking bribe while you yourself bribe the police is slapping your own face as well.

Anonymous said...

the 1 criticizin definitely is from MCA as he use all those nonsense statement to kill his song off..
tell u wt MCA i know u are using some kind of tactic to manipulate nation mind...
malaysian please dont fall for this...
this MCA definitely is a traitor to chinese race n the nation..maybe UMNO gave him doggystyle as a reward to betray own race n the whole nation..
mingtze jz tellin the truth as whole nation knw tat the song inside is the truth...
if tats nt the fact please show proof or affidavit to sue mingtze...if u dn hav any pls jz keep ur mouth neatly shut...
if u think all are lies why dont u ask anybody or whoever u see on the street n ask about this song see if they agree or not...
this is because we know that police is always corrupt, govt servant always serve us xtremely slow or we dont have to queue tat long to pay tax or wtsoeva..
why govt keep on focussin in azan rather than other issue tat bein mentioned in the song??? izit govt think that corruption mus go on?? govt servant should behave the same way?? chinese student cant get in local uni is the right thing to do??
you must understand tat the late Tan Cheng Lok is a traitor to chinese because he signed it without chinese knowledge about what is the contain inside the agreement......
im hoping malay wil not bow to UMNO again as we can see how they gona ruin tis country lik u can see wts goin on now..our economy is far behind Singapore n Thailand...even Spore is developing rapidly than us as we are 10yrs bhind them...SAD TO SAY~~~
WE as Chinese, Malay, Indian n other races mus join together for REFORMATION~~~~

Anonymous said...

Hi,明志.we're support u,u r our Malaysian's chinese Hero.our stupid menteri-2,Datuk-2 even knows actual happen in Malaysia,but they do nothing.i never vote BN since registered,cause they useless,MCA only act as a follower for BN." kamu caya sama kau",pls keep forward, we're always with u ...

we love u ...............

Anonymous said...

I can tell, Namewee....you really love malaysia --. you sang in the song that you will come back and contribute after finish your study in taiwan. because You are still fighting for better future for our Nation.. and you never give up your hope in our country... though you know how bad the situation is... I am so touching...and your bahasa malayu is damn good... better than some malayu...you really love malaysia , this is the Truth that no one can deny .


我很多朋友在美國,在中國,臺灣... ETC。他們真的像逃難一樣不打算回來了,不可能回來。


我又有一個妹妹是環保工程師,她在本地度假逗留的時候(正等待辦理換工作執照的一兩個月)曾經自願無薪為馬來西亞的環保部門工作,已經是美國環保工程畢業生了,而且是排名十大的大學。可是被拒絕了,爲什麽?因爲裏面沒有工作嗎? 還是馬來西亞有很多人才了,我不知道。。。妹妹說,可能是不想一個沒有function部門的内部運作暴光。可能吧。環保部是很大的機密,參觀也不行。


我以前在美國念書的大哥說,有一個讀master的馬來人,一家大小都住在美國,學費生活費,吃住是政府供的。我哥哥是straight As,他好像才剛剛過關的料而已。。爲什麽政府不要供比較聰明的要供比較笨的?難道要別人笑我們馬來西亞人,最聰明的獎學金得主是這麽笨的嗎?

我以前有一個華文老師笑我們,不要以爲數理科比馬來人厲害,其實他們最厲害的,早在年級輕輕就被政府送出國了,我們只是在和他們的第二等比,贏了也無需驕傲。可是,我的老師,你認識任何一個他們的第一等嗎? 什麽什麽科學獎聼說了???政府悉心栽培的人才阿!!! 到哪裏去了??

爲什麽華人要從商? 因爲,不從商要搞什麽?我們放棄了政治,那難搞又艱辛的一環。我們不搞文化藝術,因爲政府的撥款和條例都沒有提倡和鼓勵。以前本地的中文電視集,要放馬來字幕,所以不知道明星叫什麽名的我們,只好繼續崇拜臺灣,香港的明星。感恩是現在好很多了,又新傳媒等等的加入。。



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just sharing with u guys.

