Sebab-sebab menegaskan tentang kesilapan berita :
Pada 7 Aug 2007, saya mendapat tahu dari beberapa pihat tentang surat khabar Melayu – Metro dan berita dari televisyen melaporakan hasil ciptaan lagu saya baru-baru ini yang telah melanggar undang undang di Malaysia. Tetapi selepas saya membaca berita-berita yang berkenaan, saya mendapati bahawa berita yang dilaporkan oleh surat khabar Metro mempunyai kesilapan yang serious. Pihak pemberita menggunakan cara yang agak subjektif untuk melaporkan berita ini dan menyebabkan masyarakat salah faham tentang hasil karyaan yang telah saya ciptakan.
Pertama, pihak metro mengatakan hasil ciptaan lagu saya adalah menghina negara, bangsa, agama dan kerajaan tanpa memahami maksud tersirat lirik tersebut.
Kedua, pihak metro tidak menterjemahkan lirik cina ke melayu agar pihak ramai boleh memahami lirik tersebut dan menilai maksud yang disampaikan ataupun adakah lirik saya ini adalah menghina negara, bangsa, agama ataupun kerajaan. Disebabkan ini ialah lagu cina, masyarakat melayu tidak dapat memahami maksud yang hendak disampaikan dan mereka hanya boleh mengetahui maksud lirik ini melalui pihak media.Saya berasa pihak media tidak patut disebabkan hasil jualan dan melaporkan perkara yang tidak benar dengan tidak profesion.
Di sini, saya ingin menerangkan beberapa keraguan dalam isu ini
1. Sebab apa saya mencipta lagu ini pada awalnya
Saya meminat memain muzik. Kali ini, saya akan menggunakan lagu Negaraku sempena hari Kemerdekaan yang akan datang. Saya tidak berniat untuk menghina negara tercinta – Malaysia. Terdapat banyak cara untuk mencipta sebuah lagu dan salah satu cara ialah ‘sampling’ yang akan menjadikan sebuah lagu jadi effect lain. Dalam kes ini, saya telah memilih lagu Negaraku. Apa yang saya hendak FOKUS disini ialah lagu Negaraku adalah sebuah lagu yang perlu dihormati. Dengan itu, apabila saya mencipta lagu ini saya TIDAK ubah melodi dan lirik lagu Negaraku tetapi saya mengunakan melodi dan lirik asalnya. Namun begitu, saya juga megubahkan cara untuk mempersembahkan lagu ini kepada cara R&B. Sebelum ini, terdapat ramai orang mengubah cara nyanyian lagu Negaraku di pelbagai persembahan terbuka termasuk sambutan sempena Hari Kemerdekaan. Berdasarkan dari segi muzik, sekiranya lagu ciptaan tetap mengamalkan maksud asalnya, saya berasa tidak ada apa-apa yang tidak kena. Tetapi kalau hasil cipta saya betul-betul melanggar undang-undang, saya berasa amat kesal!
2. Menegaskan kebenaran
Lagu ini cuma menglibatkan lirik Negaraku di bahagian korus manakala di bahagian verse saya telah menggunakan kemahiran rap. Lirik dalam bahagian rap yang saya mempersembahkan kebanyakan adalah berdasarkan dari apa yang pernah saya atau kawan alami. Apa yang saya hendak fokus disini ialah saya menggunakan cara huraian untuk menyampaikan maksud lagu tersebut dan bukannya mengkritik. Tujuannya adalah untuk membiarkan pendengar menilaikan betul salahnya. Contohnya, dalam lirik saya ada mengatakan orang cina sukar mendapat tawaran dari universiti tempatan tetapi saya tidak mengesahkan bahawa itu adalah satu perkara yang baik atau tidak. Saya cuma menghuraikan perkara tersebut dan membiarkan pendengar yang menentu perkara tersebuat adakah betul atau salah.
3. TIDAK menghina agama
Sekali lagi saya menerangkan bahawa saya tidak mengkritik apa-apa sahaja termasuk agama.Salah satu dari bahagian lirik saya ada mengatakan yang sebahagian orang islam melafazkan Al-Quran out of tune, ada pula yang pecah nada, dan ada yang macam kokokan ayam.Lirik-lirik yang saya huraikan diatas, saya ada menyatakan SEBAHAGIAN dari mereka yang melafazkan Al-Quran dan bukannya semua orang. Saya sebagai seorang ahli muzik senang bagi saya membezakan penyanyi yang out of tune ataupun pecah nada. Sekali lagi saya menerangkan yang saya TIDAK mengkritik sebarang tentang agama tetapi saya cuma menyuarakan kemahiran mereka di bahagian nyanyi seperti apabila kami dengar kawan-kawan kita nyanyi tidak bagus dan menyuarakan pendapat sahaja. Saya harap masyarakat tidak terlalu sensitive terhadap isu ini dan sememangnya saya sendiri amat hormat setiap agama kerana agam tidak boleh dilanggar.
4. Ganguan yang dialami kerana kesalahan yang dibuat dari pihak media
Disebabkan kesalahan pihak media melaporkan berita ini, ia menyebabkan orang ramai tidak boleh menilaikan betul salah terhadap isi kandungan lyric lagu ini dan ia juga mengancam keselamatan keluarga saya. Saya menerima comment-comment dari blog dan youtube yang mengatakan mereka hendak membakar rumah dan membunuh saya. Di sini, saya ingin mengharapkan orang baik di luar sana agar menterjemahkan lirik cina ini kepada melayu supaya orang ramai boleh memahami isi tersirat yang ingin saya sampaikan dan biar orang ramai tahu yang saya sebenarnya tidak berniat jahat dalam ciptaan lagu ini. Sebenarnya saya sendiri mempunyai ramai kawan melayu sejak kecil, saya tidak ingin disebakan kesilapan laporan berita ini dan menghilang sahabat-sahabat karib saya.
5. Sekiranya lagu ini tidak mengapi-apikan masyarakat
Selain dari mereport perkara yang tidak adil bagi saya, pihak media yang berkenaan juga mengatakan lagu ciptaan saya mengapi-apikan masyarakat. Bagi saya, tidak mudah sesebuah lagu tidak mengapi-apikan masyarakat apatah lagi menyebabkan peperangan atau salah faham yang akan berlaku? Saya percaya bahawa rakyat Malaysia mempunyai kemampuan untuk bernilai sesuatu perkara sama ada betul atau salah. Sebenarnya orang ramai faham dengan lirik dalam lagu ini, mereka akan tahu lagu ini semata-mata hanyalah untuk hiburan. Disebaliknya, pihak media yang melaporkan perkara ini dengan tidak profesion dan subjektif adalah tujuan utama yang menyebabkan perkara ini berlaku! Ini adalah satu perkara yang serious dan saya berharap pihak media boleh memperbetulkan berita yang tidak berkenaan itu dan menjaminkan saya dan keluarga saya selamat.
6. Lirik lagu patut diterjemahkan
Saya bersungguh-sungguh mengharapkan sesiapa yang boleh menterjemahkan lirik lagu ini dari bahasa cina ke bahasa melayu agar orang melayu berhak mengetahui apa maksud lirik dalam lagu ini. Dengan ini, mereka juga boleh menilai adakah saya sedang menghina negara, rakyat, agama ataupun kerajaan. Dengan ini juga ia boleh memberi saya, masyarakat melayu, masyarakat cina mahupun rakyat malaysia satu pesanan yang adil.
Bahasa Cina --中文版本
本人於2007年8月7日, 從各界獲知, 馬來西亞的馬來文報(metro)和電視新聞都有報導關於本人的創作和觸法等等問題. 但經過本人查閱後, 驚覺某馬來文報(metro) 的報導出現嚴重錯誤. 錯誤在於該報採用主觀和極度負面手法去報導此事. 無疑造成了馬來社會的誤解. 第一點, 該報主觀判定本人創作是在 "侮辱" 或 "褻瀆" 國家, 民族, 宗教和政府. 第二點, 該報沒有將歌詞翻譯成馬來文, 以讓馬來讀者自行判斷. 因為歌曲本身是華語, 所以馬來人無從了解內容本身, 而只能透過媒體的報導去了解.本人覺得媒體不應為了銷售量或收視率而作出不專業的報導.
1. 歌曲創作初衷:
本人興趣做音樂, 使用國歌只是配合國慶日即將到來, 所做出的創作. 並無惡意. 創作歌曲方式很多, 其中一種叫做"取樣式"(sampling). 讓歌曲形成某種 "拼貼效果" . 本人創作時臨機一動取樣了國歌,但重點是, 國歌必須尊重, 所以創作的時候, 國歌本身的旋律和歌詞部分, 本人並沒有改過. 而是完完整整的取樣而已. 本人另外還做了"曲風"的變動,把原本古典式的唱法, 改編成了節奏藍調 (R&B) 式的唱法, 並重新編曲. 之前也有不少人曾在很多公開場改編國歌曲風,包括國慶典禮上都有不同的詮釋方式. 從音樂的角度上只要不扭曲國歌本意的話, 個人覺得並無不妥之處. 但如果此做法真的觸犯了國歌法令的話, 本人深感抱歉!
本歌曲取樣國歌為副歌部分, 而主歌部分則是本人的原創饒舌(rap). 饒舌的歌詞主要在陳述本人在馬來西亞看到聽到的所見所聞. 重點是, 本人歌曲每一句都是以"陳述式" 的方式來表達, 並無任何 "批判性"的句子. 目的是想讓聽眾自己判斷是非. 比如歌詞中有提到關於華人很難進入國立大學就讀,本人並沒有批評此事是好是壞,只是在陳述事情而已,好壞在人們心中自有定奪!
再次聲明, 本人沒有批評任何事物, 包括宗教部分. 歌詞中有一段提到, 有些回教誦經者會唱到走音, 有些則會唱到破音, 有些聲音像公雞.在以上每一句歌詞中, 都有寫到 "有些". 本人是音樂人, 可以輕易聽出有無走音或破音, 這些都是事實 (至少在我家附近的誦經者有些可能年紀問題, 會造成聲音無法控制而破音) . 重點是, 本人沒有批評宗教, 只是指出演唱上技巧不足的問題, 針對的是某些人的唱歌技巧部分, 並沒有牽涉到宗教. 就好像聽到朋友唱歌不好聽, 幽他一默而已. 請大眾勿過度敏感. 本人非常尊重每個宗教信仰. 因為宗教絕對是不容侵犯的.
因為部分媒體主觀的報導, 造成馬來讀者無法自行判斷歌曲內容, 已威脅到了本人和家人的人身安全, 本人從部落格和youtube留言版上也看到, 有人揚言要放火燒屋和殺害本人.此聲明稿希望有善心人士能幫忙將歌曲翻譯成馬來文, 以讓更多人了解本人創作並無惡意.因為本人也有很多青梅竹馬的馬來族好友,本人不希望因為錯誤報導而失去這些好友.
5. 歌曲無法煽動族群:
該媒體除了對本人提出一系列不公平的報導以外, 還指控本人的創作有 "煽動族群"之意. 本人認為, 一首歌無法煽動族群, 更無法造成戰爭. 因為本人相信馬來西亞人民是具有判斷能力的, 而並非如此的無知. 若他們了解歌詞內容後,會知道歌曲純粹娛樂, 意圖簡單. 反而某些媒體的不專業和主觀的報導, 才是煽動族群的罪魁禍首!此事可大可小. 希望該媒體能作出澄清, 以確保本人和家人的安全.
本人強烈建議, 熱心人士可以幫忙翻譯歌詞內容, 中翻巫. 因為馬來族群有 "知"的權利.這樣也能讓馬來社會自行判斷本人的創作是否在"侮辱"國家, 民族, 宗教和政府. 這樣不但對本人, 也對馬來社會, 華人社會和馬來西亞的每一個人民公平.
