What is your purpose of making this video? To voice out your dis-satisfaction with the government?? To highlight the society's failure? To become the voice for justice?
And at the end of the day? what do you achieve? the support of the chinese?? you think we don't know anything that you have put up on video?? that we are oblivion to whats happening in Malaysia.. Or you think, by your video, malaysia can change.
The thing is, if you are really interested in politics of malaysia, and sincerely looking into ways to improve malaysia, maybe you can try more construcutive ways.. not making videos like that, and 煽动人心。。。 have you ever thought of remifications that the video can cause to malaysia society? do you want 513 to happen again?
In my view, 敢怒敢言 is truly and indeed a valuable trait in today's society.. but freedom of speech comes with responsbility. If you are trying to bring changes to the society.. then be like Mandela. live by your values and bring about constructive contribution to the society. not trying to cause disruption in the society through immature videos, and hide in taiwan when things goes wrong... Seriously.. What has your video achieve for the society?
If you are really advocating for our rights, be like Lim Kit Siang. I will salute u. but not through such videos. it not only causes discohesiveness in society.. but also ruin our reputation internationally.
you are not in malaysia, and not contributing in any sense to malaysia, so really you don't really have a right of voice...
Yes we are a rotting apple... but to tell ppl we are a rotting place without any constructive proposition.. its even "stupider"... don't be like the inconstructive opposition in malaysia.
Malaysia need people who love malaysia. who would like to see improvements in malaysia and contribute constructively to Malaysia. Malaysia does not need people to plainly voice out our fault, and put it up for international display. I urge you to reflect upon your irresponsible action, and urge you to contribute constructively, so as to benefit Malaysia and all Malaysians. Mulling on the problems does not help...
to the sohai above , malaysian politician never felt shame, what happen in malaysia should spread over the world then they will start taking action. i think u r from the colony and got a lot of benefit from government projects. betul sohai !!!!
i agree with the sohai wawa! i have the same thought as you. just a song doesnt make much different. However, it might cause more issues in future. So, who gets the benefit? no one but chinese will suffer from bully. You are able to fight back, and other people do! rob? rape, kill ??? I do love the country , and i'm also not happy with the government decision, but sometimes, we need to think of the big picture
Everyone have their own rights to voice out how they feel. If you feel uncomfortable with NameWee's song, please shut down your computer & continue to dream on your 513 incident.
Ever think of WHY NameWee's song are supported by such a huge group of Malaysians all over the world?
ANSWER: Let me tell you WHY, because what he sang is what we feel!! You go Singapore, US or Europe countries, people also sing to criticize their country, but not much responses from their citizens. WHY? because their country is prosperous, advanced, fair & people are HAPPY living with their government.
Every country must have some "unsatisfied" people like NameWee, and they will voice out. It depends on how big is this "unsatisfied" group. Malaysia is getting worse, that's why the "unsatisfied" group are bigger & bigger.
If everyone is like a coward like you, just want to portray a "good image" of Malaysia (just like msia government). Ignoring the voices from the people, this country is doomed.
Everyone love Malaysia, and everyone has their own way to express their love, concern for Malaysia. Do not use your standard to judge people. NameWee has a very good way to raise people of Malaysia to think about, to care about their lovely home, Malaysia!
Malaysia government should seriously think what's wrong with them. If the governance is good, do you think NameWee has so much supporters?
All right then,leon lai min wang. lets get the facts straight.First of all,me, wawa and yoyo are not the same person,whether you would love to believe it or not,and in no way am I held responsible for their words or actions, nor do I fully agree with what they say about namewee. apparently,you have beef with me due not from the fact that I criticized namewee, but from your assumption/theory/blind guess/random unprocessed thoughts that I am an anonymous 'shooter' here to shoot bad comments about namewee.And also u are trying to make a point by saying that I do not use my 'real name',as opposed to your usage of a chinese name,i.e. leon lai min wang.Well then,let me tell you something leon,my name is chow jia long, and I am from ipoh,I am 22 this year,and studying in UMS,Sabah,pursuing a degree in biotech.But what difference does it make even if I say so?I could be saying i am chan chee bai from KL,selling mee by the roadside,it would be the same,such as you using the name leon lai min wang does not prove you to be that person,maybe you ARE NOT?Maybe you made that name up?Who knows?Maybe you STOLE someone's name?I can put my name as kenny sia,and linked my comment to www.kennysia.com, would you have found out I tricked you?Can you?My point is,on the internet,name is just a method of self-address,and how you want other people to address you.Try asking the relevant authorities on how to track and locate internet criminals,I would bet my ass it would NOT be through the names that they use online,real or otherwise. But of course to satisfy your curiosity,below I posted my link to my friendster page,so you can have a good look at my face.But then again,that link may be fake too,no? Which reminded me to tell you,the reason I do not put a link to my blog is I do not blog on blogspot anymore,instead I blog on my friendster blog,you can check it out,BUT I MAY be lying too,you get what I mean? Frankly,I used to support namewee.I love his older songs,i recite his lyrics,I gave comments on his youtube,I forward his video links to all my friends,and even though I may not support everything that he says,I look up to him as that someone who achieved his dream,and voiced out the voice of the people,no matter how controversy it is.And I think that certain topics he said is in good humor,take it with a pinch of salt.But then on the way,I felt that he seemed to have lost his path,I will not go into details here on why i think so,so instead of blindly giving him support,I decided to voice out MY opinion on the thing that made him cross the line. It seems that at the start of his song,during the intro part,he was saying something like this: "mic check one two!" "nigga up!" Correct me if I am wrong,but that was what i heard. And it is disgusting.offensive.ignorant. the nigga part,I mean.Before you ask me 'what's the big deal?all the rappers keep saying it in their songs',I would suggest that you read up on the word,the history,and the usage of the word among the blacks in america.FYI,it stems from the word nigger,an offensive,racial slur used to address the blacks in the states.It has,arguably,evolved into the word nigga,which is a term of endearment between african americans,and NOT to be used by whites,chinese,malays,whatever,and solely used by people of african american descendant,WHICH I highly doubt namewee is.Therefore,one would question:why would he do such a thing?Why would he say the word?maybe the man himself would like to answer?But then again,what do we expect from someone who "不是 hip-hop kaki",to know anything about the hip-hop culture,and the way the N-word had been used so frequently,so passionately in it,besides the ignorant assumption that it would make you sound 'cool'?But then again,that is my own assumption,you would have to ask him about that.
thanks for respecting me.and if i did heard wrong,then my bad,and i apologize first.just that i think he could rap about something more constructive and thoughtful,like this person:
hahaha..and thanks to anonymous,whoever you are,for pointing that out to me.