Reference : http://www.sinchew-i.com/commentary/index.phtml?sec=833

updated:2007-08-12 12:01:53 MYT


CNN這個新聞巨頭跟最近紅遍全球的短片分享網站You Tube合作,讓網民通過大屏幕播出自製的短片,向2008年美國總統選舉民主黨黨內參選人提出問題, 並由參選人現場即時回答。美國傳統的競選模式,又一次受到了前所未見的顛覆。

這是一個劃時代的創舉,有人形容,這標示著一個新的“政治里程碑”時代的降臨,更有人因此驚呼,You Tube的選舉年代已經到來。因為,這意味著,任何人只要擁有一台攝像機或者一部具備攝像功能的手機,他就能把他的“作品”上載到You Tube這個網站,或打擊自己憎恨的候選人,或歌頌讚美自己的偶像,從而影響選情。

何謂You Tube?You就是你,Tube即是美國人所說的電視,因此,直譯的話,You Tube的意思就是“你的電視”。網民把自製短片放在You Tube上放映是免費的,因此,才短短幾年,You Tube便風靡全球,去年7月公佈的一項調查顯示,它每月吸引到的網民將近2000萬人次,此外,它還每天有1億部短片被瀏覽以及6萬5000個新的短片被上載。


值得深思的是,當美國總統候選人選擇與You Tube共舞,以進入年輕人的世界,爭取年輕的支持的時候,馬來西亞卻不但還無法實現電視辯論,而且還在為政府應否操控傳統媒體並向部落客宣戰而爭論不休。我們的民主,何止落後於人家47年?

當然,You Tube和部落格一樣,是一把雙刃劍,既可以傷人,也可以傷己。任何媒體都一樣,如果充斥著謊言和污蔑,最終,它都將自食其果,遭人唾棄。 (星洲日報/溝通平台•柔州高級采訪主任:林明華•2007.08.12)

Anonymous said...

I like this article very much, and I definitely agreed with last sentence -> 理性、開明、真摯的聲音,愈來愈少;拉惹納茲林,會愈來愈孤獨。

I respect you, Raja Muda Perak - Raja Dr Nazrin Shah. I think malaysian proud of you.

評論:拉惹納茲林上課 推薦給朋友 列印
updated:2007-08-07 18:54:31 MYT

















理性、開明、真摯的聲音,愈來愈少;拉惹納茲林,會愈來愈孤獨。 (星洲日報/夜雨晨風•作者:鄭丁賢•2007.08.07)

Anonymous said...

Reply to 馬來西亞 獨中畢業生 said


I agreed with you, please ask your sister or brother come back from oversea for voting in coming election! :>

>> To those chinese in oversea
Please come back to malaysia while election day, Malaysia need your contribution!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The mistake of the video :-

1. Insulting the country by calling the national anthem "Negarakuku". We all know what the term "kuku" implies even if the creator do not have to ball to admit it.

2. Touching on the issues like azan and tudung wearing is akin to stirring religious sensitivies.

3. Referring to a particular race's attitude in life and saying another race has yet to stop breast feeding touches on racial controversy.

4. Blaming on police taking bribe while you yourself bribe the police is slapping your own face as well.

reply to this Mr Anonymous
1. Negaraku-ku here means his own version of Negaraku.. Negaraku aku-- to shorten it, it become negarukuku, just like Buku aku will become Bukuku.. get it?

2.so Azan and Tudung is religious sensitive? in this video, did he say azan is bad? did he say tudung is not good? show me which part of the video did show that he is saying azan and tudung is bad? it is ur mind that interprete it as a bad comment!!

3. yet again.. it say Malay lifestyle is relax and simple, and chinese life style is always busy and rushing.. and it is a lifestyle of each races, did he mention about any races have a bad lifestyle?

4. he just point out what happen in malaysia.. the truth is malaysia police is really corrupted and always demand for bribe.. and he din said he bribe d police, did he?

Anonymous said...

I take the title of the song "Negarakuku" as "My Negaraku". Anyone see any elements of insult or humiliation?

Ian said...

First of all,

namewee mana ade kutuk Azan dan Islam, dia cuma cakap cara lafaskan azan dari sudut nyanyian muzik.

Jangan percaya METRO secara membuta duli pulak!

"(请问 Negarakuku 的 kuku 是懒叫国家的意思?