我爱我的国家 有国才有家
Aku cinta Negara aku ada Negara baru ada keluarga
有家才有我 站在这边跟你
Ada keluarga baru ada aku berdiri disini
大声唱歌 你麦惊
Nyanyi dengan engkau engkau jangan takut
Walaupun aku selalu cakap kasar
我的歌 就像榴莲一样
Lagu aku sama macam durian
硬硬尖尖 只是
Keras dan tajam tetapi
看你敢不敢打开 看看里面的真相
Tengok engkau berani buka ke tidak tengok apa yang ada di dalam
它可以很臭 也可以很香
Dia boleh dikatakan busuk dia juga boleh dikatakan wangi
cuma tengok engkau ada macam mana punya hidung
我们的警察 叫做MATA
Polis kita panggil ‘mata’ (dlm bhs hokkien)
Ini kerana mata mereka sangat tajam
新年一到 他们就很努力
Apabila raya mereka akan jadi rajin
Pen di tangan tetapi jarang bagi saman
因为他们口很渴 需要喝茶
Ini keran mereka dahaga mereka mahu minum teh
还有KOPI O 要不要加糖
Ataupun kopi O nak tambah gula ke tidak
如果加糖 他嘴巴会甜甜跟你微笑
Kalau tambah gula mulut mereka akan senyum dengan engkau
Apabila engkau nak pergi
Dia akan ucap TATA (maksudnye bye)
NegarakuTanah tumpahnya darahkuRakyat hidupBersatu dan maju
这种现象 不需要改善
Gejala ini tidak perlu memperbaikikan
也不用加强 警民合作
Juga tidak perlu memperkuatkan , kerjasama antara pihak polis dan rakyat
Secawan kopi hubungan boleh kekal
Aku memang suka
Sekurang-kurangnya balik rumah tidak akan dapat saman
Ayah mesti geram
我一定欠干 没有车给我驾
Aku mesti kena marah tidak ada kereta untuk aku
怎么办 这次西北够力
Macam mana kali ini memang teruk
没有车 我要怎样出去玩
Tak de kereta macam mana aku nak keluar main
没有车 我要怎样打野战
Tak de kereta macam mana aku nak XXX
没有车 我要怎样看阿瓜
Tak de kereta macam mana aku nak tengok ah kua
这个国家 我很喜欢
Negara ini aku memang suka
早上五点pukul 5 pagi
还有morning call会叫我起床
Ada morning call akan suruh aku bangun
Kadang-kadang beberapa ‘buah’ nyanyi sama-sama
macam tengah duet lagu cinta
Suara tinggi rendah macam tengah nyanyi R&B
Walaupun kadang kala sebahagian daripada mereka out of tune
Walaupun kadang kala sebahagian daripada mereka pecah suara
有些声音像公鸡 可是比公鸡早起床
Ada juga suara yang macam kokokan ayam tetapi dia bangun lagi awal dari ayam
Macam ini baru kite tahu mase untuk bersiap ke sekolah dan kerja
不要怪 政府只会照顾土族
Jangan salahkan kerajaan hanya akan jaga rakyat tertentu
不要怪 我们没有受到公平照顾
Jangan salahkan kami tidak dapat jagaan yang adil
Macam ini baru boleh menunjukkan yang orang cina tidak takut menderita
Macam ini baru boleh melatih kita mencari jalan keluar apabila menghadapi kesusahan
不要邹德他们的标准 很奇怪
Jangan mengatakan standard ini sangat pelik
因为这样反而表现我们 很厉害
Kerana dengan ini baru menunjukkan kami sangat teror
没有被宠坏的小孩 才不会依赖
Anak-anak yang tidak dimanja baru akan menjadi tabah
不然你看有人到现在 还没有断奶
ada orang sampai sekarang masih belum berhenti minum susu
Rahmat bahagiaTuhan kurniakanRaja kitaSelamat bertakhtaRahmat bahagiaTuhan kurniakanRaja kitaSelamat bertakhta
Pekerja dalam kerajaan lagi teror
Apa yang mereka buat boleh slow slow
就算排队的人等到要骂 臭lelai
Walaupun orang yang beratur marah
Mood mereka tetap rase bebas dan seronok
Kadang-kalag kuih pun mereka ambil keluar
Dia makan nyonya kuih dia
Dan engkau sambung beratur
Walaupun engkau nak marah pun tak pe
Kerana guard kat tepi pun tengah bermimpi
Dia takkan layan engkau
他们把头包起来 慢慢走慢慢过马路
Mereka yang memakai tudung perlahan-lahan melintas jalan
Engkau yang memandu kenalah berhati-hati
最终要活得开心 最重要活得舒服
Asalkan hidup dengan gembira asalkan hidup dengan selesa
Jangan macam orang cina
整天忙忙碌碌 西北辛苦
Tiap-tiap hari sibuk sangat susah
Semangat ini mesti kita kena kagumi
Kerana ini adalah sikap hidup mereka
(态度 态度)
Sikap sikap
Aku bercakap baik-baik dalam lagu ini
Aku percaya orang yang tak suka dengan aku mesti sangat suka
世界很和平 很有希望
Dunia aman baru ada harapan
没有人受伤 也没有很乱
Tidak ada orang cedera dan tidak tak tersusun
你很高贵 你很高雅
Engkau suci engkau sopan
大便很香 不会骂粗话
Najis wangi tak tahu cakap kasar
你们最high class 每天耍浪漫
Engkau sangat high class tiap-tiap hari main romantic
Dengar guang liang pin kuan (penyanyi malaysia)
Tetapi mereka sudah pergi taiwan
Pelajar Sekolah Cina
Nak masuk local U sangat susah
Dalam kes ini, kita tidak patut geram
Ini cuma satu rancangan yang mulia dari kerajaan
他要我们到处跑 出国自己找希望
Dia nak kami pergi merata-rata tempat pergi oversea mencari impian
Lepas itu balik negara membalas jasa
这个计划真的是 好到没有话讲
Rancangan ini memang bagus memang bagus
Di seluruh dunia mesti nampak malaysia punya rakyat
好像逃难一样 西北爽
Macam melarikan dari bencana memang best
2007 马来西亚搞观光
2007 ialah tahun pelancongan malaysia
Budaya cina semua mengambil keluar untuk publisiti
Pelajar sekolah cina Memang tak dilayan oleh kerajaan
文凭丢去longkang 像我一样
Sijil boleh buang ke longkang macam saya
Lepas tamat persekolahan terus pergi Taiwan
学了东西 准备回去报答国家
Belajar di sana bersedia balik negara untuk membalas jasa
Aku berdiri di tepi Taipei memain guitar
可是我的嘴巴 还是一样唱
Tetapi Mulut aku tetap menyanyi
Rahmat bahagiaTuhan kurniakanRaja kitaSelamat bertakhta
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 1128 Newer› Newest»Yeah, Tun Dr. Mahathir deserve our respect. At least he did something for the country. Not like our current PM. What has he done for us? I can't thing of any.
Not only our PM, the DPM is even worst. Can get away easily after everything he's done... so much conspiracy, corruption etc.
People say that the US has the most dark secrets, but I think Malaysia is not any better.
無論如何,縮減優惠待遇、主張經濟開放的依斯干達經濟特區項目,已在馬來西亞政壇掀起了軒然大波。前首相馬哈蒂爾(Mahathir Mohamad)最近就表示,馬來人還“未準備好”迎接外來競爭。他說,若經濟特區項目按計劃推行的話,當地百姓勢必會被外國人所“奴役”。他甚至警告道,經濟特區將使馬來西亞喪失部分主權,令其再次淪為外國的“殖民地”。
Badawi and Najib always remind the ministers to do their job for the nation or leave the job..but what if the leaders like BADAWI and NAJIB do not do their job as well as 1 always travel with his new wife and another always laid other people's daughter even from MONGOLIA and rip their life off if they got his baby...isn't that sad that LEADERS behave in a way but still leads the country to a wrong direction???
Yeah... BN like to promise a lot to people before the election. Then after the election becomes NATO (No Action, Talk Onli). It always happen like this, but I cannot understand y BN keep on winning. Are they buying votes? nobody knows.
Secondly, they like to use the media such as television to spread their propaganda. Remember last election, they show some pictures of the opposition leader and put a label one them. They even quote "Bolehkah mereka memerintah" and criticize them on public TV. Such dirty tactics.
The more I think of it, I can trust the media anymore, the are always so bias. Cant they give true and accurate report instead of hiding the facts?
马哈迪:部落客是最后的希望 !
Dr M: Bloggers are only hope left
Dr M: Bloggers are only hope left
Dr.M , we need you!
■日期/Aug 16, 2007 ■时间/01:43:13 pm
■新闻/家国风云 ■作者/本刊庄迪澎
黄明志前天(8月14日)透过马华公会副总会长蔡细历向我国政府和国人道歉,黄安熙(右图右)也出席了当天的记者会,希望政府和马来人同胞谅解,给黄明志一个机会继续学业。【点击:想藉改编国歌一举成名 蔡细历:明志想法幼稚】
黄明志当天也向国内媒体发表一份道歉声明,绝对无意褻渎国家、宗教和其他族群,更没有意图藉歌词批判和对抗政府,煽动种族情绪。【点击:通过蔡细历向政府国人道歉 黄明志促停止转载Negarakuku】
不过,掌管法律事务纳兹里阿兹(Nazri Aziz)今天在吉隆坡为玛拉工艺大学的一项会议主持开幕后透露,内阁决定援引《1948年煽动法令》对付黄明志,而如何起诉黄明志及是否将他从台湾引渡回国等工作细节,将交由总检察署处理。【点击:政府向黄明志秋后算帐! 内阁要援引煽动法令起诉】
马来文报章如《马来西亚前锋报》(Utusan Malaysia)、《每日新闻》(Berita Harian)昨天都报道了蔡细历转达黄明志道歉的新闻,但没有刊登黄明志的道歉声明,因此黄安熙说:“这样是没有用的!希望他们(马来人)不要误解。”
《马来西亚前锋报》昨天在第14版底端刊登《明志公开道歉》(Meng Chee mohon maaf secara terbuka),而《每日新闻》则在第九版刊登《侮辱国歌、回教的学生道歉》(Pelajar hina ‘Negaraku’, Islam mohon maaf)。
POLICE + SPR(Election Commission) +
Cabinet rejects apology from Negaraku rapper
KUALA LUMPUR: The Cabinet has not accepted student Wee Meng Chee’s apology for the furore caused by his Negaraku rap videoclip on video-sharing web portal YouTube.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz said the Cabinet had decided yesterday that they were not in the position to forgive him and that “the law would have to take its course”.
“The offence was not against the Prime Minister or ministers concerned but against the nation,” Nazri told reporters after the launch of the International Conference on Media and Information Warfare: A Global Challenge of the 21st Century here.
“If he had committed an offence, which I think was an offence, then we must allow the Attorney General to investigate and decide whether to take him to court,” he said.
Wee had on Tuesday apologised for the parody and agreed to remove the videoclip from his blog.
Nazri said Wee’s apology could be used as mitigation in sentencing but not as a reason to not prosecute him.
“To not prosecute him is not ‘on’ at all because he has committed an offence against the nation and no one, not the Cabinet or political parties, are in the position to forgive him,” he said.
Wee could be charged under the Sedition Act because he had insulted the symbol of the nation, he said.
“We cannot be like the West where you can have the underwear with the design of the Union Jack. In Britain, you can insult the Queen or the flag, I don’t care, but in this country we have laws and we cannot create a precedent where you commit an offence, apologise and get away with it,” he said adding that Wee was not a boy but a 24-year-old man and he should be held responsible for the act.
“It is not an issue of ethnicity or being racial but against national interest,” he said.
When asked how Wee had insulted the national anthem, Nazri said the song was supposed to be sung based on how it should be sung, otherwise, it would mean insulting the song, especially when the lyrics were changed.
“Malaysia Negaraku ku. 'Ku ku' can also mean ‘cuckoo’ so it was insulting. I don’t think this was done out of ignorance. He was a university student and he meant to insult the national song,” he said.
On whether Wee would be called home to answer charges against him, Nazri said the AG would have to investigate and if he comes to the decision to prosecute him, then when Wee returns, he would have to face the charges.
He also said that he wanted action to be taken against video-sharing portal YouTube and other bloggers who have allowed sensitive material to be published that went against the law of our country.
07年8月15日 傍晚6:41
马哈迪是今日在布城的卓越领导基金会办事处,出席一场由非政府组织“关怀大马”(Prihatin Malaysia)所主办的交流会时,在演讲中这么表示。
saje je tu, sbb ni bulan ogos, pastuh 50thn merdeka. hmm, melayu pun tiba2 nk salahkan org cina, padahal selama ni takde pun terfikir nak sesuatu utk malaysia. kepada namewee, awak telah buka mata hati jiwa akal ramai org!!! May God bless u!
Baseless accusation never stands.
1.The song does not have any elements of instigation, this proves that
the source of instigation (if there is any) is something else (e.g. some
2.Except the first video, all other negarakuku videos were not uploaded
by Namewee. The first one was already deleted by youtube early in the
3.No evidence shows how many people's hatred or wrongdoing this song has
4. No evidence shows Namewee has intention of instigation.
5. Namewee did not make this song in Malaysia.
6. Taiwan will not extradict an innocent man based on such absurd reason.
I represented Penang Kia to Support You ... Dont Face Down To Them....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
首相署:煽動法令下接受調查 推薦給朋友 列印
updated:2007-08-16 15:04:25 MYT
Y is the government so childish?. As I said, MCA is UMNO dog.
Since MCA has already accept NameWee's apology, can't they help pull him out of this. Useless MCA.
Anonymous said...
Y is the government so childish?. As I said, MCA is UMNO dog.
Since MCA has already accept NameWee's apology, can't they help pull him out of this. Useless MCA.
August 16, 2007 5:16 PM
I've quite a few Malay blog 'mencarut' kao kao and want you to die, not just you, they are insulting chinese community!
To those that want NameWee dead, get over my dead body 1st.
Dun be fooled by improper reports by some improper minded journalist of lousy newspapers, Ayam jantan berkokok sounds like an insult? It sounds more like a metaphor of hardworking!
To all Malays, dun be angry, keep ur cool n UNDERSTAND wat he sings.Dun be misleaded by the lousy newspapers, dun be misleaded by the lousy LEADERS! Their mentality is not advanced enough to comprehend things properly. All they knw is threaten ppl like gangsters, using ISA bla bla like swinging parangs n bats...Let us think again, r we going to sue this brave man who sings out the corruption issue? Do we wan to be manipulated by the government? This song is pure, with no form of manipulation involved, juz simply describing Malaysia's ugly side...