To Leon Lai Ming Wang 你的世界太小了吧,thinking that me and chowsingsing and other shooters are of the same person... trying to explain to you really is a waste of time..
Anyway... yeah, every one have the freedom to express thier views, so are you and so am i. therefore, really im justified to have a higher standard of scale to judge people.
To me its simple. you can really be like those who complains all the time(without constructive action / suggestion) and at the end of 10 years.. you are still there... or you can start thinking how you can contribute politically/ economically to the country...
those who keep afraid of 513 are those whose mind already controlled by the gov, 513 is impossible to happen again, if you really study the cause of it, as now the situation is not the same, go and study, before you do anything stupid here, people like this make the country continue to corrupt, that's MCA's thinking, simply afraid, not dare to make changes, and never STUDY properly with their own minds!
haha well i can confirm that wat chow xing xing introduce himself is true~i m ums student too ^_^Y i saw his frenster links i know him...just not that close....haha~ but i m namewee supporter~
Bushit...Getting more worst and worst..namewee...you're stupid ediot,doing something worst for music,i won't support you again,dissappointed,you're not making the music for yourself!just for attractive!
Wake up all malaysians, NEP should kills Malaysia and all malays, chinese & indians. This will force all foreign investors running like hell. take a look at these columns. http://www.michaelbackman.com
All 3 races should live peace without UMNO. Only UMNO are racist. WAKE UP!!!
For those who keep scolding, what you all did? We love the country, and we are willing to go into jail just for the cause of justice, and how about you all? just keep scolding, and when you wake up in the morning you are still under the UMNO's control, just like the boiling frog theory, you can't sense the crisis as it is coming slow, 2008 will be an important year, change it fast or you will never get a change! TIME TO WAKE UP!!
namewee you are lucky not to study in Bodohland, the university ranking for Bodohland had all dropped below 300. All because of those pig head who sitting on the job.
My comments may pissed you off but you may ignore them. Yet, all these are just my personal's point of views. First of all, 佩服你的勇气 saying out loud to the globe that what is really going on in Malaysia, and how other races being treated in the country!! But, think of a smarter word to express it out then u wouldn’t have got into all this bull shit(law suit). Second, to all those who are reading this now, and those who posted their comments on this page, and all Malaysians. Malays have been treating well with their priority benefits for almost 51 years since Malaysia got his independent, by taking away all their benefits in a sudden, what are they gonna feel? Think of those who Malays that are still in kampong, think of those who are poor and have 10 kids in the family. Pushing them to the dead end, there is a possibility they will start to rob and possibility the history of 513 may happen again. Yeah, it is true that the rest have been treating unfair, but it doesn’t meant that we can solve the dilemma / conflict by taking their benefits away or oppose the Gov .You can say Malays are lazy but not all of them. Even there are sure gonna be lazy people among other races. Third, to the gov people, this issue should be taking care with awareness. In my opinion, suing this guy Namewee, putting him in jail doesn’t work right. Stand at his site, stand at other races side, and think of what is in their mind. “If there are no roots, the plant will never grows, if there are no winds, there is gonna be no waves”. And to those Malays, who dislike Chinese and other races living in Malaysia think of the bigger picture, do you guys wanna live in a poor country; a country without any changes for 50 years, a country that may get weaker. Hell yeah, we all like to live in a good country, that’s why there are so many people migrating. Even Malays migrated not only Chinese (I met couple of Malay families in the US, and Canada). But why? According to one of them who is a professor, he only work 8 hours a day , 4 days a week, but he can effort to have a house, cars that he wants; most importantly he will have more time with the family. And all his children can have the educations that they needed. (If he can get all these in Malaysia, will he go back to Malaysia? and he once been offered RM about 10k a month teaching in Malaysia and he rejected that. But why? Is Malaysia that bad?) . Oh my goodness, MY COMMENTS getting longer. I better stop here. Before I end this, I wish everyone (Malaysians no matter what race you are, the gov people,) think of this a good site, Malaysia is now standing at a turning point, that will grow fast and strong in the future if Malaysia ready to make changes (think of China and India are coming up, if Malaysia know how to use his opportunity, Malaysia will be grow strong, and people of Malaysia (ALL races in Malaysia) will have a better life.
malaysia want to buy a souvenir from russia!!! space ship !!! ha..ha... i never heard someone stupid enough to buy a taxi after they use it!!!! bodoh land !!!!
"说搞政治,你的心智不成熟,没有说服力" Great advise to Namewee, he is smart in a way but if he in the politic world he will be a dead man by now.
,只能出口成脏,写出垃圾文章,没有内涵,没有涵养,只能破口大骂粗言秽语,这样永远没有机会帮华人出口气,反而马来西亚华人世界被你这条友破坏形象。" True, you are making the situation worse and you already screwed our image, leading that misunderstanding of we wanted to start a war with Malays even the gov people. Yes, it is a freedom of speech on the internet, by singing all these dirty words it wont make a change for the regulation that have been held for 51 years. "你只顾及个人利益,注重个人专辑宣传,既然已经豁出去了,没有顾虑,就是烂命一条,当然就特别大胆,人之常情。大家新知肚明。" I dunno if you did this for your personal benifits or not, but obviosuly you are selling CDs now ,and you are making profit.
to anynomous "Pushing them to the dead end, there is a possibility they will start to rob and possibility the history of 513 may happen again."
pushing who to the dead end?? halo....if things remain status quo....who r poor will still b poor or even poorer.. who r rich will still dead rich....ONLY way to escape is to whack ourselve hard enough to see n accept the truth n MAKE a change...n wat namewee doing is juz abt tat...whack it hard..
stop the crap about "wat if" ...start doing the wake up call..
to all those questioning the disclosure of the ugly fact...so wat do u want..wat do u suggest to do for the bettermen? face worth nothing but progesss n future..mind u!
I dont meant to say chinese are selfish, but we are man. Malaysia is hopelss if both sides doenst want to step the first step of " give and take " espeacilly start with you
wawa, i think Namewee is a coward , he doesnt even answer to ur question of what his purpose of making this happened? things happend for its reason, in his interview he said this is just a joke for fun, a gift of him to the country. Yeah, he voiced up for the unfair treating of gov to the other races of poeple. But it is in a stupid way. Join the march yo bro, mr namewee, at least that is gonna be your small contribution to the make a change.
THE question is , do you have LPC? did you take good responsibility of what is in your song? I first thought you a smart one. But after your song of But you are just a " kiddo ". A kiddo who did something childish.
臭鸡百 他妈的 干你老母臭鸡百
Is that all you know? is that only three words in your dictionary?
I heard a lot of debate here on Malays. Let me put the fact straight. Malays can never catch up with the Chinese, not in 100 years. You can have the NEP for another hundred years but still you will be behind the Chinese. You might think that having more privilege will make the gap smaller but this is not so because having privilege will make the Malay race less competitive in real term, in reality it will only increase the gap.