别人早上念经是宗教仪式。你说人家年经走音,好像唱情歌,R&B 就是对别人的宗教不尊。

包头翻译成 memakai tudung 也好像不妥。人家 memakai tudung 是别人的自由。从你的歌曲,你好像对此很看不顺眼。

政府只会照顾土族翻译成 kerajaan hanya akan jaga rakyat tertentu 也不妥。土族是指什么人。新经济政策是通过国会通过的法律。新经济政策在条例上不是一个 discrimatory policy 而是一个 preferencial policy.当初这个政策是通过议会民主通过的。当时的国会都有华人和印度人的代表。

交通警察抓你是因为你犯了交通规则。给kopi 钱你自己本身也有错。你可以拒绝给 kopi 钱。

你进入独中时难道不知道独中生毕业了要进local大学西北难吗?独中采用的并不是国家的 national curriculum,而是采用台湾的课程。你说政府的一个伟大的计划就是有什么他要独中生到处跑,出国自己找希望有什么证据。其实,政府并不鸟你们这些独中生而已。


---回这段的,错,Negarakuku 是“Negaraku, aku” 的意思,不是什么“LJ"!

---R&B 只是对诵经的方式意见,难道意见不同就得该死?

---memakai tudung, 难道他们不是吗?只是description 而已!

---你到底是不是华人啊?新经济政策对我们不公平,你还睁眼说瞎话?什么preferencial policy, 你们prefer, 我们才不prefer!





绝对100000000% 支持火箭党!

Anonymous said...

The goverment is jus trying to find scape goat for all this while. I must say the song was not released on an appropriate time. The election was coming, and predictabily there will be a lot of politicians who will try to find 'things' to talk about the chinese so that they will have malay votees to vote them...sigh....

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Finally, one MCA member sya some good words bout namewee:


And this is him:



Anonymous said...


Alex said...

明志, 你真的选对了时机播放这MV,所有马来部长如阿莎丽娜和泰益等等为了近期的选举大大的以毒攻毒的把你判罪是因为他们认为你污辱国歌和回教,而且还是为了要赢取马来同胞的支持。而在你的部落格里大多数华人同胞都支持你,所以马华的主席如黄家定和翁诗杰等等为了避免华人都投反对党一票,所以希望政府‘大事化小,小事化无‘来解决这问题。如果你的MV是大选以后才播的话?试问那些马华的人还会帮你说话吗?理智的选名们,你们都懂得该选谁吧?

Anonymous said...

reply to anonymous:
Anonymous said...
"请问 Negarakuku 的 kuku 是懒叫国家的意思?"
My opinion:
The first time I read, i think it is Negaraku Ku = My Negaraku.

"别人早上念经是宗教仪式。你说人家年经走音,好像唱情歌,R&B 就是对别人的宗教不尊"。
My opinion: Forcing people to Listen (via super loud speaker) when he does not practice the religion is itself 不尊. Namwee who inteprete it as music is considered OK.

包头翻译成 memakai tudung 也好像不妥。人家 memakai tudung 是别人的自由。从你的歌曲,你好像对此很看不顺眼。
My opinion:"This is what he observed".

政府只会照顾土族翻译成 kerajaan hanya akan jaga rakyat tertentu 也不妥。土族是指什么人。新经济政策是通过国会通过的法律。新经济政策在条例上不是一个 discrimatory policy 而是一个 preferencial policy.当初这个政策是通过议会民主通过的。当时的国会都有华人和印度人的代表。
My opinion: NEP ("never ending" policy) sounds good on paper. But execute badly in reality. Problem is many bad policy implemented in the name of "NEP". Maybank,Ambank has race discrimination also say it is in line with NEP. Anything that only favours (in some it is 100% favour) particular race, it is again in the name of "NEP". So it is natural NEP got the blame, because what is in NEP is only SELECTIVELY implemented. This is discriminatory not preferential.

交通警察抓你是因为你犯了交通规则。给kopi 钱你自己本身也有错。你可以拒绝给 kopi 钱。
My opinion: If one is out for bribe, he will catch you on all small small matters then when you try to plead, he will say i also want to help you... Well, it is wrong to give, but the law enforcers is setting up an environment that trick you into giving. And you are asking a normal (poor) rakyat to be a Noble man every time?

你进入独中时难道不知道独中生毕业了要进local大学西北难吗?独中采用的并不是国家的 national curriculum,而是采用台湾的课程。My opinion: Just like oversea university, SPM is accepted is O-level equivalent. and you only need to pass the language subject. If govt really care about education, it should be decide based on the "standard" of exam.
opinion: This is one way to motivate oneself, when situation is against us.

opinion: You don't come back they will say you are non-patriotic to serve coutry.