Those racists who responded racism in their comments, u do not seem fit to live on this planet, go find another 1 pls, bring some of ur frens with u n start a whole new world of single many races r there on earth? how big is our planet? we need to live together on this planet n please be understanding n respect other ppl
Those malays who r angry because they were misleaded, so dun blame them, blame the real culprits!
Ayam jantan berkokok pagi pagi = RAJIN!
anakbanjar wrote:
Like both of you, I continued my study abroad. Upon graduation I worked for a year to gain valuable experience. The desire to serve the nation was indeed overwhelming (berkobar-kobar) and naively believe I can make a different. Alas it was not to be so. The focus was in your career (in my case in a multinational IT company and the day to day living, striving in the rat race to keep up with the Johnson's.
I also found out, to make a different you must also joint politics. In my case I joined UMNO over the objection of my parents, who already in the late 70's told me that UMNO was not the same when they were members. I also learned quite early that you need a lot of money to gain positions in the party, notwithstanding your qualifications and working experience. Soon after exhausting my fund and enthusiasm I gave up the dream to make the impact and to change the systems.
UMNO was not anymore like the party that the Malays inherited from their fathers and/or grandfathers. UMNO is now like a multi-level get-rich organization incorporated to maintain its grip on power to run the country. It is rotting with corruption right to its core (meaning leadership).
KJ embodies the new leadership. You must have the right bloodline or otherwise by marriage and a lots of money to move-up the leadership.
(quoted from
hang in there buddy!
Yo dude!! I agree with u!! n i bet all the chinese ppl out there must have agreed with ya!! u guys shud have more priviledges especially academically! gov just act so foolishly by giving malays everything, from universities and even jobs. so ashamed of them, n many people who r not malaysians are even more ashamed of our gov. I seriously hate how they ignore our race and only focus on turning everyone into muslims. face it!!! the world is not YOURS!! You're an angel, meng chee!!! I would love to be lyk u, telling the whole world what u really think, atho u din mean anythin bad. let them now. UMNO is BAD!!! BN is WORSE!! janji kosong! kampung bangsa lain sik maju, tapi kampung ninja turtle suma maju. pa kedak ya??? tekede cdak gov. ya baruk namanya malaysia tok blom btamaduN! kesian!!
alooooo....bagi org2 muslim nok terasa ktk org pun agama dianok2, ktk org pke lok psl agama ktk org. ada x tecatat lam al-quran iaitu Murtad adalah slh? ada sik? sikda nak?? sapa pdh gya?? Alla membenarkan suma memeluk apa2 agama janji sik dpaksa. ktk org psg speaker kuat2, pahal?? ingat allah sik dpt dgr ka?? maka nya ada di sine2 ktk mok. nya akan dgr ktk org smayang tanpa speaker ya. lagipun, pasal tudung ngan azan ya, nang benar pun. kmk org agama lain ne ada smayang kdk org melalak sikda tune? lawak ada. org yang bertudung sik semestinya alim. SUMA DAH LOBOS!!!! dah penah jadi bahan nikmat org. sik cayak??? tanyak org2 yang lebih tauk dari ktk org. kinek tok, banyak org melayu sik pande klaka english. lawak ada masuk UNIversity tapi sik pande klaka english!!! malU!!!!!!!!! ya jelas ktk org sik betamadun. mun temu org putih, gne mok klaka?? nak ka tekede sia???
sik penah nak??? jadi, iboh anok meng chee cibai suma.. agama ktk orf sik betol, n sik PENAH betol!!!
I enjoy listened to this song. What ever in this song was a small matters. There are so many thing in Malaysia we must look through rather than harping this one.
What about rasuah, it is permitted by Islam or any other religion. No one in Malaysia even the Menteries want to discuss it, why? you know why.
you will die soon... i swear to god!
What Nmaewee did to reveal was a tiny bit of an avalanche of the racial undercurrent in Malaysia. Shame to the racial discriminatory policy that resulted in no racial integration in the last 3 to 5 generations. If you ever lived in a true democartic country, you'ii understand what I mean. Most races assimilate into the mainstream culture in their adopted countries rapidly. Why would we want to be treated as second class citizens when our talent could be appreciated elsewhere. That's why there are so many people leaving the country. You don't have to look far. Singapore would have taken most of the top brains chinese from Malaysia. If the current racial discrimination continues, I see no future for the country. Namewee, may be it's time for you to leave too!
ahhh sudah la namewee!!!! semoga ko masuk penjara!!! takpayah lah nakterang2kan.... aku orang pertama yg akan gelak besar dulu bila tengok front page paper ko kena tangkap!
yg ko gatal pegi create lagu merepek buat apa? ko memang cari nahas kan? Ko ingat ni US ke, pakai bikini bendera US pun dianggap patriotik? Ini Malaysia la... Kita punya tahap moral tinggi la beb. Ko tu jer dah mind intrusion.
Anyway, lu masuk penjara nanti gua hantar lu post card dengan lagu rap 'namewee the prison break' hasil ciptaan gua. Pasti lebih bermutu dari lagu lu.
ahhh sudah la namewee!!!! semoga ko masuk penjara!!! takpayah lah nakterang2kan.... aku orang....
Please improve your malay language before you say something shit here. Anywhere, malaysia will end later, not over another 50 years.
Then the new history will be like this: "50 years ago here was malaysia, but the country destroy by their own local malay..."
you will die soon... i swear to god!
Oh yeah, you talk to god(allah)?! Please help me to send my regard to your allah, ask him whether he is blind or not, if not blind then let you die first.
Ayam jantan berkokok pagi pagi = RAJIN!
yeah, you are right, that's why you are better than indonesian because indonesia wake up early than you.
malaysian government rejects namewee's apologies = bias, bias, and bias =)
Did i say malaysian government is bias?
MCA is not a dog OF UMNO is right, but this time is UNMO use MCA to "lead out" namewee to say "I am sorry", after that UNMO will come out and say "I cannot accept!"
If UMNO come out to to request namewee to say "sorry", if namewee dont want, UMNO will "No Face", so it is better use MCA to do the job better.
Everything is a plan...
sorry, upper word correction...MCA is a dog of UNMO....
yg ko gatal pegi create lagu merepek buat apa? ko memang cari nahas kan? Ko ingat ni US ke, pakai bikini bendera US pun dianggap patriotik? Ini Malaysia la... Kita punya tahap moral tinggi la beb. Ko tu jer dah mind intrusion.
Moral tinggi?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... *cough wheeze wheeze cough*... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Sorry man, that was too funny. So, yang menghunus keris nak mandi darah Cina, lepas tu rogol anak sendiri kira patriotik ke?
We respect Islam. But Islam must respect non-islam. I don't mind you pray at 5am. But why must pray until so loud??!! It is your business if you don't sleep. But please be consider other people. We need to have more rest ok? Even ayam jantan never make noise that early.
Thank you
Be consider.
God created the world....and He loves His creation..for God so loves the world... that....
胡亞橋is the dude who started with fire. Today he come out to speak in front of the press that MCA wish that the issue can be 'ended peacefully'. What de!?
All you muslims..
i really dont know why you fuss so much about the video just because someone made a less than 30 seconds statement regarding your "prayer."
FYI, christians are mocked even more worse than you la..
Are all of you blind a?
But, did we do anything? Did we cause an uproar? Did we? Did we become so furious and violent and insane like you guys just because your religion is condemned?
Why not you just let your Allah do His job by punishing the person who insulted Him? (If He is the real true God that is. But to me He is not.)
By my statement above, I'm sure in your heart, you'll say i'm bound to go to hell.. All christians know that muslims think that christians will go to hell.. And many had already so often mocked and condemn us publicly.
But, why i care..? just because of a statement from unwise person and make me angry?
I dont! Because i know that my God, will punish all those who had done evil.. (including punishing me, if i had done bad things)
So why you guys care about some statements which all of you muslims consider as unwise make you angry?!
MCA are cowards.
The voice of the chinese konon!
Their mouths are sealed by the bigger part of the government la!
We CANNOT and MUST NOT rely on them to speak for us or serve us!
[Quote]I seriously hate how they ignore our race and only focus on turning everyone into muslims. face it!!! the world is not YOURS!! You're an angel, meng chee!!! I would love to be lyk u, telling the whole world what u really think, atho u din mean anythin bad. let them now. UMNO is BAD!!! BN is WORSE!![/Ouote]
actually, everyone can post to the world to watch about what a person wants to say.
That is, through youtube..
You dont need to make a video or song, you can make slides and compile it like a video, and post it in youtube so that the whole world can take a look at it.
以創作的角度 真的做得很不錯喔!!~
不過.. 像大便和鼻孔之類的作嘔的圖
其它的... 非常值得欣賞!!
actually, everyone can post to the world to watch about what a person wants to say.
That is, through youtube..
You dont need to make a video or song, you can make slides and compile it like a video, and post it in youtube so that the whole world can take a look at it.
You dont need to use pictures and stuff, just a black screen with words as messages to tell the world about how you feel.
RE: Ah yee's earlier post.
Please be open mind to study this issue, my dear Malays friends. Wawasan 2020 is arriving another 12 years, you want to step backward or step forward? We “Malaysian”, our education level, our technology, our scientific and research development, our infrastructure, etc .. is far behind others country. Why? You should know why? We have a list of restrictions, don’t ever to monopoly, this nation need competitive, no competitive, then no improvement!
true.. very true..
continuing hold-backs from the government in competitions will make malaysia's vision during 2020 a foolish illusion.
while i found that you are truly talented, certain issues were pointed out in an unjust way.
look, i know you've apologised (i am sure that it is done much to your - and a lot of other's - chagrin) but let's be clear here:
you made it sound like chinese are the ONLY (or are the MOST) victims here. what with the local U issues (i'm not even denying this part), etc...
as a converted muslim (i came from a huge roman catholic family and i ensure you being at peace with each other's religion is a hard thing to do but not impossible), i have to point out that a call to prayer - the azan - is not a performance/show/concert. as i've said, it's a call to prayer: a reminder to muslims that it's time to pray, not a sing-a-long or a Malaysian Idol show. you might wonder "what's the big deal anyway" but it is. when you made a notion that the azan is an equivalent to, i dont know, R&B, that there shouldn't be an out-of-tune rhythm, it's totally down right degrading for the muslim communities and for the religion itself since the sole intention is to get the muslims to do their prayers, not to entertain/please anyone.
the muslim malays can't be said to be wrong to use Islam as a counter-attack, since it is their religion that was attacked. neither am i saying that it's a strong weapon anyway. but anyone from any religion who have been insulted (especially regarding sensitive issues) should be able to stand up and protect their faiths, their beliefs, their practices, and their streak of respects. and i am aware that other religions got attacked a lot too by the malay muslims and i am ashamed and deepy regretting their lack of respect towards others (being a muslim myself). thus, the most important thing is to stop condemning other religions, and stick to your own, and your own only.
and while i agree with you on the slowpokes issue, let me just tell you there are a lot of people who don't get the relevance of those wearing tudung and not to walking at such a oh-so-slow speed. as a malaysian, i've seen people of all races, young and old, walk like turtles everywhere. it's a malaysian thing. not just those with tudungs. i've seen young chinese teens strutting their stuffs at the wrong place, wrong time (during peak hours) and feel annoyed. i've seen the mak ciks stopping right in the middle of the way to talk to their friends/spouses and feel annoyed. i'm sure we have all experienced that oursleves. but your indication that it's usually done by "those with the tudungs" is the one that made people flare up. and as you can see, especially the malays. why couldn't you just said malaysians? and why did you have to focus on one group rather than making a generalization since everyone here does it?
yes, you may call the malays for being out-of-place over-sensitive, but look at it this way: you mostly pinpointed it on them, and made the chinese the only victims? i'm not malay, or indian... nor am i chinese. but i am aware that the same thing happens in the private sectors. private schools, private colleges, private companies... there are always the act of bias. i'm not saying it's okay. i'm saying, again, everyone gets the same kind of treatment, not just chinese.
freedom of speech is what you're portraying here and nobody said it's not allowed. in fact, we should be able to state our views courageously. but mind you, that does not mean it should be done without thinking of other's feelings and without taking into consideration of what matters most to them. how would chinese/indian people feel if let's say, i said something like: "every year in august the chinese would go worship the ghosts... we'd have to grit our teeth in annoyance listening to their gongs during their festivals... with their lil red tokongs at every corner by the roads filled with food that i feel just like squashing them into pulps..." and/or: "oh it's time for the indians to worship their lil colorful, 12- paris of hands dolls again, with their weird rituals and them wasting the rice like it's no one's business"? certainly it's offensive (at least to me it is, and i was trying to be less crude there). certainly there are some culturally and/or religiously incorrect issues that i've just brought up. it's the same theory, brother.
regarding the governance of this country... everyone has the rights to voice out their opinions. we are, after all, the ones who are paying the taxes and do the votings. i, myself, am not particularly impressed with the way certain things are handled. every opinion/suggestion from the citizens of Malaysia counts - for a better, and especially more progressive country. i am not gonna tally with how things are done in Singapore seeing that it's unfair to compare Malaysia with Singapore due to a lot of reason. Reasons that are not befitted with this post/comment.
i'm not saying no one can't say anything bad about malays, as some of the commentors have highlighted. or any other races, for that matter, since everyone has their own flaws and everyone has the rights to point it out. but make sure you point it out in a diplomatically way, whoever you are, and to whomever you're trying to convey any issues you have with. mockery towards races and religions are not diplomatic. in fact, it's seen as a childish and immature way to bring things up. if we want to get our points across and be taken seriously, then try to avoid racial slurs (and this goes to every one: the malays, the chinese and the indians - all the 3 major races in Malaysia).
the problem here lies among us: we all think of ourselves as the 'victims' of injustice. instead of pointing fingers towards each other, why not rise above our lil 'dilemmas' and work things out in a graceful and respectable way? regardless of what races we are, we are all Malaysians and it's time to put behind all these nonsense and work as ONE. Try to have empathy towards each other, instead of hatred and anger. Prejudicing is way too 1900s for today's generation. Sadly, we're still keeping it up; we're still stuck in that kind of mind-set... and how are we supposed to progress as a nation with that mind-set? also, while we claimed to have tolerance and acceptance towards each other, it's just us talking. quite a lot of us are still at bay from actually tolerating and accepting each other's differences (esp in terms of races and religions).