The only way to help the Malay is to open up, fair competition and let everyone move forward. The Chinese might be better off but in reality at a slower pace as compare to the Malays progress and thus will help to narrow the gap eventually. This kind of “"Art of War"” I don't believe Malays can understand, non in UMNO.
虽然在试图聚集及游行前往独立广场时,爆发警方在占美回教堂(Masjid Jamek)轻快铁站及印度回教堂路(Jalan Masjid India),于毫无预警之下多次发射催泪弹及水炮的事件,以及部分零星的肢体冲突;但是大致上,今日这场万人选举改革大集会,仍是在和平及有秩序地的情况下举行。各路人马也先后在集会领袖的带领下,安然抵达国家皇宫。整个集会,从聚集、游行到呈交备忘录,历时大约2小时之久。
较早前,虽然警方把独立广场封锁至“滴水不漏”,并全面驻守在吉隆坡市中心的聚焦地点,但是数千名公选盟大集会支持者却仍不畏惧,继续聚集在公选盟事先所公布的四个替代集合地点:崇光百货购物中心(Sogo)、印度回教堂街(Jalan Masjid India)、国家回教堂(Masjid Negara)以及中央艺术坊(Pasar Seni)。
U really got the talent, But.. .. if you could spend ur tallent in the right way. u will be very famous but .. but not the current famous that u had.. although is really unfair for chinese in malaysi. but this is why we can live stronger! raise voice not the way to get fairness! ! just LIVE STRONGER! !
Even you give a pig more 400 years, the pig will never "transform" into human...
Malaysia is a country that full of love to wild animal, especially to pig... every garden (house state) also setup a pig farm, ...it is compulsary rule for any house construction project.
anonymous: "Anonymous said... namewee,you're super super oxymoron...stop your stupid song,no one will appreciated on it!
What's a oxymoron? did you learn a new word today? it should be oxygen, ok? and please improve your english before posting, the real moron. "will appreciated"???"
an oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two normally contradictory terms,i.e. deafening silence. YOU are the real moron.and no,i am not the anonymous guy who posted that oxymoron thing.
Carry on your good work bro! It doesn't matter if it makes differences or not. It is only what artists would do; as means of expression. To those who think this is stupid, look around our 'beautiful little country' and think again; would you say and do the same thing too? I would. You may k my maccb if you think i'm talking nonsense, and i'll just do the same to you too thankyouverymuch.
@Anger Chinese.. i did try support his Negarakuku by putting in FS Profile for arnd a thousand of my friends to see, bt removed it soon cuz ppl told me be kful=( i m still in Malaysia..
Haha fun song. I am so sick of R&B hip hop and silly emo pop songs and this is to my liking. I hope that you can create more songs about life/ truth...w/e according to your mood. Good luck for w/e you do~
you're great ! i like your music style ! cool man ~ hope you will come sabah performance at there...cos sabah there didn't got sell your album...just always saw your all about music in youtube...
With all respect, I have to disagree with your following assertion, “It has,arguably,evolved into the word nigga,which is a term of endearment between african americans,and NOT to be used by whites,chinese,malays,whatever,and solely used by people of african american descendant”
Eminem is White and he also uses “nigger”.
I used Eminem as an example to illustrate that “nigger” is not limited by one race. That’s why hip-hop culture is belonged to a group of people regardless race. However, I don’t disagree majority of them are African American.
yes he did.but did u know in WHAT context did he used it in?it was found in a recording that he did years ago when he was still a teen,and in that tape,he said that he hated those 'nigger bitches'.and there are also claims of words like porch monkeys mooncrickets and stuff.and no,you wont find this in wikipedia.or most mainstream media which covers his biography.the recording had been givin to the source magazine,the so called 'bible of hip hop',which is used selfishly by then head of the magazine,ray benzino to end eminem career.and yes,his reputation did take a heavy beating,and some of his peers had used this issue to publicly criticize him,a lot of rappers came out,and they took two stands:one is to heavily criticize him,and that he is unforgivable, and the other end of the spectrum is those who STILL criticize him,but forgive him for his mistake.note the word MISTAKE.it is a mistake,and every respectable person in the black community agrees with that.but he did make an apology,and his explanation of his actions can be heard in songs from his encore album,please go and check them out yourself.so all in all,YES,i agree,he DID say the word NIGGER,BUT his entire career almost ended because of that WRONG MOVE. until today,the term is stil in controversy,and when you say that it is still used by non african americans, the only group of people who i think does in hip hop culture,and in the general demographic are the latinos, the hispanics etc etc,because mainly that they are of mixed parentage,i.e. either their father or mother is a black,or they have black ancestors somewhere along the line,for example fat joe or b-real from cypress hill.and while we are on the subject,there IS a major difference between the word 'nigger',and the word 'nigga'.go do some research on it,and you will know that the non-black people that you mentioned who said the word 'nigger',are NOT saying that word at all,instead it is the word 'nigga'. check out their meanings and difference,and i am pretty sure you would not want to say that word to an african-american friend of yours. anyway,this topic is out of the subject,hahahha..and i apologize once again for misunderstanding namewee.thanks.
1 – 200 of 252 Newer› Newest»明志贊啦!
哈哈, 还是不改你的特色.
佩服,五体投地!你是不想回来了哦?歌是唱得好,可是歌词真是捻几十把冷汗呢!你真让人担心... 还有,我都看不懂什么tmd ccb,lpc和knnbaccb是什么呢!是我太笨了是吗?
不要每次都沒有消息就悄悄離開了 =.=
VnneslPub DotCom
在网上想要让人不知你家住哪里还真难,下多点功夫吧,至少要隐姓埋名,隐藏IP,... etc
如果大家想知道什么是TMD, CCB还是KNNBACCB是什么意思,请到我的部落来作客,我这里有详细解答:
walau !!!! i support u !!!!!