Anonymous said...

明志, actually, last time Police in melayu name mata-mata, it's not hokkian.So, we call police mata, it's right.

Anonymous said...

If you read many other news recently you will find many discriminatory policy appeared and sometimes based on non-existence of govt policy.
This reflect one problem:
The thinking and attitude of those officials is so deep rooted. (Need to ask Mahatir what had he implanted for so many yrs).

Basically they know:
1.Implemnt in the name of NEP will do.
2.Earn easy money: nevermind this is their right anyway. (just control the license to create monopolistic situation will do)
2.Did not follow instruction? No problem, correct it later when found out, they will get away with it.
3.When question too much, remind you of social contract not all parties don't really know what is inside (including NAJIB the DPM)
4.If their action create tension?
Nevermind, Khairy can also get away with it, so can they.

Anonymous said...

hari ini beberapa uncle duduk di kedai kopi
uncle A cakap"apa salah itu orang nyayi negaraku?"
uncle B "nyayi lagu kebangsaan pun salah kah?"
uncleC "semua paper pun tak da lyrics, newspaper punya orang takut apa leh? lyric tak boleh tengok, kami mana tau apa salah itu nyayi negaraku punya orang leh?"
uncle D "ya lah ya lah, satu paper cakap dia salah ,semua orang pun cakap dia salah . macam anjing di lorong sana , satu bising ,semua pun sekali bising ,wow wow wow wow wow."
uncle E "saya punya anak cakap ,dia tengok computer, itu lagu cakap malaysia punya MATA ada mata yg besar, suka minum kopi dan teh yg ada gula . pukul 5 pagi ada alarm automatic .malaysia punya durian ada busuk ada wangi .lagi cakap sendiri orang cina pandai ,rajin .
orang malaysia takda kereta manyak susah ."
uncleA,uncle B,uncleC,uncleD:"apa salah kah ,betul betul tak faham lah"
uncle E "lagi ,lagi ada manyak tak boleh habis cakap lah"
uncleA,uncle B,uncleC,uncleD:" cukup lah ,balik makan ,tidur lah,bye bye"

Anonymous said...

Reply to the following comments:

The mistake of the video :-

1. Insulting the country by calling the national anthem "Negarakuku". We all know what the term "kuku" implies even if the creator do not have to ball to admit it.
[ Negaraku-ku, adding additional ku to make a tune. it does not imply anything for me when I hear it, unless you think too much (dirty minded)]

2. Touching on the issues like azan and tudung wearing is akin to stirring religious sensitivies
[ I do not understand why you say such wearing is a sensitive issue. It is Malay culture (may be Islam culture? please correct me if I was wrong) You should be proud of your own culture unless you are ashamed by your own dressing code. Namewee neither say it is good or bad. He describes the Malay(mulsim?) dressing culture only. Once again, you are thinking too much on negative side.

3. Referring to a particular race's attitude in life and saying another race has yet to stop breast feeding touches on racial controversy.
[ Dr. Mahathir also said it before that "Malay" community still walk with tongkat (walking stick). How come Malaysia government does not sue Dr. Mahathir or requests Dr. Mahathir to apology? In contrast, some Malay politicians say "Jika cina tak suka, balik ke china”, how come Malaysia Government does not request them to apology to Chinese community? It seem one Government but has two different rules. neither say good or bad word against two different living lifestyle. Who does not want to live in an easy lifestyle? However, Non-bumiputra does not get help from Malaysia Government like bumiputra. Thus, non-bumiputra has to work harder in order to support their children to get a better education. Do you know how much it cost to send a child to study oversea? There are many of my Chinese friends who are more talented but fail to have advanced education because their family just could not afford it. One time, I saw one Chinese girl, who was begging her family to send her to study oversea ,was crying and make promise to support her younger brother in return of favor. At last, Namewee just sings what he learns and hears. If telling the truth is consider racist, I am speechless. IMHO, people often use "racial controversy" as an excuse not to face the reality or hide the fact. I admire Dr. Mahathir because he dares to face the reality and try hard to solve it.]