I support your effort to be progressive and creative in your own way but honestly, try to instill some respect while not losing your head to your honesty way too much. Continue doing in what you belief in, in what you have the most strength and skills in, but do not disregard the fact that respect comes a long way. and i'm saying this to all of us who call ourselves Malaysians.
- Hannah
and as for the loud azan comments: when your ancestors (referring to the non-Muslims) became the citizens of this country, they were well aware that this is an Islamic country, and still they agreed to become the citizens of Malaysia.
Up until now, we are aware of our national language, and the national religion. And we are aware that the malays are the first to settle here when the British brought in chinese and indians for their own benefits. They did not care about the controversy they were gonna cause. Monopolizing was what their intention was, and so we were left to figure it out by ourselves, and it's never an easy task to do even after 50 years later.
Some of you questioned why don't we just skip the loud speaker like oversea countries? Let me ask you this now: which country are you referring to? Are you referring to Canada, the US, Turkey, England? Those countries are usually secular countries or are under Christian ruling (for England, for exmaple)
Malaysia IS an Islamic country. And if you go to any other Islamic country, you'll face the same thing as you face here. It's part of the culture, it's part of the tradition, it's part of the religion, and too bad for those who disagreed, Malaysia is part of the world wide Muslim communities.
So unless you can petition against it and if it actually worked, you'll have to just grit your teeth and live with it as long as you live here. And why not? The muslims here can live with your gongs and some other loud/inconvenient rituals/traditions, and I rarely hear any complaints regarding this (compared to complaints we received about our calling to prayers).
The muslims here tolerate your processions, rituals and such (yes there are grumbles of complaints but we did not make a huge deal out of it because it's part of your traditions and religions, and we know how it feels to be condemned just because of some parts of our religion's rituals).
And while this seems unfair to non-Muslims in this country: if you're a Malaysia citizen, and live in this country, you must be aware of the things that Malaysia is constituted off and respect it as it is. Again, I stress it out: Malaysia IS an Islamic country and while you don't understand the Shariah Law or any Islamic rituals, you are still bound to respect it. At least the country let you choose and practice your own religion freely.
- Hannah
[Quote] while i agree with you on the slowpokes issue, let me just tell you there are a lot of people who don't get the relevance of those wearing tudung and not to walking at such a oh-so-slow speed. as a malaysian, i've seen people of all races, young and old, walk like turtles everywhere. it's a malaysian thing. not just those with tudungs. i've seen young chinese teens strutting their stuffs at the wrong place, wrong time (during peak hours) and feel annoyed. i've seen the mak ciks stopping right in the middle of the way to talk to their friends/spouses and feel annoyed. i'm sure we have all experienced that oursleves. but your indication that it's usually done by "those with the tudungs" is the one that made people flare up. and as you can see, especially the malays. why couldn't you just said malaysians? and why did you have to focus on one group rather than making a generalization since everyone here does it?" [Quote]
Apparently you have read half of the sentence. My interpretation is that Namewee uses it to support his statement below - which is "easy living lifestyle". If he uses Malaysian or other races dressing code, then his following statement will be out of sync. I believe you have taken comprehensive course. You need to have an example to support your statement. Indeed, I think he did a good job on that.
[Quote]Apparently you have read half of the sentence. My interpretation is that Namewee uses it to support his statement below - which is "easy living lifestyle". If he uses Malaysian or other races dressing code, then his following statement will be out of sync. I believe you have taken comprehensive course. You need to have an example to support your statement. Indeed, I think he did a good job on that.[/Quote]
I have read the whole thing. Even if he needed to make it in sync, at least do it properly coz the end result now is that he conveyed the wrong kind of messages (seems like it). if you look at it properly, from the interpretation point of view (and you have to understand that not everyone speaks chinese, and therefore relies on interpreted version heavily), it seemed or sounded like that all the malays (since he said with "tudung(s)") ever did is to laze around, while others are doing all the hard work. i'm not going for/against any race here but that's how it sounded like. trying to make it not out of sync is great, but doing it poorly is not.
as i've said, he did a great job voicing out things that normally people dared not to do. but there ARE other ways, other words he can uses as to not rouse another uproar like this.
maybe the interpreted version is not 100% accurate to what he was trying to say (language barrier can be a major problem here) but it is also because of that that most people got the wrong messages. and unfortunately for him, the kind of messages they got are all pinpointing towards the negative things of a particular race.
that's all i'm trying to say. i understood what he tried to tell (after, let's be honest here, a lot of listening and reading again and again) but i can't deny that there are hints of biased things delivered through this. (notice i stressed on the word "hints"). thus, giving people the clarification that he is indeed attacking a particular race, which he may or may not have intended upon.
let's just be clear of that. i do not wish to further worsen the situation by having to stand on my grounds - which might end up looking like i'm siding the malays, which i must stress heavily again, that i am not. i've said what i think is true for ALL Malaysians regardless of skin colors and background. needless to say, it's not only one side at fault. everyone's being stubborn, and everyone's sticking to their own guns without wanting to resolve any hideous issues.
time to cheer up people. we've had our own country for 50 years now. don't tell me that we still wanns let history to repeat itself? coz right now, i have to tell ya'all, i'm not feeling the fun of it.
Selamat Hari Merdeka Yang Ke-50!
- Hannah
OT: Malaysia IS a secular country with Islam as the official religion.
I am very mad...
How come malay ppl can do like that? Is it they don't ever feel shame? Is it they are not human? They don't have knowledge??? ohhh god pls...
I can't stand it.. really CAN'T!!
The interpretation of free speech in legal aspects is a controversial matter.
Who get to decide which words are considered hateful?
Say, who can make assurance that the judicial decision accompanied without influence of political fog or bias?
Deliberately banning free speech is meant to bring a halt to robust democratic change.
In US,the First Amendment are created to ensure a strong healthy public debate and to prohibit the government from enacting laws that subsequently restrict public speech.
The text of the First Amendment rights in US, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
There is problem perceiving “free speech”, in general, the principle is okay, but the appliance is tricky. The boundary between tolerable and intolerable speech shifts parallel with changes in political power.
Once people empower won-party to regulate, the government would indirectly squelch those political speeches that potentially pose damage claims to their policy in power that the public disapprove of it. Executive party will harness means to silence opponent political groups and minorities who may contribute to their precious freedom of voice in order to supervise incorrect political management.
Everyone is permit free to express their opinions through feelings.
People are definitely welcome to create their own idea, even to say it via voice loudly. Yet, they are not allowed to attack and discriminate person.
we have to make clear distinction between attitudes and actions.
For example, I can yell “I will kill you” all day long, and not be guilt of murder. If, however, I did send you to hell by committing killing crime, I would be charged of murder.
there should be a balance between free speech and reasonable protection of people’s feelings. It is impractical for any government to ban speech; as the racists and hatreds are still alive until today. The only way to battle for offensive ideas is to confront them rationally. Legislations are hard to make vulgar ideas disappear.
* In US under the First Amendment constitution, you are bound to be freed and reassured on the ground that any publish materials which included provocative ones are protected under free expression of ideas rights, although it may invoke controversy among political parties.
* In US many court cases, slander laws and libel laws protect individuals from being defamed or attacked, however, justices are less lenient to the ruling government when allegations are made about individuals.
Dude, tackle them intellectually especially, there are racist guys in parliament who called Khairy and Nazri.
* In US, flag burning is a constitutionally protected as FORM OF FREE EXPRESSION. So does the trivial modification of national song "negarakuku" as a media means to express idea.
ahhh sudah la namewee!!!! semoga ko masuk penjara!!! takpayah lah nakterang2kan.... aku orang pertama yg akan gelak besar dulu bila tengok front page paper ko kena tangkap!
yg ko gatal pegi create lagu merepek buat apa? ko memang cari nahas kan? Ko ingat ni US ke, pakai bikini bendera US pun dianggap patriotik? Ini Malaysia la... Kita punya tahap moral tinggi la beb. Ko tu jer dah mind intrusion.
Anyway, lu masuk penjara nanti gua hantar lu post card dengan lagu rap 'namewee the prison break' hasil ciptaan gua. Pasti lebih bermutu dari lagu lu.
August 16, 2007 11:11 PM
hey,damn u la!!!!
Ming zhi juz speak out our mind !!!!!
If u don like,juz don listen la.....
u is malay right????
sure lo,only da ppl like tis wil do tis such thing
plz la,Ming zhi appologzise alr.....
don hurt him again.....
u punya tahap sangat tinggi ar????
macam amna tinggi ar????
Tinggi sampai tiap tiap kerajaan punya department makan duit ar????
Jika u punya melayu sangat pandai,tak perlu bergantung kpd cina la......
Malaysia bukan untuk melayu sahaja!!!
tahu ar???
Walau!! no wonder they keep asking us to go back China..
Because as a chinese in Malayu country you have to be
MUTE or the best you
Dont get educated,
by then they let you stay in MaLaySia !!!
harian metro is really stupid and unreliable. sadly many malaysians (esp malays) read them like they're the most reliable source of news. bl**p (censored. hehe).
the reporters lah i think they really wanna write cool stuff but they have no money, they have no internet connection to create blogs and they need money. hehe... so they join harian metro n write crappy stuff so people will buy and they can get money. always exaggerating news and change the facts (they twisted my sister's ragut story and also change my name and identity once. really need to saman those people). whatever.
lets pray malaysian people will boycott harian metro so they will learn to write the real stuff without exaggerating things. they often cause trouble lah these people. really wanna kick them in the butt...
Not wanting to offend anybody, but this country is not ready for free speach. The majority of the rakyat here is still not mature enough to take it.
I'm not identifiying any race here, but as Malaysian as a whole. When I look at the comments made here, be in by Malaysian Chinese and Malaysian Malays, sad to say most of you are just the same, but on different sides of the line, each supporting your own cause.
I am no supporter nor hate namewee, but just taking it as one's individual expression. To those who fanatically support him and criticize others especially with racial slurs, you are not much different then the person you criticize.
What I'm trying to say is, it looks like 3 year olds arguing with one another, while you all are missing the main points to make this country a better place for all.
Why is it such a sensitive issue here in Malaysia, because mainly of the rakyat. Come on grow up, debate in a positive way on things.
honestly, what do any of you hope to achieve by calling each other "babi", and give stupid, useless threats?
does it give you the satisfaction? does it solve any problem?
we're all being a bunch of "babi"s then. malays call chinese babi, chinese call malays babi, and maybe somewhere in between the indians call both of the malays and chinses babi too... :D conclusion: malaysians are pigs! haha that would be the funniest thing ever.
everyone let's just start throwing eggs at each other! hahaha :D
let say Namewee replace the pics of mosque, "tudung" street walker with pics of topekong and nyonya2 lintas jln.. and the shit pic with something more valuable such as JE patient..