thanks very much !!!! i keep repeat listen to this song for 1 hour !!! NO.1 rap in the world
哟!tmd ccb 要敢作敢当不要没有Lpc
哟!knnbaccb 看你先生气 还是我生气
哟!tmd ccb 每天吃饱都要上来这里骂两句
哟!knnbaccb 反正你也不知道 我家住哪里
以前的人 真的实在太含蓄
吵架骂人 堵懒了还要用成语
现在有个东西 让你可以隐姓埋名
网路大战已开启 我惊你不够枪籽
速度要够快 所以不能装 Jaring
讨论政治经济 讨论红歌星
只要看不下去 你A赛shoot乎伊死
可是小心用语 有些版主很无籽
他会block掉你 他会扣掉你
就算你很不爽 也不可以中代志
最多换一个Nick罗 三四个也可以
妈的烂天平 已经歪到一边去
我用三字经 你嫌我不够文明
哇老 我不要紧 我最多用ABC
反正不爽 我就骂两句
我人生攻击? 好过贪官污吏
看我送它一句 pkm you 亚定
听清楚啊 pkm you 亚定
你的狗屁大道理 讲的挥汗淋漓
听你讲话 我不会上网看AV
你有白色恐怖 我们用文字攻击
散播世界各地 让你们下衰漏气
哟!tmd ccb 要敢作敢当不要没有Lpc
哟!knnbaccb 看你先生气 还是我生气
哟!tmd ccb 每天吃饱都要上来这里骂两句
哟!knnbaccb 反正你也不知道 我家住哪里
枪手又出现 小心全面警戒
收了一点臭钱 上来替狗洒血
小心小心 不要被思想打劫
等有脑的人 让他们横尸遍野
come on everybady
F.u.c.k 屌那些bullshit神权
最后可能要你负责 还要花很多钱
到了最后抓到你 才讲“我麻无变”
反正虚拟世界 才能够口吐真言
我不想被你念 所以我才上线
网路无国界 所以这里比较亲切
上来骂人不用钱 还可以用文字强奸
只要我不高兴 我就可以打KNN
ready? 一起唱!
哟!tmd ccb 要敢作敢当不要没有Lpc
哟!knnbaccb 看你先生气 还是我生气
哟!tmd ccb 每天吃饱都要上来这里骂两句
哟!knnbaccb 反正你也不知道 我家住哪里
Hi s.o.h.a.i
泯灭证据 泯灭不了心中堵懒
改变方法 改变不了人民想法
遮人嘴巴 遮盖不了我的键盘
封锁消息 封锁不了网路泛滥
网路是自由净土 但是人心不古
所以用多一点nick 避免被逮捕
网路大战 敌不过揽权政府
它用煽动战术 你小心被鞭屁股
Kns的人 真的很多
LOL哈哈 我用微笑带过
我继续创作 Mcb屌你不爽我
哟!tmd ccb 要敢作敢当不要没有Lpc
哟!knnbaccb 看你先生气 还是我生气
哟!tmd ccb 每天吃饱都要上来这里骂两句
哟!knnbaccb 反正你也不知道 我家住哪里
哟!tmd ccb 要敢作敢当不要没有Lpc
哟!knnbaccb 看你先生气 还是我生气
哟!tmd ccb 每天吃饱都要上来这里骂两句
哟!knnbaccb 反正你也不知道 我家住哪里
good job! i support you...
"妈的烂天平 已经歪到一边去" is a classic !!! good the good work
woi!!!!为什么你要用"nigga up"??!!?!在刚开始的部分..你不是黑人,就别这样用,不可以!!!!认识阿姆吗?EMINEM...他到先在都不敢,不给,不可以用!!!在他小时候,被人找到一个他用此字的录音...被HIPHOP圈子骂个狗血淋头!!!你犯错了!!!!!
hey , buddy...keep it up !!! whis song really better than b4. haha
Just to Support ^^
Best! I like it!
Gambateh oh!
I always support u!
Best! I like it!
I always support u!
steady i like your that sentence "ready heard carefully pkm you yah ting". GG~
i blog about your new youtube video too.
好一句。。。看我送它一句 pkm you 亚定
What is your purpose of making this video? To voice out your dis-satisfaction with the government?? To highlight the society's failure? To become the voice for justice?
And at the end of the day? what do you achieve? the support of the chinese?? you think we don't know anything that you have put up on video?? that we are oblivion to whats happening in Malaysia.. Or you think, by your video, malaysia can change.
The thing is, if you are really interested in politics of malaysia, and sincerely looking into ways to improve malaysia, maybe you can try more construcutive ways.. not making videos like that, and 煽动人心。。。 have you ever thought of remifications that the video can cause to malaysia society? do you want 513 to happen again?
In my view, 敢怒敢言 is truly and indeed a valuable trait in today's society.. but freedom of speech comes with responsbility. If you are trying to bring changes to the society.. then be like Mandela. live by your values and bring about constructive contribution to the society. not trying to cause disruption in the society through immature videos, and hide in taiwan when things goes wrong... Seriously.. What has your video achieve for the society?
If you are really advocating for our rights, be like Lim Kit Siang. I will salute u. but not through such videos. it not only causes discohesiveness in society.. but also ruin our reputation internationally.
you are not in malaysia, and not contributing in any sense to malaysia, so really you don't really have a right of voice...
Yes we are a rotting apple... but to tell ppl we are a rotting place without any constructive proposition.. its even "stupider"... don't be like the inconstructive opposition in malaysia.
Malaysia need people who love malaysia. who would like to see improvements in malaysia and contribute constructively to Malaysia. Malaysia does not need people to plainly voice out our fault, and put it up for international display. I urge you to reflect upon your irresponsible action, and urge you to contribute constructively, so as to benefit Malaysia and all Malaysians. Mulling on the problems does not help...
都跟你一样 , 爱国 。 只是不能苟同任何威胁宗族和谐的行为。。。 因为和平来的不易。。。
to the sohai above , malaysian politician never felt shame, what happen in malaysia should spread over the world then they will start taking action. i think u r from the colony and got a lot of benefit from government projects. betul sohai !!!!
明志 keep the good work!!!
i agree with the sohai wawa! i have the same thought as you. just a song doesnt make much different. However, it might cause more issues in future. So, who gets the benefit? no one but chinese will suffer from bully. You are able to fight back, and other people do! rob? rape, kill ??? I do love the country , and i'm also not happy with the government decision, but sometimes, we need to think of the big picture
Well Done!
513..都什么时代了....? 还513...用你的屁股想想吧....
TMD... you strike it again... Like this song... bad words are Cool... Knnaccb... lol
我怀疑 chowsingsing, wawa 还有 yoyo 是某人派来攻击黄明志的《枪手》;不是因为他们写反对黄明志的文章,而是他们使用匿名。
chowsingsing, wawa 还有 yoyo,搞不好还是同一个人!(\_/)
Everyone have their own rights to voice out how they feel. If you feel uncomfortable with NameWee's song, please shut down your computer & continue to dream on your 513 incident.
Ever think of WHY NameWee's song are supported by such a huge group of Malaysians all over the world?
ANSWER: Let me tell you WHY, because what he sang is what we feel!! You go Singapore, US or Europe countries, people also sing to criticize their country, but not much responses from their citizens. WHY? because their country is prosperous, advanced, fair & people are HAPPY living with their government.