4. Blaming on police taking bribe while you yourself bribe the police is slapping your own face as well.
[Once again, Namewee does not blame the police taking bribe. police corruption cases are uncountable and it is a fact. Do you see Singapore police takes bribe? It is Government job to stop the corruption - provide better compensation/reward and hire better quality personnel and punish heavily like Singapore for those who take bribe]

I personally think that you either has negative mindset or just could not read properly. The bottom line is Namewee neither blames nor insult any religion, government, and race. He just sings what he learns and hears in Malaysia. If it is not the fact. We are welcome you to bring up your statement with fact to defend it and please stop using "racial controversy" as an excuse not to face reality.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...




article from www.sinchew.com.my

Anonymous said...








行動黨秘書長政治秘書黃偉益說,政府嘗試用各種手法來對付黃明志,是不可理喻的。 (星洲日報•2007.08.12)

100% agree. Just a song with facts.

On another side:

When they can not bring you to court with Malaysia law (they know they can not win)...the only way is...內安法令(ISA)..

Sad..they abuse the internal Security Act against a powerless young man - Namewee. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

The National Language Act gazetted on 4 April 1968 makes any act of disrespect towards the National Anthem a punishable offence. No need for ISA in this case.

business said...



Anonymous said...

bro Namewee,

You don't have to explain nor apologise. You did nothing wrong and what you mentioned are true facts. Only when you think you're wrong then you will free guilty (this is what the UMNOputras feel of their guilts dont to all of us)

Anonymous said...

I thought KUKU means finger nail in Bahasa Malaysia, am i not right?

Anonymous said...

After all the reading and recent news report, in my honest opinion, apology without wrongly doing is only making the matter worse. You must carefully consider all the factors in before you take the next step. Apology means that you admit that you are guilty. They will accuse you more later (that is what I afraid those politicians use it for their political gain). You better consult a lawyer. Since 卡巴星 is willing to provide free service to you and he is expert in this field, you have nothing to lose get his opinion.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Playing with fire is not a joke. It can burn everyone. In this blog, I can see there are a few people try to put out the fire.. BUT most of them are putting more oil !!!

This shouldn't happen to a country which celebrating 50 years Merdeka !! Grow up, man !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sue the metro for misleading the ppl in malaysia

Anonymous said...

Malay been covered by Goverment from 1957 until now and they still haven't 断奶 lar....so they can't face the facts. But we, Muar Chinese will support you.

You are the HERO,
You are the Future of Chinese,
Let them see our Power on coming Election.

Hope Muar is the 1st place in Johor State drop into DAP hand during the coming election.

Anyway, hope you and your family is fine and save.

Anonymous said...

明志, 如果你被抓的话, 我相信我们每个人都会挺你。 “挺明志行动” 我一定会去。希望到时所有的网友们都能做出支持的行动。

Anonymous said...

hey namewee..they give u a new look~~~



他们太过份了!!!真的很没教养 ;(

Anonymous said...

Pegawai-pegawai UMNOlah yang mengapi-apiken keadaan di Malaysia.
Dengan tidak memahami keadaan lalu mengeluarkan perkataan-perkataan yang tidak benar.
Jadi siapakah yang disalahkan untuk memburukan pergabungan di antara rakyat Malaysia.

Jika orang luar negara diberitahu bahawa Malaysia Bersih, Aman-damai, dan lain-lain perkara baik. Apabila mereka datang melancong Malaysia, baru dapat tahu bahawa ini semua bohong. Adakah ini perkara baik apabila dibohong.
Lagipun, beberapa rumah di kampung (Selangor) telah diroboh tanpa beri cukup masa pindah atau amaran. Siapakah yang ada kuasa untuk membuang anak-anak malaysia dari rumah mereka. Kerajaanlah yang menguat kuasa situwasi ini.

sebenarnya, siapakah yang dapat tawaran hebat daripada kerajaan? Adakah semua kaum-kaum melayu?? Adakah mereka pergi ke kampung-kampung untuk memberi tawaran?? Hanyakah saudara-saudari menteri ini, menteri itu, kawan pegawai ini, pegawai itu, yang dapatken tawaran hebat??

Kerajaan/menteri-menteri menindas kaum-kaum melayu yang tidak ada kuasa dan miskin juga. Siapakah duduk di rumah besar yang tak payah beri cukai tanah? siapakah yang duduk di kampung-kampung yang kerajaan akan roboh suka hati saja? adakah kerajaan melayani semua kaum-kaum melayu dengan adil??

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