Malyasia sebuah negara yang "aman damai,harmoni dan tidak berpilih kasih terhadap semua kaum".Semua kaum yg hidup di Malysia sangat "bahagia".Kerajaan layan cina dan india sgt "baik".Jika mereka hendak bina sekolah cina atau tokong,kerajaan pun sangat 'sokong".Mereka akan "membantu kita dlm sokongan moral dan kewangan".Sekolah suwa punya sijil sudah "dilulus" oleh kerajaan.Matrikulasi pun sudah dibahagi rata oleh melayu cina dan india.Kami hidup dlm keadaan yg sangat "selesa".Polis di Malaysia sangat "bertanggungjawab".Mereka "tidak makan rasuah".Kakitangan kerajaan kerja sgt "cepat".Mereka sgt "rajin" dan "bertanggungjawab".Negara ini paling "berbudi bahasa".Saya cinta Malaysia.Semua suara ini saya mengeluarkan dari hati saya.Saya pasti kerajaan Malaysia paling suka orang macam ini.Paling suka dengar suara "ikhlas" daripada rakyat.
i'm a malay studying in canada, without my government's help or in any case, any chinese help (as some of you have claimed so strongly). and i know many more malays who have done it without any of you chinese people's help or even our government's help. so stop stereotyping.
dont think so highly of yourselves (referring to everyone). semua orang nak berjaya, nak maju juga. so shut the fuck up (again, intending for everyone) and focus on what's needed to be done for you to be successful.
none of us need to stereotype anyone, or anything.
i'll take the famous biblical phrase: do unto others as how you would like others to do to you. i'm sure everyone can relate to this. it's not too "islamic" for you to handle, neither is it too "spiritually Buddha" for others to comprehend.
if you dont want to be stereotyped as the "cina yang muka macam babi" or "melayu yang memang pemalas" or "india yang berlidah dua", then stop stereotyping others. enough said.
everyone has their own good and bad sides, but not everyone is terrible. (the govt: maybe yes, but heck, it's up to us to decide who's gonna govern this country, so next time, make sure you pick the right party to vote ;) )
i'm just looking forward to go home next year and hang out with my besties (jamilah, rubaa and may lee). hope by then things will already be all smoothed out :)
(haha siap buat shout out to my friends pula.. anyway, learn how to chill peeps. it's not good to stress yourself out too much.)
Wee, very magnanimous of you to even bother to explain to those morons in BM. For better effect, sing it to them in BM!
For the rest of you overseas students, now has come the time (well pretty soon) for you all to do your part! Get registered and make bloody hell you come back to vote. And use your vote wisely, not thru coercion or RMxxx ang pow.
Young countrymen, now is the time for use to make a difference. Ours will no longer be 'just 1 vote nia'. There are 5mil of us out there who are eligible but have not registered as voters. Dammit! that's 30% of the current number of voters nationwide!
You want regime change? you want your equal share? you want a fairer country? Well now you can have it!!
To alisa,
"i'm a malay studying in canada, without my government's help or in any case, any chinese help (as some of you have claimed so strongly). and i know many more malays who have done it without any of you chinese people's help or even our government's help. so stop stereotyping."
Good for you that you are able to make it on your own without the help from Government; however, do you know that Government only helps bumiputra to further their study? There are 400+ government sponsors students enroll to the University that I attended every year. None of them is non-bumiputra. We are not stereotyping anyone and it is not bumiputra student fault. We are talking about Government policy.
To Hannah;
"as i've said, he did a great job voicing out things that normally people dared not to do. but there ARE other ways, other words he can uses as to not rouse another uproar like this."
I am waiting for your other ways. Action is better than speak.
Every sentence can be claimed to have hidden "hint". It depends on how you read it.
"You are sexy"..hint is....?
This is for Alisa,
Who step on your tail? Is not the stereotype matter.
Check.. Be clear. Why is it the quota system still exist? If Babis are not depending on government.
Keep your BIG mouth sharp before comentting.
Ofcourse, we are glad you DO NOT depend on government. I hope your bangsa will learn from you. Don't always carry the "Tongkat".This isnt call success if you are carrying the tongkat. Always blame we owe you.
Namewee, Why did you apologise?
See.. They are still considering whether to sue you anot.
Government is a lier. Talk and action are different. Don't trust what government say. Lier lier! Barbarian!
I agree. Malays always carry tongkat. Win? far away. LOOSER!
那里可以这样?! 太过分了。马来西亚这么好的国家!你怎么可以唱这样的歌来毁坏它的名声。
i'm a malay studying in canada, without my government's help or in any case, any chinese help (as some of you have claimed so strongly). and i know many more malays who have done it without any of you chinese people's help or even our government's help. so stop stereotyping....
You said you are without government help. Do you mean when you are born until you go to Canada for studying without getting any help from government?
1) Do you mean your family and you always pay the same amount of tax like other race?
2) Do you mean examination marks you get in school or university is without using the "QUOTA SYSTEM"?
3) Do you mean your family house (the house you stay) is pay without using the special discount 5%?
4) Do you mean now you study in Canada is totally without your family financial support?
5) And so much more...
Some minor thing from your government, create a biggest help for you in future...suck!
Hey MAN,
Just apply for asylum in taiwan or better in the US. You now have a valid reason to do that...
It is freedom of expression ..and you dont have to explain to anyone.
Everyone knows it was the truth
To alisa,
When you and your friends are not the one get sponsor by government. It does not mean the rest of oversea bumiputra student are not. Do the Math - what is the percentage?
When you feel being "stereotype", you should take a step back to think. Is majority of your group members belong to that category?
Seksyen 4(1)(b) Akta Hasutan 1948 (Akta 15) dan boleh dihukum mengikut Seksyen 4(1) akta yang sama.
Beliau boleh dijatuhkan hukuman denda maksimum RM5,000 atau penjara tidak melebihi tiga tahun, jika sabit kesalahan. "
Everything wil be alright.
(from this on, maybe the other politik parti will take u ..?!)
Thank you for write the song.
I'll pray for you.
哎呀!马来西亚近期的谋杀案件等那么多,把时间用来用维持治安更好吧!是的没带身份证法半年,伪造信用卡法一年。我的天啊!哪一个交严重阿!‘有些’政府部门的工作效率差不差那问问他们自己才知道了。之前说提高公务员的薪水目的是避免再有人贪污。笑话!问问有哪几个人考车是没‘包’及格的?有哪几个交通警察不叫人请喝茶阿!甚至Telekom的工作人员上门维修电话还不是一样手长长的要钱。不给吗?不用维修咯!垃圾车的农历新年工作还会说ang bao ang bao.
公平吗?看看每天在路边摆摊子卖nasi lemak, kuih的是什么皮肤的朋友。换成黄皮肤早就被罚款了。"malaysia boleh"
说到珍惜人才,就不会有那么多的人才往外跑了。6A考不进马来西亚大学,真是笑话。难怪马来西亚教育水准那么低。malaysia universiti boleh
对了,国庆要到了。大家又可以看见超人了。在马路上披着大大的国旗,或者把国旗挂在电单车再打堆像森林里的猴子班疯狂驾驶,然后不理会会否造成其他驾驶人员不便的就叫爱国。明志你要不要在台湾也这样展现这样的爱国精神?like that call malaysia boleh.
To Hannah,
"(and you have to understand that not everyone speaks chinese, and therefore relies on interpreted version heavily), it seemed or sounded like that all the malays (since he said with "tudung(s)") ever did is to laze around, while others are doing all the hard work. i'm not going for/against any race here but that's how it sounded like. trying to make it not out of sync is great, but doing it poorly is not."
Translation is often lead to misunderstood. There is a movie called "Lost in Translation", good movie to watch.
If you understand Mandarin(this should be correct word to use for describing Chinese language), you probably will not feel the same way you read it now.
To alisa,
Have you ever read newspaper regarding a Chinese Student who scored 4As in STPM and never got admitted into local uni for medical course. Her family has to spend their own pocket money to send her to oversea for medical study.
4As in STPM. Can you get? Can Malays get? If they do, don't go to meticulation.
Because of the quota system, most Chinese has to spent money to further education. It doesn't mean that Chinese is rich like you can afford the study in Canada.
重寫大馬獨立史 打破官方論述虛像 18/9/2006
Malay sucks....
malay Fxcks....
namewee rocks....
some of them are good !!
but government really sucks.
PM? Sleeping now. Wait for him to say something? "sau Pei" lah
no la, shopping with new wife la.
“There are two hundred million of us, you can't hang us all!” -- Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya
明志, tell that to the fascist captors.
有的國家, 一黨獨大, 邊緣化小政黨。邊緣化也分為被動的和主動的性質,一個族群如果爭氣,別人是邊緣化不了他們的,要擺脫被邊緣化的命運只能靠自己努力。
當然, 在避免進一步被邊緣化的同時, 我們還得冀望國家不會被國際社會邊緣化。因為若繼續實行不受歡迎的計劃,政策和方針,國家肯定會被國際的競爭邊緣化。
It's just how hard we perceive the issue. If we don't take hard which can burden our shoulder, then nothing really wrong here.
BTW, one of the main issue used by the Malay-Muslim here is that Namewee has insulted Islam and not other issue. If Namewee has really done something wrong on this, then don't worry my Malays friends, he will be punished later on in hell or heaven. You don't need to spare your hands, God hand is much powerful than yours. And I believe that the Great Prophet of Muhammad has a more understanding and compassionate heart towards what Namewee has done. I guess, HE would also ask for forgiveness from God if Namewee has really done something wrong. Unless those of you who don't understand this, do not really believe in your mighty god.
It's just not an issue but as for political reason, this is use as one of the BIG issue to spark up the people emotional and psychology field to create an inferno environment, so that we keep burning ourselves to support those people upstairs as they run their machine. We are the coals - the oxygen for that machine. Darn it!
By the way, I still remembered that some of my malay friends (during my naively school time) said that the Chinese is worshiping Satan because of the Buddha statue and image that they bound to. Isn't that also an insulting? But from the Buddhist script that I read, I learn that we must be compassionate towards every living being and nothing really can harm us if we don't put it in the mind. Is the mind which create your own trouble.
Try it? If not so pls free your mind from such troublesome. It is just as is.
Thanks and I support Namewee.
Since Namewee has apologised although he has done nothing wrong. Why don't the Malays and government just forgive him. Try to have a big heart. Don't act like a little kid begging for candies.
I believe Islam also taught about forgiveness.
If the gov policy is good, then how come the richest man in Malaysia has been staying in Hong Kong for the past few decades.
From the research that I've done, he went abroad because of the policy that limits his business venture in the sugar industry (during those old years) which led him to seek alternative way to do business. He found no justice here and seek out.
It never seems that he will make his way back here and I believe he and his beloved family have received their new citizenships long time ago. But how come Malaysia still refers him as the richest man in Malaysia. ??? Of course he still have business venture here which is another debate, foreign people also can invest here what! It creates opportunity here, create money to be circulate here.
Might be I'm so dumb to understand this.
Government only love the money that Chinese earned. They will come out with many new and interesting policies how to get more money from Chinese.
When come to education,priority,housing and whatever. They will just ignore Chinese needs.
My third post here, sorry to be so lengthy.
I believe that not every people is the same. There are great Malays people who understandable and treat this not an issue. There are yet others who don't. I believe also that there are Chinese who don't agree with what Namewee has done, which is part of those who agreed.
So please don't burn more fire, it only evokes more problems. The general election is coming and only those people who involves in the party who have the most influential power that want to spark it up.
Use your mind and wisdom to just this and pls don't follow the crowd. Tony Robbins once said that, "Ordinary people follows the crowd but extraordinary never." Use Tony's words to guide you.
Be peace and free Namewee from any accusations that have been thrown to him.
You are right. Don't follow the crowd. I believe everyone here has the wisdom to differentiate what is right or wrong.
Anyway, if MCA wants to act as a "good" people and always be a yes man. Lets elect DAP (Rocket). At least DAP will speak up the unfair. DAP represents us.
Anonymous said...
[Q]its not just about the song..its about the VIDEO CLIP u STUPID MORON!!!!!!!
how come ur patriotic clip viewing SHIT????? bcoz u eat shits(pigs)..
PIG eat shits..and pork eater got shit brain..FCK ur patriotisme!!!!!![Q]
Pig does not eat shit. Go get better education, don't live under the well.
August 17, 2007 12:43 PM[Q]
From Wikipedia...
..Description and behavior
A pig has a snout for a nose, small eyes, and a small tail, which may be curly, kinked, or straight. It has a thick body and short legs. There are four toes on each foot, with the two large middle toes used for walking.
Pigs are omnivores, which means that they consume both plants and small animals. Pigs will scavenge and have been known to eat any kind of food, including dead insects, worms, tree bark, ROTTING CARCASSES, EXCRETA (including their own), GARBAGE and other pigs. In the wild, they are foraging animals, primarily eating leaves and grasses, roots, fruits and flowers. Occasionally, in captivity, pigs may eat their own young, often if they become severely stressed....
PM? Sleeping now. Wait for him to say something? "sau Pei" lah
Not long ago, his wife passed away. The newspapers said how much he loves his wife....not long ago, he married again...He should put more energy in managing the country. I bet Dr.M was blind that time to choose him to be the successor or may be he is so good in acting?
For those Malays who corrupted. They just say one word. "Saya minta maaf". Then everyone forget the issue.
This is not a big deal. What for they are so childish?
Only few months passed. So fast he married a new wife. Too lonely.
To jewsNOTeatingPork:
Then you must be a Chicken - Curry Chicken.
幸好,你用唱,哈哈。。 不然可大条了!
学了东西 准备回去报答国家...”
"At least the country let you choose and practice your own religion freely" - Hannah.
That is not correct. We can practice it but with strict conditions! And I think you are not aware how many indian temples were torn down by cruel force each year in malaysia.
If you eat cow then you are cow? ei... something wrong with your brain-ka?