Every country must have some "unsatisfied" people like NameWee, and they will voice out. It depends on how big is this "unsatisfied" group. Malaysia is getting worse, that's why the "unsatisfied" group are bigger & bigger.
If everyone is like a coward like you, just want to portray a "good image" of Malaysia (just like msia government). Ignoring the voices from the people, this country is doomed.
Everyone love Malaysia, and everyone has their own way to express their love, concern for Malaysia. Do not use your standard to judge people. NameWee has a very good way to raise people of Malaysia to think about, to care about their lovely home, Malaysia!
Malaysia government should seriously think what's wrong with them. If the governance is good, do you think NameWee has so much supporters?
Think again, please.
This Guy Never quit!
U C, U C, He come up another BOMB..
That Why ;*
I admire him so much.
Keep your head straight, Dude and do you magic again.
Congratulation, 明志
ccb,knnbaccb,tmd,lpc...is bad word rty?haha
All right then,leon lai min wang. lets get the facts straight.First of all,me, wawa and yoyo are not the same person,whether you would love to believe it or not,and in no way am I held responsible for their words or actions, nor do I fully agree with what they say about namewee.
apparently,you have beef with me due not from the fact that I criticized namewee, but from your assumption/theory/blind guess/random unprocessed thoughts that I am an anonymous 'shooter' here to shoot bad comments about namewee.And also u are trying to make a point by saying that I do not use my 'real name',as opposed to your usage of a chinese name,i.e. leon lai min wang.Well then,let me tell you something leon,my name is chow jia long, and I am from ipoh,I am 22 this year,and studying in UMS,Sabah,pursuing a degree in biotech.But what difference does it make even if I say so?I could be saying i am chan chee bai from KL,selling mee by the roadside,it would be the same,such as you using the name leon lai min wang does not prove you to be that person,maybe you ARE NOT?Maybe you made that name up?Who knows?Maybe you STOLE someone's name?I can put my name as kenny sia,and linked my comment to www.kennysia.com, would you have found out I tricked you?Can you?My point is,on the internet,name is just a method of self-address,and how you want other people to address you.Try asking the relevant authorities on how to track and locate internet criminals,I would bet my ass it would NOT be through the names that they use online,real or otherwise.
But of course to satisfy your curiosity,below I posted my link to my friendster page,so you can have a good look at my face.But then again,that link may be fake too,no?
Which reminded me to tell you,the reason I do not put a link to my blog is I do not blog on blogspot anymore,instead I blog on my friendster blog,you can check it out,BUT I MAY be lying too,you get what I mean?
Frankly,I used to support namewee.I love his older songs,i recite his lyrics,I gave comments on his youtube,I forward his video links to all my friends,and even though I may not support everything that he says,I look up to him as that someone who achieved his dream,and voiced out the voice of the people,no matter how controversy it is.And I think that certain topics he said is in good humor,take it with a pinch of salt.But then on the way,I felt that he seemed to have lost his path,I will not go into details here on why i think so,so instead of blindly giving him support,I decided to voice out MY opinion on the thing that made him cross the line.
It seems that at the start of his song,during the intro part,he was saying something like this:
"mic check one two!"
"nigga up!"
Correct me if I am wrong,but that was what i heard.
And it is disgusting.offensive.ignorant. the nigga part,I mean.Before you ask me 'what's the big deal?all the rappers keep saying it in their songs',I would suggest that you read up on the word,the history,and the usage of the word among the blacks in america.FYI,it stems from the word nigger,an offensive,racial slur used to address the blacks in the states.It has,arguably,evolved into the word nigga,which is a term of endearment between african americans,and NOT to be used by whites,chinese,malays,whatever,and solely used by people of african american descendant,WHICH I highly doubt namewee is.Therefore,one would question:why would he do such a thing?Why would he say the word?maybe the man himself would like to answer?But then again,what do we expect from someone who "不是 hip-hop kaki",to know anything about the hip-hop culture,and the way the N-word had been used so frequently,so passionately in it,besides the ignorant assumption that it would make you sound 'cool'?But then again,that is my own assumption,you would have to ask him about that.
We see you as a representative of the voices in our hearts. Fight on!
to all sohai keep saying 513 incident , any part of this song mention race issue? this sohai government should step down long time ago!
to all chibai government, we will vote u out on this coming election. at least decrease your majority.
english not good, correct me of i wrong.
reply to chowxingxing
it is not "nigger up " lah
listen carefully next time ok?
he said "negarak" then stopped
this is malaysia
we dun have black ppl here lah
why need to talk "nigger"?
think about it lah
当然我希望 wawa 和 yoyo 可以向你学习,证明自己不是被聘请的《枪手》!
至于你对于“nigga up”的评论,我不愿置评,因为我本身对于嘻哈文化也认识不深。不过站在另一个角度来讲,一来我真的很难才能听得见你讲的这个字;二来就如你所说的,黄明志确实也并不是“hip-hop kaki”,嘻哈的曲风,只是占他的创作的一小部分而已。
thanks for respecting me.and if i did heard wrong,then my bad,and i apologize first.just that i think he could rap about something more constructive and thoughtful,like this person:
hahaha..and thanks to anonymous,whoever you are,for pointing that out to me.
you are the knn best
赞! 你唱的那个网也在热烈支持者你的歌。。哈哈。。这就是现在大马年轻人的骄傲~~~~ 用嘴的都可以把他们唱死
hi all .. you may download this internet war mv by namewee at www.x-website.net ! Great job namewee ... i am your big fan ! support support !
To Leon Lai Ming Wang
你的世界太小了吧,thinking that me and chowsingsing and other shooters are of the same person... trying to explain to you really is a waste of time..
Anyway... yeah, every one have the freedom to express thier views, so are you and so am i. therefore, really im justified to have a higher standard of scale to judge people.
To me its simple. you can really be like those who complains all the time(without constructive action / suggestion) and at the end of 10 years.. you are still there... or you can start thinking how you can contribute politically/ economically to the country...
小地方= =没办法~
哎哟~不错哦!!这首歌毕之前的更吊了... 顶阿
1 sohai 的部长 的例子(nazri,贪官问题)
2 治安不好的例子
3 被杀害的无辜百姓的例子
4 一些还没解决的案件的例子
加油。 你很棒。 诺能的到马来同胞的认同你就会成功改变马来西亚。
當你唱:pkm you 亞定,我看了出你的憤怒!經過那麼多事情,我相信你比誰都更明白,是誰把你擺上台,企圖利用你來塑造"民族救星"的政治偶像,尤其你還放上你可憐的爸爸和那個ChuaCD上電視台道歉的片段,強烈的表逹你清楚誰才是鬼.