From what i see in your lyrics, you are not trying to insult anyone ,you are just stating the facts of life in Malaysia.I think there's no need for them to overreact over this, instead they should listen to our plight and try to change for the better .We may critize a lot about our government but it's all for the love of our beloved country which we call home.This is just my personal opinion .
just a thought... we are all grown up and matured people (i hope all that has written here is) so we should think in a matured way.... Namewee had indeed made a mistake for publishing this song of his... but then again, what is the whole fuss of this videoclip? if indeed just a videoclip like this can bring back the problems of 513, then i should say that Malaysia is Truly Truly not Asia... but "katak di bawah tempurung" come on people... think think...
I've often heard from friends from other countries telling me how nice malaysia is... how peacefull malaysia is.... that is the front that the government puts up for the world to see.. but do i tell them that? no.. i simply say that there are pros and cons in each country... and they get the point...
i'm not sure if i heard it correctly or remember it correctly... but there was this news once where our Prime minister at that point of time... i'm not sure who said something about being in the prime minister's seat. i think he said that any race can be a prime minister.... provided that they convert to Islam.... how true is this... i'm not sure... but if it is to be true.... then Malaysia is actually not as fair at all...
but then again... since when is life ever fair? so to me... i respect namewee for his courage... applaud him for his exceptionally good singing and editing skills... and to those who are so narrow minded.... well.. just remain that way and Malaysia would eventually mayb hopefully be able to achieve wawasan 2020... but if that doesnt work... there could be wawasan 2030 or 2040 or 2050 or 3000 or 3030 or well...
Anonymous said...
To jewsNOTeatingPork:
Then you must be a Chicken - Curry Chicken.
August 17, 2007 4:57 PM[Q]
..r u stress??? ur kind shld b worried..
..AVOID PORK..learn Kosher or Halal..
ps: tell namewee too.. :)
haiya... u only can saw malaysia good malaysia boleh la...
if u say malaysia kanasai...
then they will die lo.
All ppl have to lie theirself to say malaysia good.
u say malaysia good = they give u loan
u say malaysia sai = they ask u pay them to settle or go penjara.
I love my contry!!
Anonymous said...
If you eat cow then you are cow? ei... something wrong with your brain-ka?
August 17, 2007 5:11 PM[Q]
..keep thinking..u will understand..will u.. unless u r pork lover..
Pork only d..
So scare about pork!
sob sob!
y must this be an issue of weather you are islam or not? y must we classify this as an islam country? Islam was brought in by whoever it is i dont want to know... but the fact that Laksamana Cheng Ho that came to malaysia from china is also islam... that should mean something right? its not islam that is giving everyone grief... its the people that is using it as an excuse to be on top of other people. I've used to think of migrating to other countries... but was told that i would be treated as a 2nd class citizen there... but isn't that what i'm being treated here in malaysia??? so what the heck... think guys think... malaysia will never ever be a free country as long as there are people out there using religion as an excuse for everything. China has almost half of their population who has embrased islam... and a few hundred years before malaysia... y not learn from them... hopefully we wont end up with everyone having to use a "bin" for our names... if u get what i mean.
..r u stress??? ur kind shld b worried..
..AVOID PORK..learn Kosher or Halal..
Why should I stress or worried? I eat what I like to eat.
namewee,i proud of you!!
Malaysia are multiregion country!
Tunku Abbdul Rahman also dun dare to say malaysia is islamic contry if he still alive!
In history, chinese,indian and other region ppl also have done alot of thing to fight for independent.
But nowadays, Malaysia become worst! the ratio between malay and non-malay become unbalance.
So,what they say non-malay have agree. If not, u will be catch and put in jail.
Remind: malaysia is NOT ISLAMIC COUNTRY
Who say Malaysia is ISLAMIC COUNTRY then he/she is not MALAYSIAN anymore caues he even his country history also dono.
Non-malay rocks!
切记!马华也是马带头的。。。 里面全是民族叛徒。。 莫信!
Anonymous said...
Pork only d..
So scare about pork!
sob sob!
August 17, 2007 5:34 PM[Q]
..oo mannn.., dont b so sad...
..let save the world..the earth..
Pig not guilty...
Read This If You Eat Pork..
..let save the SELAT MELAKA too..
haha...a real good one!!
i really wonder wat is the gov thinking...go hunt Mat Rempits inteasd of Ming Zhi!!!
Just like you say, 5am Azan is Islam ritual and It is a fact. Negerakuku also shows its as a culture in M'sia. Namewee does not complain it either. He said Azan sound like couple singing and some are lousy "singer". If referring to some are not doing a good job is insulting...I am really speechless.
"it's never an easy task to do even after 50 years later."
Check the alliance buddies who decide to leave Malaysia ...check the country around us... One that can not do better, simply that they do not have a mindset to move forward. They only think about their own benefit. Check China, managed by Chinese - Communist country, they start to move forward. Now, they are doing better than us. It is not about race. It is about management - management team with vision.
"At least the country let you choose and practice your own religion freely"
It is very wrong for Malay. They are forced to become Muslim. I have few Malay friends rather to stay in non-ISLAM country to have a freedom to choose the religion they believe.
Emperors or some politicians have been using religion as an excuse to gather people power to execute their plans. There were many incidents in China 5000 history. I have learned; I can distinguish what is right or what is wrong. Blindly follow the religion without understand it is not a wise decision.
brother..u betul betul bagus la..all chinese in Malayisa salute u..I think banyak orang setuju apa ynag u nyanyikan cuma bukan semua orang boleh terima kenyataan...kalau nak tangkap u..tangkap mat rempit dulu la..mereka pemusnah negara dan mereka juga perlu dilucutkan kewarganegaraan kerana tidak hormat undang-undang=menghina negara, tak hormat RUKUN NEGARA...fikir-fikirkan lah..
macam-macam orang bagi komen kat sini..ada yang memuji, ada yang mengutuk.. paling banyak mengutuk kempimpinan politik dan bangsa.
Sebenarnya semuanya sama je.. tak kira sapa yang naik dan memerintah.. mesti ada kepentingan sendiri.. BN ke .. DAP ke.. PAS ke.. semuanya sama. Siapa yang tak mahu senang. Kita semua bekerja keras untuk hidup senang..
Dah penat-penat maki hamun itu ini, orang tu orang ni, apa yang kita dapat.. He.. He.. sebenarnya semuanya nak lepas geram je.. bercakap selagi boleh.. sementara hati tengah panas membara sambil ditambah batu api dari segenap sisi.. nilah media yang paling bersesuaian agaknya.. biar semua orang tahu.. termasuk yang bukan Malaysian pun nak tumpang sekaki.. agaknya di Singapura tu mengamalkan dasar bebas bersuara juga ke? He.. He...
Ni ada yang sampai menghina agama dan bangsa ni apa cerita.. rasanya tak ada agama yang mengajar menghina agama lain.. "Bagi mu agama mu.. Bagi ku agama ku"
Dok cerita pasal tak puas hati dengan sistem yang ada.. lepas dah habis meluahkan perasaan ni ..berubah ke semuanya seperti yang kita hendak... Kalu kita sendiri kat tempat orang yang kita dok kata tu..adakah kita ni lebih baik?
Yang penting sekarang ni hidup aman damai, harmoni, makan pakai cukup.. hidup tak merempat tepi jalan, makan pakai tak minta simpati orang..
Yang penting anak-anak dapat membesar dalam suasana yang sihat sesama kaum.. Apa yang tersurat kekadang memang dah tersirat.. jadi HERO ke kita macam cerita kat barat tu mampu untuk merubah segalanya dalam sekelip mata..
Hargailah apa yang kita ada sekarang.. hormatilah agama dan adat sesama bangsa yang ada.. Atau kita lebih suka hidup dalam ketakutan dan kerisauan sepanjang hidup kita tanpa rasa selamat..
Pilihan dalam tangan kita..
Sepatutnya kita hormat negara kita, agama dan bangsa yang ada dalam negara kita.. Kalu tiada rasa hormat apa gunanya kita mengaku kita ini MALAYSIAN..
Kita ni pun hidup belum tentu lama.. tapi apa yang kita tinggalkan untuk generasi baru apa? Kesengsaraan dan dendam kesumat.. Patutke begitu..
Selama ini dengan ketidakadilan yang kita rasa, dah mati ke kita??
Rasanya kita makin tabah dan makin berusaha agar generasi kita akan lebih bernasib baik..
Menzahirkan rasa tak puas hati biarlah kena pada tempatnya dan caranya.. janganlah sampai menghina tanah tumpah darah kita.. jangan lah menghina rakan-rakan yang ada di sekitar kita.. Sudah menjadi bodohkah kita kerana buta hati dan rasa kita..
Siapa yang akan gembira.. mereka yang diluar MALAYSIA KU TERCINTA ni lah yang bertepuk tangan .. Menjadi kaya ke kita dengan memaki semasa sendiri?
Adakah boleh dipadamkan api dengan minyak tanah.. Berbuat silap adalah manusia bisa.. mengaku kesilapan adalah wira yang sebenarnya.. BERANI KE KITA MENGAKU KESILAPAN KITA?
Dengan mengata pemerintah yang ada .. makin bertambah ke gaji kita? Makin besar ke pangkat kita? Makin maju ke business kita?
Pilihan kan ditangan kita, akal pun kita punya, jadi keputusan pun milik kitalah..
不用回去那个失败的第3 世界国家了啦,我们台湾吃得饱,穿得好,美女任你泡呢。把你的家人也接来这住吧。我们台湾和美国都自持你,保护你的。要抓明志,看看谁的战机,坦克厉害吧!
I don't see anything wrong with your song with Negaraku as background to reenforce your love to the country.
But wait. Is this another master plan manipulated purposely? What if Badawi down and who is taking over? Would take be better? I can only see Malaysia is deterioting. With the song or w/o the song, it make no different with the country situation. But perhaps it just help to speed up things to get worst.
The intention is good but could an unwise intention make things getting worst? Only the future can tell.
If you realize that your intention is unwise (which can't tell with our current intelligence), then think it over & over again for your next action. Ask yourself is your next action be like this that could cause other into trouble. Those who are going to be affected by your action should not have to blame an unwise action (should that be). But what about those who could blame on you?
Like I said you can only improve your next action to be wiser. Pray or whatever after think & consult. This way you can face the future stronger and better.
Malaysian, Voted Against!万众一心,投反对票!
运动名称:2008 年“万众一心,投反对票”运动
The Truth,
Thousand of Chinese and India citizens in Malaysia were issued "RED ID CARD", eventhough they're "BORN & RISE" in Malaysia !
The Truth,
Guess, who is most eligible and possible to get "Malaysia Green Card" ?
Applicant A,
Professional & graduated from Harvard, but he is a Chinese maybe India or something else lah...
Applicant B,
BTC, Uneducated villager from Indonesia (must be SAME kind ok.) maybe jobless but got house an car (u know how )....
Result, Congratulation Applicant B, you are what we looking for and Big Welcome.
The Truth,
Our unbeatable government try all they can to maintain their empire through the majority votes ssss.
嗨,我会为你祈祷的!希望上苍宽恕你, Insha allah!
To Namewee,
huhu..let me make it clear, i'm a malay, 30 yrs old.. i found out the song is disrespectful towards all malaysians..maybe u have a good intention but what about the u ever a thought for a second u may inflict a tragedy?...i don't deny part of your msgs in the song are true..but please be reasonable towards religious sensitivity.. maybe to your logical mind Azan is an ordinary thing but we r serious about it, u should know that azan in Islam must be performed with sincerity and there are no rules that it should be performed with a good advice, please don't criticise Islam bcoz to me it's the major talking point to malays..the other points maybe debatable but not religious matters..u should first know about Islam..b4 u spread any more tensions to the Malaysians..hope u will take note about this..tq
to all the replies i got for my previous post:
from: Justice.. !!!
This is for Alisa,
Who step on your tail? Is not the stereotype matter.
Check.. Be clear. Why is it the quota system still exist? If Babis are not depending on government.
Keep your BIG mouth sharp before comentting.
Ofcourse, we are glad you DO NOT depend on government. I hope your bangsa will learn from you. Don't always carry the "Tongkat".This isnt call success if you are carrying the tongkat. Always blame we owe you.
from: oversea student
[Quote]Good for you that you are able to make it on your own without the help from Government; however, do you know that Government only helps bumiputra to further their study? There are 400+ government sponsors students enroll to the University that I attended every year. None of them is non-bumiputra. We are not stereotyping anyone and it is not bumiputra student fault. We are talking about Government policy.[/Quote]
from: anonymous
Have you ever read newspaper regarding a Chinese Student who scored 4As in STPM and never got admitted into local uni for medical course. Her family has to spend their own pocket money to send her to oversea for medical study.
4As in STPM. Can you get? Can Malays get? If they do, don't go to meticulation.
Because of the quota system, most Chinese has to spent money to further education. It doesn't mean that Chinese is rich like you can afford the study in Canada.
reply to all:
Yes I am aware of all of that. And yes, I resented every single thing. I am not happy with the education policy here too (hence, me studying abroad). I resented it too because I got all A's for my SPM (that's all 10 A's) and I didn't get any kind of funding from the government. (because they claimed that my family is already 'well-off') I don't come from a wealthy family. We are probably middle class (which is to say, we're doing 'not bad').
I got accepted into one of the local universities but in a course program that I've never chose (as usual, the ineffectiveness of the local education system - they expect ot just dump you in and you'd just have to agree =_=). I then went to Taylor's to further my education only sad to know that they ripped my (dad's) money off. Furious with how things work (in BOTH the local AND private sectors) my parents decided that it'd be at least a good investment to just send me abroad, even though they have enough only to send me here for my first year... and that's all of their savings. and yet i still dont get any kind of funding. i rely heavily on getting an entrance shcolarship every year from my university here.
do i feel resented with malaysia's education system (both locally and privately)? yes, I DO. very much. however, i still DO realize that there are many more (and i DO realize that most of them are non-bumis) that experience the same thing. and some of them could even come from a lower middle class and such. because of that i dont complain as much. i know there are more ppl who deserve it too. and i have some other malay friends who did excellent in their studies and didnt get fundings because of various reasons (even though some of them came from a 'just surviving' class). so when i said stop stereotyping, i meant to say: "dude/dudette, you are not the only ppl who are not treated fairly. there ARE some bumis (surprise, surprise) that are going through the same thing you are now and we know exactly how you feel."
i know majority of the bumis got fundings and get accpeted into local U's and i know why this can spark off angers (heck i'm malay and i think the whole system is just crap too)... but i know a lot of other bumis who are experiencing the same thing as i am right now and you've never heard from us, why? because we are the minority off the 'majority' group. they dont listen to us too - the same way they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear over non-bumis.
i know how unfair the edu system in msia is, what with the quota system esp. but to say that the (i'm guoting from one of you) "government only help bumiputras to further their studies" is one way to stereotyping something. i'm bumi and no, the govt have nothing to do wth my education.
while it is none of the non-bumis fault to make such statement, i still feel resented (so as some of my malay friends). here we are being overlooked by our govt, AND being brushed off by the non-malays because they thought all the malays got priviledges while you have a living proof here that that's not entirely true. that's what i meant by "stop stereotyping".
as far as msia edu system goes: i do not agree with it, just like any of you. most of the malay students who got the PTPTA loan don't even need it. they spent it on clothes, electronic gadgets and heck, even paid a downpayment for a car. i think that's unfair AND stupid. i've heard about chinese/indian students who did exceptionally great in their studies but the govt just didnt care about them and focused on feeding the spoilt malay brats.
so you see? i am aware of the unjust that's going on... but at the same time, the minority off the majority group like us feel it too from the non-bumis, to make a statement that overlooked us. you know how it feels kan? same thing here la.
i wonder if the whole edu system can be voted off if we petitioned against it?
All the best. Love your song, love the content, love the facts. Hope things will be alright for you.
*bace d lyric* 0_0
haha!tat is soooo true! but mebe sum of ur word is a lil bit mean~ but @d same time, its funny~! haha!
imma malay~ but i dun feel terhina or anythin~i mean..its juz a song~ like duuhh!
anyway, just hope ure doin ok~ n abaikan wuteve they say to u k?
P/s: gler best ur voice~ masuk one in a million lar! selambe je~haha!
gosh love the way you sing brother, hope your doing good. Whatever it is just want to let you know that I got your backs and I believe most people are. You rock =)
Anonymous said...
嗨,我会为你祈祷的!希望上苍宽恕你, Insha allah!
August 17, 2007 10:13 PM
上面的﹐漢麗寶什麼時候來的? 馬六甲王朝?
帶來了很多中國隨從....上面的﹐鄭和什麼時候下西洋? 那個時候海軍那麼強大﹐為什麼不要侵入呢﹐太婦人之仁了﹐害到現在有野狗到處亂叫...葡萄牙人﹐荷蘭人...ETC 誰先來??? 土著=土生土長。 不要連一個VOCAB 也要瞎掰...字典人人都有一本。除非你去改全世界的字典。
切记!马华也是马带头的。。。 里面全是民族叛徒。。 莫信! "
In the coming 50 years, i wish all the UMNO members when got new UMNO baby born, wish all baby dont have "backside"!!!
Extremely talented and interesting guy. This song cause many 风风雨雨,coz they are simply too shalow to understand the lyrics within. Many will be defending u, many will be stabbing u. THAT's LIFE MAN! u cant make everyone to like u.
Obviously, he is Muslim "祈祷,上苍". He is not a Chinese for sure because Malaysia Chinese always see Malaysia is their only country.
Call somebody grandfather is his/her own. What a shame.
To alisa,
I know how it feel being a minority in majority group.
We need your help. Malaysia can only have brighter future when we could have trained and educated the best/excellent students. Of course, we have to take care those who are not in that class. (I'm glad to see Malaysia has more colleges than before). Not only that, we need to attract more talented people to join the nation, to build the nation, to educate the nation (Our ancestors come from different part of world many many years ago). After all, it is a land for everyone come to contribute and build a harmony home.
Thank you for stepping up. I hope to see more educated Malay like you who are thinking nation as priority instead of race and personal interest.
I support what you have done. You have say out the truth. Those who treaten you are eeally stupid.
Keep up the good word on saying out the thruth. Do not believe on MCA anymore as they do not protect you and your family as they agree with what the Cabinet say. They are part of the Cabinet.
I hope I have the power as KIRA to write down their name so that they can have a heart attack.
saya melayu islam
i like this song...
sapa makan cili dia rasa pedasnya
sapa makan rasuah dia rasa haramnya
wa caya samalu
For all the problems you are going through now, remember that there are lots of others who support you.
When I finally saw the translation of your lyrics, I was struck by how true and well written it was. To me, you are an incredibly brave person, who has done justice to the country. You have brought light to issues that has been swept under the rug countless of times by the Malaysian government. Discussions opened by by your song is just one step in the long journey of bringing Malaysia foward but it is nevertheless, a step.
Thank you, for your song, and keep your head high always. I sincerely believe that you love your country, those that have gave you flak over the matter are only insecure, thus cannot handle the truth.
actually i think some of the things are true and motivating to certain people.
*no offense malaysia*
but then the nation is not open enough to receive those comments openly.
anyhow, maybe the use of national anthem for your production is not a wise move though..
haha. but after all. you are talented and you are good man!
Nazri.. balik kampung lah. tak ada otak.
Just saw the MV today, while I think you did broke the law, musically it is beautiful, interesting and was done quite tastefully. I am a Malay, knew Mandarin a bit.
I think you owe it to general Malaysian public to redo the MV, remove all (or what people thought to be) seditious content (especially about Kuku and Azan-call to prayer) and do a GOOD version, with government approval of course. Maybe can do English version too. The government did do an RnB version not so long ago.
Malaysia do have a lot of problem, that I agree but the anthem must be protected.
Halo People, my name is A.Badawi ...I think your song is great and really tells the truth of how the goverment in Malaysia runs to make the minority races work hard to feed the majority race, so that the majority race can continue to hold onto their tongkat and shake legs...anyway, for the past 50 years it has been so and I think it is the duty of goverment of anytime to do so....the goverment is also doing the utmost effort to reduce the percentage of so called 'non-Bumi' by letting the illegal uneducated Indonesians imigrants stay, and force the top elite highly educated 'non-Bumi' out of the country. The purpose is very simple....the so called 'bumi' just wants love the nature and like to go back to live in the tree-house in the forest.
Oh...thats all from me...I going back to my room NEW wife waiting for me...Woohooo!!!
bodoh punya cina...
baik kena buang negara...
Goverment take care of BUMIPUTERA more because they are the NATIVES of the land...tak macam cina dan keling datang, xde tanah buat tempat sendiri!
bodoh punya cina...
baik kena buang negara...
Goverment take care of BUMIPUTERA more because they are the NATIVES of the land...tak macam cina dan keling datang, xde tanah buat tempat sendiri!
bodoh punya melayu....
baik balik ke tanah melayu lah...
We are NATIVES of Sabah & Sarawak land...buat apa kamu punya orang datang sini menjajah kita oh...?
Kita x suka kamu orang datang sini mengorek sumber petroleum tanah kita, ini Sabah & Sarawak land not belongs to your Malay...Get out from Sabah & Sarawak lah!!!!
Bodoh melayu!!!!!!
Remember what our late Tun Hussein Onn said after Bank Bumi lost RM850million: " Call ourselves Malay and not bumiputra." I agreed with our beloved late PM, dun disgracee other bumiputras esp. the Sabahan & Sarawakian. You want to corrupt and rot , go ahead but dun disgrace all the bumiputras.
明志 加油..
馬來豬有種一點啦..別那麼 "俗辣"
I am a Singaporean. Heard you rap describing Singapore. (Kawanku) Just have a good laugh.
How come Malaysian Malay can be so serious about Negarakuku? Take it easy la bang!
"I am a Singaporean. Heard you rap describing Singapore. (Kawanku) Just have a good laugh."
Luckily, Singapore Government is civilized unlike the one across a river.
"Malaysia do have a lot of problem, that I agree but the anthem must be protected."
Yes, Nation anthem must be protected. The lyrics and meaning can not be changed.
Namewee neither changes a single word nor the meaning in anthem portion. He is not guilty at all count. Dismiss.
I saw some of the comments have been deleted. Why? Something sensitive and not supportive to you?
Perhaps in this few days, people might support you, but over the long term i can assure you that your life will be in misery. You will be hunt, your family will be hunt, nobody whose related to you even slightest will be hunt. Therefore, you have created a problem to yourself and your friends related to you. Happy watching.. Got it?
I saw some of the comments have been deleted. Why? Something sensitive and not supportive to you?
Perhaps in this few days, people might support you, but over the long term i can assure you that your life will be in misery. You will be hunt, your family will be hunt, nobody whose related to you even slightest will be hunt. Therefore, you have created a problem to yourself and your friends related to you. Happy watching.. Got it?
bodoh punya cina...
baik kena buang negara...
Goverment take care of BUMIPUTERA more because they are the NATIVES of the land...tak macam cina dan keling datang, xde tanah buat tempat sendiri!
bodoh punya melayu....
baik balik ke tanah melayu lah...
We are NATIVES of Sabah & Sarawak land...buat apa kamu punya orang datang sini menjajah kita oh...?
Kita x suka kamu orang datang sini mengorek sumber petroleum tanah kita, ini Sabah & Sarawak land not belongs to your Malay...Get out from Sabah & Sarawak lah!!!!
Hi wee! i hope ur doing fine, wherever u are. 1st of all, i think what u've done here should deserve a little applause as you really had guts to pull such a stunt. seriously.
i agree with the fact that we chinese have not and will never be treated fairly here in m'sia. and what exasperates me is tt when we raise these kinda issues, all the malays can ever say is, "go back to china"
well fuck you.
im a 16 year old chinese girl. im very smart(its ok u dont hv to believe me)and very hardworking. so i happen to be studying in a government school(smk) because my parents dont hv so much money to place me into a private one.
so anyway, this is what the teachers do...
i, for one qualified to represent my school for the chemistry quiz, together with another 2 chinese boys. here's what they did...
the fucking malay bitch took my out of the team, simply because she says that this is malaysia, so must be "berbilang kaum" and replaced me with a malay boy.
well FUCK YOU.
what fucking berbilang kaum??!! it's a quiz for god sake, how can u simply take someone out of the school team, just because the team has too many chinese in it??
i cried my eyes out that day. i was devastated.
fuck. all i can say is, can anyone, pls pls pls give me a name of a smart pure malay??? u cant. i cant.
what the similarity between a brilliant man and superman???
well. they dont exist. =)
Anonymous said...
aku pegawai kerajaan dan aku akan bagi semua tender kpd melau.semua aduan dari cina aku tongsampahkan...kami mau bunuh semua cina...dan rogol macam di indonesia..
Reply: We already got ATOM BOM, if you berani buat, we will make all your terriorists hungus di bumi Tanah Melayu! (Mcm mongolian girl)
By then your name can only be found at History book!
Ok, everyone. Lets steer back to the real argument - the government. Don't turn this into a racial issue. Then government is probably relieved the attention is being taken away from them. Both the Chinese and Malays are lovely people, and I think most of you know it. The best thing anyone can do is vote, don't let our country go straight to hell! I will definitely be voting once I turn legal.
Dear Namewee,
You have not insulted their UGAMA
what you wrote are FACTS about life here in Malaysia!
May GOD bless you !
No point to come back to Malaysia
Migrate to a better country in the West
We love & admire you !
from owlee
aku pegawai kerajaan dan aku akan bagi semua tender kpd melau.semua aduan dari cina aku tongsampahkan...kami mau bunuh semua cina...dan rogol macam di indonesia..
Kami juga lama menunggu peluang membunuh semua melayu...
Allah telah mengizinkan kita membunuh manusia stupid macam kamu secara besar besaran!
Menurut Allah, ia amat kesal kerana memberi kehidupan kepada manusia yg jahat macam kamu wujud di dunia ini, Menurut Allah juga, ia sudah menghukum orang Indonesia jahat, dengan menjatuhkan TSUNAMI kepada mereka pada tahun 2004.
Sekarang sampailah giliran kamu punya orang!
good reminder for those who left the country. All but stating the reality. May god bless you and your family. And hope MY government do some real work to reduce crime and eradicate corruption!