还是你最(嘴)吊! 我BLOG 你了, 帮你做宣传了, 很喜欢你歌里的BACKGROUND EFFECT, 超吊的, 在曲的背后还能吊他们, 你最棒, 我也帮你在我的BLOG 提供下载, MP3,AVI,3GP 等...
希望能听到你更多的创作, 多点抒情歌也很不错的...
我最喜欢:PKM 亚定!!!!
MCB = malaysia cina boleh!!!!!!!!
mcb = Mesra, Cepat & Betul
slogan police diraja malaysia
those who keep afraid of 513 are those whose mind already controlled by the gov, 513 is impossible to happen again, if you really study the cause of it, as now the situation is not the same, go and study, before you do anything stupid here, people like this make the country continue to corrupt, that's MCA's thinking, simply afraid, not dare to make changes, and never STUDY properly with their own minds!
Another nice song
People who suport namewee please leave comment here....
Good Fully Support and Agree with you , i like it
You give your support to BN and see what they do to the country? The economy is doomed once oil field is dry.
Please who still love the country are like Namewee and all those against BN. Namewee should be given a 'Datuk'.
我爱明志 !!
haha well i can confirm that wat chow xing xing introduce himself is true~i m ums student too ^_^Y i saw his frenster links i know him...just not that close....haha~ but i m namewee supporter~
沒買你的ep,沒看完你所有的you tube,不代表不支持,按一按廣告一點心意。其實,部落格也不安全,我就是大意寫了隱喻諷刺工作的東西而被有心人看了,革我的職,隱喻而已哦!真是。。Whatever。;P
RM2.62 还是比其它国家便宜!!!
all the blogger here watch out, i think "枪手" is here. i found 10 comment on my blog too, it;s all about the bad things of malaysia.
same as jyue loh above. we got 10 comment from ppl tat we duno, i think they are "枪手". so blogger here, watch out...
o0o...lifting tis finger for them!WTF, KNN, TMD diao you1, PKM u, "枪手"!!!!
Bushit...Getting more worst and worst..namewee...you're stupid ediot,doing something worst for music,i won't support you again,dissappointed,you're not making the music for yourself!just for attractive!
还不是另一个唱鸟歌的创作。。。。KA NI NA CHAO CHI BAI!!!! 自认很髫的烂歌。
i think the malay pig is talking inside this post
“所做所为非常过份” 女青团拒黄明志道歉
二零零七年十一月七日 凌晨十二时十五分
经济虽增6.5% 失业率却上升
巫青团截至今年3月 全马拥逾66万党员
大会播映20分钟影片 记载巫青团历史
Please create a song for DAP and Keadilan!! We need it to fight against BN.
support u ... namewee ~
cool man!!! keep it up!!!
GOOD.... u r the rew ppl i admire... continue pls...
Keep up the good work. Our hearts are with you.
Wake up all malaysians, NEP should kills Malaysia and all malays, chinese & indians. This will force all foreign investors running like hell. take a look at these columns. http://www.michaelbackman.com
All 3 races should live peace without UMNO. Only UMNO are racist. WAKE UP!!!
namewee,you're super super oxymoron...stop your stupid song,no one will appreciated on it!
For those who keep scolding, what you all did? We love the country, and we are willing to go into jail just for the cause of justice, and how about you all? just keep scolding, and when you wake up in the morning you are still under the UMNO's control, just like the boiling frog theory, you can't sense the crisis as it is coming slow, 2008 will be an important year, change it fast or you will never get a change! TIME TO WAKE UP!!
yo namewee..
respect respect..
很难听是吗 ?
那些用匿名一直抨擊的人, 越能證明明志的歌詞是對的!
我也用匿名, 因為這樣你才不知道我家住哪裡
li hai li hai! :D
knnb,Umno sure will have some opinion on this masterpiece
很难听是吗 ?
Hope you will make more great song to shame the CCB people in UMNO, especially the Mat Keris, the Mat Space and the son-in-law!
namewee you are lucky not to study in Bodohland, the university ranking for Bodohland had all dropped below 300. All because of those pig head who sitting on the job.
My comments may pissed you off but you may ignore them. Yet, all these are just my personal's point of views. First of all, 佩服你的勇气 saying out loud to the globe that what is really going on in Malaysia, and how other races being treated in the country!! But, think of a smarter word to express it out then u wouldn’t have got into all this bull shit(law suit). Second, to all those who are reading this now, and those who posted their comments on this page, and all Malaysians. Malays have been treating well with their priority benefits for almost 51 years since Malaysia got his independent, by taking away all their benefits in a sudden, what are they gonna feel? Think of those who Malays that are still in kampong, think of those who are poor and have 10 kids in the family. Pushing them to the dead end, there is a possibility they will start to rob and possibility the history of 513 may happen again. Yeah, it is true that the rest have been treating unfair, but it doesn’t meant that we can solve the dilemma / conflict by taking their benefits away or oppose the Gov .You can say Malays are lazy but not all of them. Even there are sure gonna be lazy people among other races. Third, to the gov people, this issue should be taking care with awareness. In my opinion, suing this guy Namewee, putting him in jail doesn’t work right. Stand at his site, stand at other races side, and think of what is in their mind. “If there are no roots, the plant will never grows, if there are no winds, there is gonna be no waves”. And to those Malays, who dislike Chinese and other races living in Malaysia think of the bigger picture, do you guys wanna live in a poor country; a country without any changes for 50 years, a country that may get weaker. Hell yeah, we all like to live in a good country, that’s why there are so many people migrating. Even Malays migrated not only Chinese (I met couple of Malay families in the US, and Canada). But why? According to one of them who is a professor, he only work 8 hours a day , 4 days a week, but he can effort to have a house, cars that he wants; most importantly he will have more time with the family. And all his children can have the educations that they needed.
(If he can get all these in Malaysia, will he go back to Malaysia? and he once been offered RM about 10k a month teaching in Malaysia and he rejected that. But why? Is Malaysia that bad?) .
Oh my goodness, MY COMMENTS getting longer. I better stop here. Before I end this, I wish everyone (Malaysians no matter what race you are, the gov people,) think of this a good site, Malaysia is now standing at a turning point, that will grow fast and strong in the future if Malaysia ready to make changes (think of China and India are coming up, if Malaysia know how to use his opportunity, Malaysia will be grow strong, and people of Malaysia (ALL races in Malaysia) will have a better life.
malaysia want to buy a souvenir from russia!!! space ship !!! ha..ha...
i never heard someone stupid enough to buy a taxi after they use it!!!!
bodoh land !!!!
"说搞政治,你的心智不成熟,没有说服力" Great advise to Namewee, he is smart in a way but if he in the politic world he will be a dead man by now.