"Perhaps in this few days, people might support you, but over the long term i can assure you that your life will be in misery. You will be hunt, your family will be hunt, nobody whose related to you even slightest will be hunt. Therefore, you have created a problem to yourself and your friends related to you. Happy watching.. Got it?"
LOL, stop the BS. Show your identity. We will hunt you. If not, stop nonsense here.
Kalu nak maki hamun pun kenapa nak kena guna isu agama
Yang bukan muslim pun pandai-pandai menggunakan nama Allah
Yang masalah sistem yang ada .. ni kenapa lak nak maki hamun bangsa dan agama ni
ni ke yang dikatakan manusia yang maju dan berfikiran tinggi
rata-rata yang menulis ni macam berpelajaran tinggi.. tapi kalu asyik nak maki hamun macam tu baik masuk sekolah tadika balik
kalu ya pun nak debate pasal sistem, jangan jadi BODOH cakap yang bukan-bukan.. betul ke pegawai kerajaan.. betul ke rata-rata yang menulis ni pandai.. ingat nyawa orang suka-suka nak amik, ingat nyawa orang kat tangan sesiapa ke..
dahlah bahasa memasing tak menunjukkan mutu bangsa..
Agaknya kalu panggil yang cakap bukan-bukan tu semua BODOH marah tak???
So gunalah akal sebelum menulis, bukan nak menambahkan lagi pepecahan yang sedia ada
Tsk ada ayat lain lage ke nak tulis, asyik ko balik sana .. ko pulak balik sini.. Korang ni semuanya sapa.. bukan MALAYSIAN ke.. yang dari luar pun pandai -pandai lak memuji negara dia.. Tulah aku tanya Singapore tu mengamalkan dasar bebas bersuara ke yang pepandai je dia nak cakap suruh orang cool..
Cakap benda lain boleh lagi terima, tapi kalu isi agama dan tidak menghormati kedaulatan negara jangan main-main, komplain sistem dah lah.. jangan nak merapu yang lelain..
Ni bukan nak bagi baik ni nak bagi lebih buruk..banyak sungguh batu api kat dalam ni..
Just seek asylum somewhere and your talent is appreciated.
Oh my god. .... Meng Chee, you really are Wong Fei Hong reborn.... Superman in reality ... We are proud of you...
Gua sebagai ketua bolis pun kia see tak mau tangkap Razak Baginda in Mogolian girl case, tapi boh huat tor ru si Cina gua hendak make this issue to divert the public to you instead of Razak case, else my boss Najib not happy ...
他們今次回來也想多瞭解“第二家園計劃”。經此事件後,他們打消原意。 (星洲互動•2007.08.19)
Scare investor away...
OK, it’s the Bumis’ turn now
Say that shit again lah;
Chinese go back to China!
If we all do go back
This isn’t Malaysia anymore
I worry about how you’ll find jobs
But, hey that’s fine lah!
Cause Malays don’t like to work either!
All of you can go back into the jungle and
live like the ‘Sakai’. Even if you want to play guitar
There’s no shop either. Even if you want to be “Mat Rempit”
There’s no motorcycle either.
Less one holiday for you that’s because no Chinese New Year!
Stop bitching already lah, kids, open your minds.
There’s not just one race in this country
“Chinese are pigs?”
Stop saying such shit lah
But to be frank Bak Kut Teh is very tasty lah!
My Bahasa Melayu is as bad as shit!
But yeah, that’s my true feeling.
50 years has passed since
but you are still sleeping everyday!
Look up ahead lah! 2020!
[全部人都知道事實是什麼, 只有那些
i hope sum1 would read tis or realise tis...
every1 is saying thy'l support namewee on his blog.. but who dare to step out n talk? tink bout it..
namewee.. u're truely a chinese hero.. no doubt.. but wat can i do is jz giving u morally support..
the election is near n tis yr lets wish for the best.. n not lik 130569 (513 1969)..
namewee, jz wanna let u noe i view all ur vid 1st hand ^^ esp muar chinese n negarakuku.. i can almost rap all dem out.. im so big fan of rnb n rap.. n i found u ROCKS!!
ur my idol!!
在這件事上面, 我更加肯定了解到馬政的作風...兩個字:黑暗
明志, 無論最後你的決定是怎樣...
我支持你!! 別放棄!!
馬來人因為要有利益, 所以愛國.
華人因為要生存, 所以才愛國...
華人一 華西亞, 馬來人一 馬來西亞.
u sien ar??? hero??? wtf??? common bro...
if u r really a man.. dun move away from malaysia... stay here.. and wait for ur punishment.. yups.. as a man :)
Negaraku, Negarakuku
My Country, My Negaraku
For those who said that Azan MUST be performed... Did you wake up at 5am in weekends to perform your Azan? >.< Even if u need to wake up only at 7am to reach your office at 9am, will u wake up at 5am to perform ur Azan?
Do u think that performing Azan with "loudspeaker" at 5am is reasonable?
LOL said...
"I am a Singaporean. Heard you rap describing Singapore. (Kawanku) Just have a good laugh."
Luckily, Singapore Government is civilized unlike the one across a river.
August 19, 2007 6:01 AM[Q]
Yeahh...TOO CIVILIZED..will sue anybody till BANKRUPTCY if dare to speak truth and critic their government.. SINGAPORE..really NEGARAKUKU.. long live LKY..drink ur NEWATER,shitwater.. and still want 2 pay cheap 4 water supply frm malaysia..huhuu..
Anonymous said...
aku pegawai kerajaan dan aku akan bagi semua tender kpd melau.semua aduan dari cina aku tongsampahkan...kami mau bunuh semua cina...dan rogol macam di indonesia..
August 19, 2007 11:08 AM[Q0
hehee.., I bet you r not malay.. you just pretend malay/pegawai kerajaan.. you are just human with animal heart..poor your parent..
我們好棒的明志! 加油ㄛ~~
別氣餒, 音樂本身就是我們生活中的寫照. 比起破喉走音政客們的嗓門確有意思得多了.
在台灣GTV報導了"祖國"對這首歌的大反應後, 心想因該是引用"誰嚐辣椒,何辣自知"最為恰而不過了. 那怕是榴槤劍豬, 不敢剖就別再外頭搞小嚷嚷.
MATA,KOPI-O,MORNING-CALL...曾經一路陪我們成長. 在台灣的日子裡,沒有了它,確有些懷念.如今聽了您的歌, 警覺那才是我們獨一ㄨㄦ的馬來西亞. 謝謝明志.
如果沒有不公平的制度, 不會有更強的華人. 沒有可愛的馬來人, 也許我們得生活是那麼枯燥無味. 沒有一個胡鬧得體的國, 也許聽不到這首好歌了.
aku pegawai kerajaan dan aku akan bagi semua tender kpd melau.semua aduan dari cina aku tongsampahkan...kami mau bunuh semua cina...dan rogol macam di indonesia.. ??????
ALLAH sedang tunggu kamu. Buat lah. Kamu keluar dan kereta langgar. Makan nasi akan mati. Tidur and Mimpi dan mati pun
Anonymous said...
在這件事上面, 我更加肯定了解到馬政的作風...兩個字:黑暗
明志, 無論最後你的決定是怎樣...
我支持你!! 別放棄!!
馬來人因為要有利益, 所以愛國.
華人因為要生存, 所以才愛國...
華人一 華西亞, 馬來人一 馬來西亞.
August 20, 2007 2:09 AM
Anonymous said...
bodoh punya cina...
baik kena buang negara...
Goverment take care of BUMIPUTERA more because they are the NATIVES of the land...tak macam cina dan keling datang, xde tanah buat tempat sendiri!
August 18, 2007 8:11 PM
Ha..Ha..Ha..Native of the land? Ha...Ha...Ha...
Then, u sendiri cari makan, jangan minta sungguh-sungguh, janganlah minta 'percentage of shares' dan 'at least a bumi director' from us mah!
Kalau Cina semua pergi dari sini, I berasa bimbang u 'native of the land' akan mati kebuluran.
u telling the truth, i agreed.
Namewee.....we support u...dun worry...nice song....
Namewee.....we support u...dun worry...nice song....
hahahaha!哪一个这么可爱的部长为了更改国歌说出了要对付youtube?笑死了,原来马来西亚那么'boleh'的。他那么了不起哦!真是又闹笑话部长。一会儿有了不起的政治人物说话没经过脑筋的侮辱女性。(马六甲野新拿督mohamad xxx)省点吧!身为国家的政治人物都没好榜样。还草草道歉了就一了百了。明志也道歉了阿!
买屋子,工程都是只归他们自己的同胞。想要住大屋子请靠自己的努力吧!干嘛要别人施舍?还闹什么学校若一年购书有超过一万也要归回他们的同胞公司。每天都只会等别人送钱进口袋。当然买屋子也没钱咯!还要暂优选权。没钱不要买拉!是的有可爱的马来朋友才会有更强的华人。malaysia boleh还不是靠华人的血汗。
1 song can make the whole malaysian turn against chinese, no wonder Singapore is WAY AHEAD of us. If this songs was created by USA citizen, Malaysia government will not dare to say a word. If you got so much time, please take care of the 'Indonesian' rapist first ok? Protect our safety
他们生活变得变得更多火花 更多灿烂的火花
是因华人的血汗 是因华人带来他们的希望
给了他们全家人知道 不要放弃 不要担心
我的妈妈就是你的外婆的钱 你知道吗
就等于你是我的家人 等于我家人
”华人朋友”请你不要放弃 人生也许捱不过去 有我们陪你走下去
Siapa 是你吗? 到底谁会疼爱我啦 为什么我一个
Mengapa Dimana 是否爱会存在的啊 Siapa disana
Siapa 是你吗? 到底谁会疼爱我啦 为什么我一个
Mengapa Dimana 是否爱会存在的啊 Siapa disana
温力铭 Siapa借用你的词咯!
If this songs was created by USA citizen, Malaysia government will not dare to say a word. If you got so much time, please take care of the 'Indonesian' rapist first ok? Protect our safety
yaya i agreed also.就因为这首歌是华人写的。要是他们的同胞写的还会被报道成创意了得。safety现在对他们都不重要拉!面子现在被人拆下又被说种了才重要啊!要快快掩饰嘛!
This is just another typical case, once again it demonstrates our government have no intellectual ability to distinguish between critical honest views and offensive. This lesson teaches us be clear with who you vote in this coming election!!
Case 1: Khairy Jamaluddin (PM son-in law)
“The internal split within Umno will weaken the party’s position and this will pave way for the Chinese Malaysians to make various demands to benefit their community.” He make the racist statements but at the end he blame the media who misinterpret his meanings. He is using the ‘Chinese bogeyman’ to distract attention from his own personal woes and allegations of corruption and insider-trading. Is he been deal with?? The answer is No...
Case 2: Kinabatangan MP Datuk Bung Moktar Radin and Jasin MP Datuk Mohd Said Yusof ("Leak once a Month")
Both had equated the leaking parliament roof to Fong Po Kuan’s (DAP-Batu Gajah) monthly menstruation." You also leak once a month," both said during a noisy session when the DAP demanded to know how parliament could spring leaks so soon after it was refurbished. They insult all women in the world, and only apologised after being pressured. Again, it demonstrates our leaders are brainless, this has taken them to the eye of the world! Proud enough?
And now NameWee is singing out the FACT. He's telling the truth ..but they are planning to sue him...This is what we so-called MALAYSIA-BOLEH!
They are practising double standard!
"u sien ar??? hero??? wtf??? common bro...
if u r really a man.. dun move away from malaysia... stay here.. and wait for ur punishment.. yups.. as a man :)"
Pakai Otak boleh tak? A man is dare to speak up, a man is dare to admit what he is doing.
Take a mirror look at yourself before writing.
Wawasan 202o. IT'S JUST A DREAM. Let's make a comparison between Singapore and Malaysia as we started off on almost equal footing.
1. Why 1 Sing Dollar is worth 2.3 Ringgit?
2. Why Singapore police and teachers are well paid and our teachers and police force are having low paid? My Burmese general worker earns more than double a new police recruit.
The police really have a raw deal as they do not have decent pay and housing as compared to their scrifice.
3. Why Singapore has such a big reserve and first world infrastructure and has been considered as a developed country? While we still cannot have a decent public transport system in KL after all the billions that have been spent?
4. Their universities are world class while ours are no class with unemployable graduates?
5. They have decent housing for all their citizens while our low cost housing are like shit.
Just compare what the government has delivered since independence.
The fact is that UMNO has mismanaged our country. We have more natural and human resources than Singapore and they are globally well-known while we are still a third world country.
How can the government says they cannot afford pay rise for the police. They have got their priority wrong.
The billions spent on Putrajaya would be better spent on the police and teachers. This is just one of the examples.
The millions has been wasted on National Service to fatten the
pocket of Najib and gang would be better spent on the police.
The millions spent on Rakan Muda would be better spent on police.
Wake up all Malaysians. UMNO is our problem. Not the Malays, Chines, Indian or PAS, religious issues. All these are tactics used by UMNO to blind us. Please wake up.
Namewee loves his country, he uses Negaraku as sampling
Namewee loves respect his country. he neither change nor modify the contents of Negaraku.
LPF U-version
Negarakuku - aku punya negaraku
Please pakai otak before you listen.
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