,只能出口成脏,写出垃圾文章,没有内涵,没有涵养,只能破口大骂粗言秽语,这样永远没有机会帮华人出口气,反而马来西亚华人世界被你这条友破坏形象。" True, you are making the situation worse and you already screwed our image, leading that misunderstanding of we wanted to start a war with Malays even the gov people. Yes, it is a freedom of speech on the internet, by singing all these dirty words it wont make a change for the regulation that have been held for 51 years.
"你只顾及个人利益,注重个人专辑宣传,既然已经豁出去了,没有顾虑,就是烂命一条,当然就特别大胆,人之常情。大家新知肚明。" I dunno if you did this for your personal benifits or not, but obviosuly you are selling CDs now ,and you are making profit.
to anynomous "Pushing them to the dead end, there is a possibility they will start to rob and possibility the history of 513 may happen again."
pushing who to the dead end?? halo....if things remain status quo....who r poor will still b poor or even poorer.. who r rich will still dead rich....ONLY way to escape is to whack ourselve hard enough to see n accept the truth n MAKE a change...n wat namewee doing is juz abt tat...whack it hard..
stop the crap about "wat if" ...start doing the wake up call..
to all those questioning the disclosure of the ugly fact...so wat do u want..wat do u suggest to do for the bettermen? face worth nothing but progesss n future..mind u!
I dont meant to say chinese are selfish, but we are man. Malaysia is hopelss if both sides doenst want to step the first step of " give and take " espeacilly start with you
we are just like you bro, "都跟你一样" , But, " 爱国 。 只是不能苟同任何威胁宗族和谐的行为。。。 因为和平来的不易" 。。。100% Agree
wawa, i think Namewee is a coward , he doesnt even answer to ur question of what his purpose of making this happened? things happend for its reason, in his interview he said this is just a joke for fun, a gift of him to the country. Yeah, he voiced up for the unfair treating of gov to the other races of poeple. But it is in a stupid way. Join the march yo bro, mr namewee, at least that is gonna be your small contribution to the make a change.
哟!tmd ccb 要敢作敢当不要没有Lpc,
THE question is , do you have LPC? did you take good responsibility of what is in your song? I first thought you a smart one. But after your song of But you are just a " kiddo ". A kiddo who did something childish.
Is that all you know? is that only three words in your dictionary?
I heard a lot of debate here on Malays. Let me put the fact straight. Malays can never catch up with the Chinese, not in 100 years. You can have the NEP for another hundred years but still you will be behind the Chinese. You might think that having more privilege will make the gap smaller but this is not so because having privilege will make the Malay race less competitive in real term, in reality it will only increase the gap.
The only way to help the Malay is to open up, fair competition and let everyone move forward. The Chinese might be better off but in reality at a slower pace as compare to the Malays progress and thus will help to narrow the gap eventually. This kind of “"Art of War"” I don't believe Malays can understand, non in UMNO.
这些枪手 都是烂天秤的人啦...
每天只会烂攻击 来掩盖事实...
Namewee forever !!
07年11月10日 下午2:16
虽然在试图聚集及游行前往独立广场时,爆发警方在占美回教堂(Masjid Jamek)轻快铁站及印度回教堂路(Jalan Masjid India),于毫无预警之下多次发射催泪弹及水炮的事件,以及部分零星的肢体冲突;但是大致上,今日这场万人选举改革大集会,仍是在和平及有秩序地的情况下举行。各路人马也先后在集会领袖的带领下,安然抵达国家皇宫。整个集会,从聚集、游行到呈交备忘录,历时大约2小时之久。
较早前,虽然警方把独立广场封锁至“滴水不漏”,并全面驻守在吉隆坡市中心的聚焦地点,但是数千名公选盟大集会支持者却仍不畏惧,继续聚集在公选盟事先所公布的四个替代集合地点:崇光百货购物中心(Sogo)、印度回教堂街(Jalan Masjid India)、国家回教堂(Masjid Negara)以及中央艺术坊(Pasar Seni)。
3点20分: 代表公选盟提呈备忘录的代表团,包括国会反对党领袖林吉祥(左图),回教党主席哈迪阿旺,已经在国家皇宫前100米处等候。4万名群众正聚集在大道上,并被镇暴队警员阻挡在国家皇宫前。
另一方面,在发射多轮催泪弹后,警方已经控制和关闭印度回教堂(Masjid India)。所有的集会者已经被赶出印度回教堂。许多人已经前往独立广场或与崇光百货购物中心(Sogo)的群众集合。
2点35分:约500名聚集在中央艺术坊的集会参与者,正准备冒雨步行至独立广场,但是他们却没有受到驻守的警方人员阻止。集会者多穿着黄色衣服,并高喊“吾王万岁”(Daulat Tuanku)的口号。公选盟委员兼公正党宣传主任蔡添强正在发表演讲。据悉聚集在中央艺术坊的民众,多是自非政府组织的活跃份子。
2点25分:聚集在占美回教堂(Masjid Jamek)轻快铁站附近的民众,已经增加至2千人。警方继续向印度回教堂及附近的汇丰银行建筑物发射4次水炮。民众纷纷涌入回教堂及轻快铁站寻求躲避。
2点10分:《当今大马》现场驻守记者报道,镇暴队在占美回教堂(Masjid Jamek)轻快铁站附近,开始发射催泪弹及水炮,以驱散聚集在那里的约千名公选盟大集会参与者。在发射水炮前,警方事先并未发出任何的警告。
占美回教堂轻快铁站,属于实达及布特拉轻快铁线交接处,也毗邻公选盟所公布的四个替代集合地点,印度回教堂街(Jalan Masjid India)。
反正虚拟世界 才能够口吐真言
U really got the talent, But.. .. if you could spend ur tallent in the right way. u will be very famous but .. but not the current famous that u had.. although is really unfair for chinese in malaysi. but this is why we can live stronger! raise voice not the way to get fairness! ! just LIVE STRONGER! !
I support you!!
(cant type chinese with my computer)
hey, your new video damn cool!!!
Just wanna recommend the comments I found at http://blog.sina.com.tw/3980/article.php?pbgid=3980&entryid=572910
《 偌大一个马来西亚,容不下一个黄明志?》
艺术作品,表现的是真善美,当中最重要的是“ 真”。只有源自创作者内心的“ 真诚”,在作品中呈现现实的“ 真实性”,以及利用艺术手法“ 真正”地反映创作者的内心感受和主观看法,这才可称为创作。真正的创作。
我不禁想起小时候,常在一群同龄的孩童中起哄,大家互相斗唱“ Negaraku,东姑除裤。”当然你可以看成儿戏,我们伟大的领袖们,何时才能有如此宽广的胸襟,对“ 我爱我的国家”这一个弄糟了的玩笑一哂置之呢?
My mother always told me,
Even you give a pig more 400 years, the pig will never "transform" into human...
Malaysia is a country that full of love to wild animal, especially to pig... every garden (house state) also setup a pig farm, ...it is compulsary rule for any house construction project.
"Anonymous said...
namewee,you're super super oxymoron...stop your stupid song,no one will appreciated on it!
What's a oxymoron? did you learn a new word today? it should be oxygen, ok? and please improve your english before posting, the real moron.
"will appreciated"???"
an oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two normally contradictory terms,i.e. deafening silence. YOU are the real moron.and no,i am not the anonymous guy who posted that oxymoron thing.
明志都说过,榴莲可以很臭也可以很香,看你有怎样的鼻坑... 至于粗口嘛,大便很香不会骂粗话... 咱们唱得脏,也还好过那些口是心非,口蜜腹剑,言而无信的伪君子!
Wo.... Good Song..
you are the man ..明志
贊啦 贊啦 贊啦
The song ended with georgian style ending!哈哈。。。
不然用Google Adsense我们大家替你点,
也可以用Paypal来集资嘛。那就不用让帮你的老板Chao Chiak
Carry on your good work bro! It doesn't matter if it makes differences or not. It is only what artists would do; as means of expression. To those who think this is stupid, look around our 'beautiful little country' and think again; would you say and do the same thing too? I would. You may k my maccb if you think i'm talking nonsense, and i'll just do the same to you too thankyouverymuch.
KNMACCB, oppressors and ignorants!
yo brudder=D
有玩Friendster吗? haha
我是东马的人, 叫做elly.
老实讲,每天上线都会注意明志的歌, 可是越听就越觉得有一点无聊了, 对不起 (我只是说事实,你也常写事实的歌〕 希望你是以音乐人的身份做歌,不然没有 "tamadun" 加油!
我希望听到更更更好听的歌, 听一大堆臭话歌,没有吸引我的感觉咯
@Anger Chinese..
i did try support his Negarakuku by putting in FS Profile for arnd a thousand of my friends to see, bt removed it soon cuz ppl told me be kful=(
i m still in Malaysia..
Haha fun song. I am so sick of R&B hip hop and silly emo pop songs and this is to my liking. I hope that you can create more songs about life/ truth...w/e according to your mood. Good luck for w/e you do~
nice song nice song!
always support you..
anyway, there r numbers of forum talking bout the songs and sharing the songs..
as your supporter,i think i will post the comments here, and it may giv you a better foundation for the next coming up song.
your songs are so true!
and this is malaysia!haha
I dont think all bumiputras are like that..probably politicans that manipulating the people.. and lets us not be racist..
TMnet really SUKS!!!
黄明志 我不爱你爱谁
proxy !!! :)
有些东西说出来不是很好听,不知道你想听吗 ?
明志回来了 w00000t!!! 我就知道的!! 你是不会这么容易放弃的 。。TM sucks 炸得真好 100% support 加油啦! la 不要让马来人排第一!!!!
-- WJ@live.com.my --
hihi ~ nice to meet u here !
you're great ! i like your music style ! cool man ~ hope you will come sabah performance at there...cos sabah there didn't got sell your album...just always saw your all about music in youtube...
cool man ~ support you... ; )
i'm from sabah : edwin
当某外国朋友介绍我给他的朋友认识时:“...他是马来西亚华人...”,我立即解释,“...SORRY, 我是马来西亚非土著...”。
[quote]Originally posted by Anonymous at November 17, 2007 10:02 AM
http://namewee1.blogspot.com/ 提供网购服务,又或许你会看见一些大量采购的人在街上向路人兜售;无论如何,如果
http://namewee1.blogspot.com/ 被砍了,您只需要隔天到
Google 搜寻关键字“一刀不剪黄明志之黄明志震撼出击”,你还是会找到我们的新网站的!;)
明志大哥 小弟来自新加坡买了你的专辑正版的哦可是有点美中不足那就是没这首歌还有没的听你爆粗口。可以问“盗版之王”里头
世界本来就很乱 所以需要人来管
你XXXXX 只顾自己的饭碗
To 智能,
世界本來就很亂 所以需要人來管
你睡了五十年 只顧自己的飯碗
From Namewee1
anyone still remember "Wa FM" ?
i miss that radio station!!!
看我送它一句 pkm you 亚定
听清楚啊 pkm you 亚定
Dear chowsingsing,
With all respect, I have to disagree with your following assertion,
“It has,arguably,evolved into the word nigga,which is a term of endearment between african americans,and NOT to be used by whites,chinese,malays,whatever,and solely used by people of african american descendant”
Eminem is White and he also uses “nigger”.
I used Eminem as an example to illustrate that “nigger” is not limited by one race. That’s why hip-hop culture is belonged to a group of people regardless race. However, I don’t disagree majority of them are African American.
Your concern is way overblown out of proportion.
pls. be. fair @ gmail. com
yes he did.but did u know in WHAT context did he used it in?it was found in a recording that he did years ago when he was still a teen,and in that tape,he said that he hated those 'nigger bitches'.and there are also claims of words like porch monkeys mooncrickets and stuff.and no,you wont find this in wikipedia.or most mainstream media which covers his biography.the recording had been givin to the source magazine,the so called 'bible of hip hop',which is used selfishly by then head of the magazine,ray benzino to end eminem career.and yes,his reputation did take a heavy beating,and some of his peers had used this issue to publicly criticize him,a lot of rappers came out,and they took two stands:one is to heavily criticize him,and that he is unforgivable, and the other end of the spectrum is those who STILL criticize him,but forgive him for his mistake.note the word MISTAKE.it is a mistake,and every respectable person in the black community agrees with that.but he did make an apology,and his explanation of his actions can be heard in songs from his encore album,please go and check them out yourself.so all in all,YES,i agree,he DID say the word NIGGER,BUT his entire career almost ended because of that WRONG MOVE.
until today,the term is stil in controversy,and when you say that it is still used by non african americans, the only group of people who i think does in hip hop culture,and in the general demographic are the latinos, the hispanics etc etc,because mainly that they are of mixed parentage,i.e. either their father or mother is a black,or they have black ancestors somewhere along the line,for example fat joe or b-real from cypress hill.and while we are on the subject,there IS a major difference between the word 'nigger',and the word 'nigga'.go do some research on it,and you will know that the non-black people that you mentioned who said the word 'nigger',are NOT saying that word at all,instead it is the word 'nigga'. check out their meanings and difference,and i am pretty sure you would not want to say that word to an african-american friend of yours.
anyway,this topic is out of the subject,hahahha..and i apologize once again for misunderstanding namewee.thanks.
The one above, are you too free to criticize Malaysians? If you're superior, you wouldn't just waste your time posting cr*p here, just go get a life;)
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